definition of intelligence
- unlikely to be a single entity or construct
- what is considered intelligent maybe socially constructed idea
- intelligence can be broadly defined as the ability to acquire knowledge, to think and reason affectively and to deal with the environment
Approaches to intelligence
Psychometirc approach
is when the research and this is a battery of tests to a sample, quantified them by how many stands they got correct, actually and speed and then you statistics to see if they are related to one another (quantitative approach)
Cognitive process approach
Identify components of intelligence, how intelligence expressed
Spearmans G factor
Two factor theory of intelligence
General intelligence-g (underlines factor)
Specific components-s (learned ability)
G factor can predict academic and employment success
Thurstones 7 primary abilities
- disagreed with g factor
- 7 distinct and primary abilities
- 1.Space reasoning about spatial information
2.verbal comprehension and understanding verbal statements-language
3Word fluency producing verbal statements
4. Number facility dealing with numbers
5perception of speed recognising visual patterns
6.rote memory memorisation
7. Reasoning dealing with novel problems
Crystallised and fluid intelligence
Raymond cantell and John horn
Extended spearmans G factor and propose that it was comprised of two components
fluid intelligence (gf) - when you come to a new problem and don’t have experience with it, but using your working memory to work it
Crystallised intelligence (gc) Info learnt through experience about the world. as age increases, experience increases
Triarchric theory of intelligence
Robert Sternberg
Intelligent underpinned by three components
Meta-components (analyse problems)
performance components (psychological process as to how the problem is intact such as changing strategies it’s not working)
knowledge acquisition components (creative thinking, new solutions for problems)
Gardeners multiple intelligence
- broader view of intelligence
- is measured using traditional and non-traditional techniques
1: linguistic-ability to use language
2: logical/mathematical - ability to reason mathematically
3: Visual spatial/reasoning
4: musical/musical perception
5: body/kinaesthetic -ability to control bodily movements
6: interpersonal- ability to understand and relate to others such as Oprah
7. Intra personal-ability to understand oneself
8. Naturalistic intelligence-detect and understand natural world
Mayers personal and emotional intelligent
Extended Gardens inter and interpersonal intelligence
Two additions of intelligence
1: personal intelligence (judge others personality- marriage)
2: emotional intelligence (I didn’t defy emotions accurately and use information to understand and manage others- a good manager)
Wechsler adult intelligence scale
Measures verbal and non-verbal ability
1 Verbal comprehension
2 perceptual reasoning
3 working memory
4 processing speed
In that schools can be combined and for IQ scores
Other measures
-achievement tests (peabody individual achievement test (PIAT)
Aptitude tests
(Differential aptitude test (DAT)
Non-verbal tests
(Ravens progressive matrices)
Ethnic group differences
- controversial
- must have a test that can be used for all situations and people
Differences between groups:
Japanese children’s score higher than US, European, Australian children
Three stratum-model
John carroll
- a 3-tier model arranged hierarchically
- combining findings on results from different studies and data sets
- conceptualisation of intelligence is very broad, with multiple components and relationships