Integumentary System Flashcards
Functions of the integumentary system
- protection
- insulator
- sensory perception
- fluid balance
- control temperature
- absorbing UV radiation
Layers of the skin from superficial to deep
- epidermis
- rete peg region
- dermis
- hypodermis
Describe the epidermis
- avascular & water resistant
- protects & regulates
- contains melanocytes
- regenerates every 4-6 weeks
Describe the dermis
- 20-30x thicker than the epidermis
- provides strength, support, & blood to the epidermis
- contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, lymphatic vessels, nails, & oil glands
- houses fibroblasts, macrophages, & adipocytes
Describe the hypodermis
- stabilization
- loose adipose & connective tissue
Describe a primary skin lesion
- 1st to appear & visually recognizable structure
- macule, papule, nodule, tumor, vesicle, & pustule
Describe a secondary skin lesion
- when changes occur to a primary lesion
- scale, crust, thickening, erosion, ulcer, scar, & fissure
Signs & symptoms of skin lesions
- pruitis
- xerosis/xeroderma
- urticaria
- rash
- blisters
- changes in appearance of nails
- changes in skin pigmentation, tumor, or texture
Causes of skin disease
- hereditary factors
- physical trauma
- systemic origin
- burns
- dehisced surgical wounds
- neoplasm
- reaction to radiotherapy
- contact with infective organism or injuries agent
- reaction to medication
Pathologies of skin lesions
- amputation
- cancer
- cerebral vascular accident (CVA)
- diabetes
- obesity
- spinal cord injury (SCI)
- surgery
Impairments with skin lesions
- hypomobility
- decreased sensation
- edema
- inflammation
- ischemia
- pain
Skin changes related to aging
- 60% decrease in vascularity
- 20% decrease in dermal tissue thickness
- decrease in elastin fibers & weakened collagen
- decrease langerhans cells
- change in hair growth
- decrease in oil produced by the subcutaneous glands
Describe atopic dermatitis
- most common type of eczema
- result of dry irritable skin with impaired immune function
Describe acute dermatitis
- begins in infancy
- red
- oozing
- crusting rash
Describe chronic dermatitis
- common in skin folds
- dry
- thickened
- lichen skin
Treatment for atomic dermatitis
- education
- hygiene
- moisture
- avoidance of irritant
- topical or systemic pharmacology
Describe contact dermatitis
-acute or chronic skin inflammation
- presents pruritus, erythema, & edema
- delayed cell mediated hypersensitivity a substance
Describe statsis dermatitis
- development of areas of very dry, thin skin, often with small shallow ulcerations
- result of vascular insufficiency
- itching, heaviness in legs, brown stained skin, & open shallow lesions
Describe bacterial infections
- organisms enter through abrasions or wounds
- infection develops 3 to 7 days from exposure
Describe impetigo
- superficial skin infection caused by staph or strep, hot & humid weather, close contact, poor hygiene, & trauma
- spread by direct contact, environment, or arthropod (bugs)
Describe cellulitis
- rapid spreading acute inflammation & infection of skin & subcutaneous tissue
At risk population for cellulitis
- adults
- diabetes
- malnutrition
- steroid therapy
- presence wounds/ulcerations
- lymphedema
- obesity
Describe viral infections
- intracellular parasites attach to host cell
- epidermal cells react with inflammation & vesiculations (little pimples) or growth
Type 1 Herpes Simplex
- cold sore
Type 2 Herpes Simplex
- genital warts
Herpes Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) varicella
- chicken pox
- fluid filled vesicles
Herpes Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) herpes zoster
- shingles
- blister like lesions
- 14 to 21 days
Describe verrucae (warts)
- common benign infection of skin & adjacent mucous membranes
- single or multiple lesions, thick white surfaces, white/black dots, or projections
Describe fungal infections
- invade stratum corner, hair, & nails
- superficial infections live on the skin
- multiply quickly & spread
Define tines corporis
- ringworm
Define tinea capitis
- scalp
Define tinea cruris
- jock itch
Define tinea pedis
- athletes foot
Define candida
- yeast infection
Define seborrheic keratosis
- basal cells, waxy smooth or raised yellow to dark tone lesions
Define nevi
- moles
- pigmented or non pigmented lesions of melanocytes
Define actinic keratosis
- results years of sun exposure, abnormal well defined crusty like skin
Define bowen disease
- can occur any where, persistent brown to reddish brown well defines lesions
Describe basal cell carcinoma
- slow growing epithelial skin tumor originating from undifferentiated basal cells
- pearly or ivory appearance with rolled edge & slightly elevated above the skin surface
Describe squamous cell carcinoma
- poorly defines margins, flat red ulcer, plaque, or nodule
Describe malignant melanoma
- neoplasm of melanocytes
- can occur anywhere
What are the ABCD’s of skin
A: asymmetric
B: border irregularity
C: color
D: diameter
Treatment for skin cancers
- surgical excision
- radiation
- chemotherapy
What is AWARE prevention for skin cancers
A: avoid the sun
W: wear protective clothing
A: apply sunscreen
R: routine exam
E: education
What is AWARE prevention for skin cancers
A: avoid the sun
W: wear protective clothing
A: apply sunscreen
R: routine exam
E: education
Describe psoriasis
- chronic inherited, recurrent, inflammatory disease
- higher than normal HLA’s
- triggered by mechanical , UV, or chemical injury, stress, smoking, & endocrine changes
How long is normal skin cell life
- 28 days
How long is skin cell life for psoriasis patients
- 3 to 4 days
Signs & symptoms of psoriasis
- erythematous papules
- plaques covered with silvery scales
- dry, itchy, cracking lesions
Treatment for psoriasis
- topical treatment
- phototherapy (UV)
- antimetabolites
- oral retinoid therapy
- immunosuppressants