Major brain divisions
- hind brain(innate functions)
- pons, medulla oblongata and cerebellum
- mid brain (language)
- forebrain
- hypothalamus, thalamus, hippocampus , amygdala
- frontal, parietal, occipital , temporal
Lobes of the brain
Primary motor cortex-voluntary movement
frontal lobe
Broca’s area - speech formation
Primary auditory cortex- surrounded by a higher-order auditory cortex (hearing)
Temporal lobe
Cerebellum-motor control
Primary visual cortex-surrounded by a high audit visual cortex (sight)
Occipital lobe
Wernickies area (speech understanding)
Parietal lobe
somatic sensory cortex-body sensations
Central nervous system
The brain and spinal cord
The brain is composed of the forebrain [(thalamus and hypothalamus)(cerebrum-cerebral cortex, limbus system, corpus collosum)],
hindbrain(cerebellum, pons, medulla)
-ridiculous formation begins at the level of the Medulla and runs up through the midbrain to the forebrain)
Peripheral nervous system
Somatic system-voluntary muscle activation
Autonomic system -control smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands, basically involuntary
Sympathetic-generally activates
Parasympathetic-generally inhibits
Hind brain-cerebellum
- The cerebellum or little brain, resembles the cerebral cortex
- importance of proper motor function, balance, coordination (smooth out movements so little thinking is required)
- damage to this region can result in head tilt, balance problems, loss of smooth compensatory Eye movements and can be life-threatening
- works independently and unconsciously
Hind brain-reticular formation
- The reticular formation is located with in the mid and hind brain
- it’s a let’s higher regions of incoming information acting as a gateway
- ascending pathway alert higher regions of incoming information
- descending pathways block/allow incoming messages
- evolve with attention, sleep, consciousness
- damage can cause a coma
Hindbrain- brain stem
-The brainstem comprises the Medulla onongata and pons
-the medulla is responsible for vital reflex/survival functions: separation, swelling, vomiting, heart rate, salivation, coughing
-Service is the gateway for facial sensory and motor nerve tracks
sends info to/from higher/lower regions of the nervous system and respiration
The mid brain
- The midbrain is located towards the centre of the brain
- made up of several structures (tectum , tegmentum, substantia nigra)
- there are two swellings on each side of the Tectum
- superior colliculus (important for visual processing)
- inferior colliculus ( import for auditory processing)
forebrain - thalamus
- inner chamber
- receives afferent inputs from peripheral nervous system
- as a relay centre
- send most sensory information to the cerebral cortex
- Visual, somatosensory, Gustation, literary
- except sense of olfactory (smell)
For brain-hypothalamus
-located under the thalamus
-temperature regulation, BP, blood glucose levels and reward
-4 Fs= fighting fleeing feeding fornicating
- involved with horemone regulation in conjunction with the Pituitary gland
For brain-amygdala
- almond
- generalised “relevance detector” of biological stimuli
- paired association between emotion and objects
- processes fear responses, facial emotions, responds to fearful faces
- precious emotions such as fear, disgust, positive emotions
Forebrain- hippocampus
- ‘seahorse’
- important for consolidation short-term memorys into long-term memories
- declarative and spatial memory
- has connections with the Cerebral cortex
- damage to this region can result in very severe memory impairment
Frontal lobes
-contains a primary motor cortex
-important for executive functions (complex thinking functions)
-planning, maintaining attention, inhibition, decision-making
-involved with guiding socially appropriate behaviour
-each hemisphere controls the contralateral opposite side of the body
Left controls right vice versa
Palatial lobes
- contains a primary somatosensory cortex (touch)
- information is received from the contralateral side of the body
- Information from the left side is sent to the right hemisphere
- involved with visual spatial processing
- damage to the right Who is your load can result in hemineglect
Language centres
- Wernickes area is primarily involves speech comprehension (temporal lobes )
- brocas sareas is primarily involves speech production (frontal lobes)
- damage to either region will result in primary and secondary deficits in both speech production and comprehension