Intergroup relations & prejudice Flashcards
Devines 2 step model of stereotyping processing
- High prejudice
2. Low prejudice
High prejudice
Stereotype activated –> persons belief matches stereotypes & BIAS OCCURS
Low prejudice
Stereotype activated–> persons belief does not match stereotype=resources are available, bias DOES NOT occur
Doctors & Preventative Measures (Green, 2007) Results
Doctors with higher implicit bias against blacks were less likely to suggest preventative procedure for black patient compared to white patient
Stereotyping Maintenance
- Out-group homogeneity
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Sub-typing
- Hypotheses-testing search
- Threat & Competition
Stereotyping Maintenance: Out-group homogeneity
Belief that out group are all the same
Stereotyping Maintenance: Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Stereotype
- Act to confirm stereotype
- Stereotype confirmed
Stereotyping Maintenance: Sub-typing
The “exception” from the outgroup
Stereotyping Maintenance: Hypotheses-testing search
• Have hypotheses (stereotype), & confirm by what they search for.
Social Categorization
• classifications of ppl into groups based on common atributes
In groups
groups we identify with
out groups
groups other than our own
Social Dominance
desire to see in group as dominant
Stereotype Maintenance: Threat & Competition
Increase stereotype endorcement
Social Identity Theory (Taijfel; Turner. 1979)
- Social Identity, Self concept & Self esteem (define ourselves in terms of group membership)
- Need for positive distinctiveness
- We seek group distinctiveness
Minimal group experiment results
• ppl gave more $ to unidentified group members, often at the cost of maximizing absolute gains to the in-group.
Common in group identity model:
• To the extent that members of diff groups can conceive as a part of a whole group relationships will be improved. (e.g: positive attitudes, empathy, helping, cooperation, self-disclosure)
- Common Identity (we)
- Two groups in one ( us & them)
- Separate groups (us vs them)
Manchester united fans results
more likely to help a person wearing a manchester united shirt.
Soccer fans results
Equally helped soccer fans, but not ordinary person.
Context is dependent on “we”: Results in David & Turner (1999)
When jst women modern feminust moved away from the radical pro-fem group
Aversive Racism in Gaertner & davido (1986)
- When vicitim was alone= recieved help, even more help than white ppl received.
- When others are present = less help
Aversive Racism Results in Dovido (2000)
- Really strong or really weak qualification = no discrimination
- Ambiguous qualifications= blacks hired less
Exploration of the impact of subtle racial/ethnic expressions of prejudice
• Small every day subtle forms of prejudice (e.g: where you from?)
Aversive Racism
- Clear norms= non prejudice behavior
* Unclear norms= anxiety, prejudice behavior
Stereotype threat
If one wants to do good, the threat of being judged is effecting their performance
Steele & Aronson (1995); Stereotype Threat
- Results: when labeled as problem solving: did same
- when labeled as an iq test: blacks did worst bc of the stereotype that blacks do poorer on iq test
- gender differences in math exam: women’s score drop
- no gender differences: about the same scores
Theory for intergroup contact; contact hypotheses
• positive contact can reduce intergroup prejudice
How does positive contact work to reduce intergroup prejudice?
(a) reducing anxiety associated with outgroup
(b) reducing stereotype views of ourgroup
Contact can take place in 1 or 2 forms in intergroup relationships
- Interventions: in a structured environment
* Interpersonal: contact that occurs in daily interactions btwn ppl.
Majority group members in contact in intergroup relations
Desire to speak of what they have in common
Minority group members in contact in intergroup relations
desire to speak of what they have in common & desire to speak of inequality
Stereotype inoculation (prevention) model: Dasgupta (2011)
- Contact with successful in group experts & peers can function as a social vaccine that inoculates individuals from stereotype threat effects
- Necessary criteria: contact beneficial when there is a sense of connection/identification with the ingroup expert
- Results: positive attitudes towards achievements in domain, greater id with domain, increase self-efficacy (desire to produce desired result)
System justification theory
• ppl motivated to defend & justify existing social, political & economic conditions
Stereotype content model
- Competence
- Warmth
(e. g: elderly - high in warmth & low in competence
superordinate goal
shared goal that can only be with cooperation among individuals or groups
Realistic conflict theory
theory that hostility btwn groups is caused by competition for limited resources
Relative deprivation
Comparing yourself & believing you are worst off
Ingroup favortism
• discrimination in favor of in group
Illusionary correlation
• overestimating the extent to which variables are slightly correlated or not correlated at all
Jigsaw classroom
•learning method used to reduce intergroup prejuce in the classroom
- each group gets subtopic
- all come together & teach material
- everybody is needed to succeed= no prejudice