Integumentary Flashcards
5 key functions of the integ system
Protection sensation thermoregulation excretion of sweat vitamin D synthsis
Wound Healing: Inflammatory stage
platelet activation, clotting cascade, kill bacteria,
Establishes a clean wound bed which triggers tissue regeneration
Wound Healing; Proliferative phase
3-21 days
formation of new tissue, capillary buds and granulation tissue fill bed, skin integrity is restored
Wound Healing: maturation/remodeling phase phase
7 days to 2 years
granulation tissue and epithelial differentiation appear in wound bed, fiber reorganization, thin/shrinking of scar, new tissue =15% of strength, mature tissue can increase up to 80%
primary intention
occurs with acute wounds and min tissue loss, use sutures/staples/adhesives to close wound, min scarring, typically superficial of partial thinkness wounds
Secondary intention
healing without superficial closure due to infection, necrosis, irregular edges, etc. Assoc with DM, ischemic conditions, pressure ulcers. Require ongoing wound care/ large scars.
Tertiary intention
delayed primary intention due to possible complications of dehiscence/sepsis. Closed by primary intention once risk factors are mitigated.
Arterial Insufficiency Ulcers
Smooth edges, lack granulation tissue, deep, severe pain, diminished pulses, decreased skin temp, thin shiny skin, leg elev inc pain
Venous insufficiency ulcers
irregular shape, shallow, mild/mod pain, normal pulses, inc edema, flaky dry skin, brownish color, elev leg decreases pain
Neuropathic ulcers
well defined circle or oval, good granulation tissue, no pain, decreased skin temp, dry inelastic, shiny skin, loss of protective sense.
Wound classification: Superficial
trauma to skin, epidermis intact (non-blistering sunburn)
Wound classification: partial thickness
extends through epidermis, into dermis but not all the way through. (abrasions, blisters, skin tears)
Wound classification: full thickness
through dermis into deeper structures such as subQ fat. (deeper than 4mm)
wound classification: subcutaneous wound
through integ tissue into subq fat, muscle, tendon, bone. require secondary intentions typically
Pressure ulcer staging: Stage I
intact skin, non-blanchable rednes, local coloration differs from surrounding area, usually on bony prominence
Pressure ulcers: Stage II
partial thickness, shallow open ulcer with red/pink wound bed,
Pressure ulcer: Stage III
full thickness tissue loss, subQ fat may be visable but not bone or muscle tissue, can have tunneling /undermining
Pressure ulcer: Stage IV
Full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle, osteomyelitis is possible
Pressure ulcer: Suspected deep tissue injury
purple of maroon areas of intact skin or blood filled blister
Pressure Ulcer: unstageable
full thickness tissue loss, base is covered by slough and/or eschar. cant stage until enough shit is removed
clear light color, thin, watery. normal in healthy healing wound
red color, thin, watery. red due to blood. indicative of new blood vessel growth or disruption of blood vesels
light red/pink, thin, watery. normal in healthy healing wound. observe during inflamm and proliferative stages.
cloudy or opaque, yellow or tan, thin watery. may be early warning of infection. Abnormal
yellow or green, thick viscous. abnormal. indicator of infection
hard leathery, black/brown, dehydrated tissue, firmly adhered to wound
death or decay of tissue from loss of blood flow. can also be charaterzed based on type of bacteria
hyperkeratosis (callus)
white grey. firm or soggy based on moisture level
moist, stringy, or mucinous. white/yellow tissue loosly attached in clumps to the wound bed.
Wound healing: red-yellow-black system: Red
pink granulation tissue> protect wound, maintain moist environ
Wound healing: red-yellow-black system: Yellow
moist yellow slough: > remove exudate and debris; absorb drainage
Wound healing: red-yellow-black system: Black
black, thick eschar firmly adheared > debride necrotic tissue
drying out or dehydration of the wound.
peeling or shredding of outer layers of epidermis. usualle occurs in small scales
discoloration below intact skin from trauma or blood seepage. typically blue/ black changing to green/yellow. Bruise
avascular, flat squamous cells, round basal cells, and melanocytes
vascular, contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, lymph and BV, nerve endings
diffuse redness from capillary dilation, congestion/ inflamm
tissue that redily tears/ bleeds when gently palpated
localized swelling/ mass of clotted blood
increased thickness of the granular layer of the epidermis that exceeds the surface height of skin
darker than the surrounding areas
hypertrophic scaring
abnormal scar form excessive collogen formation. raised, red, firm, disorganized collogen formation
red, raised, thick, excessive scar outside boundary of original wound
skin softening and degeneration, from prolonged exposure to water or other fluids
relative speed that skin regains its normal appearance after being lightly pinched. indicator of elasticity and hydration
compression garments and scars
recommended for burns needing more than 14 days to heal. sustained compression. 15-35 mmHg. 22-23 hours/day.
Silver sulfadiazine
Advantage: used w/o dressings, painless, pplied to wound directly, broad spectrum, effective against yeast
Disadvantage:does not penetrate eschar
Silver Nitrate
Adv: broad spectrum, non-allergenic, painless dressing
Dis: poor penetration, Discolors (making assessment difficult), can casue electrolyte imbalance, painful removal
Adv: broad spectrum, anti-fungal, easily removed with water
Dis: not effective against pseudomonas, may impair thyroid function, painful application
Mafenide Acetate
Adv: broad spectrum, penetrates burn eschar, may be used with/ without occlusive dressings
Dis: metabolic acidosis, compromise resp function, inhibit epithialization, painful application
Adv; broad spectrum, may be covered of left open to air
Dis: has caused resistant strains, ototoxic, nephrotoxic
Adv: bacteriocidal, broad spectrum
Dis: may lead to overgrowth of fungus and psudamonas, painful application.
Skin Graft: Allograft (homograft)
temporary graft taken from another human (cadaver)
permanent skin graft from donor site from self
open/ remove eschar to reduce tension, relieve pressure, enhance circulation
Full thickness graft
contains dermis and epidermis
temporary graft from another species
Mesh graft
skin graft altered to cover larger area
sheet graft
skin graft directly transferred to prepared recipient site
split thickness graft
superficial layer of dermis and all of epidermis
surgical procedure to eliminate a scar contracture. Z incisions allows contracture to change configuration and lengthen scar.