A. Tissue?
B. Structure?
A. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
B. Epidermis
A. Identify stratum
B. Identify stratum
C. Identify stratum
A. Stratum granulosum
B. Stratum basale
C. Stratum corneum
A. Tissue?
B. Structure?
A. Dense irregular CT
B. Dermis
A. Structure?
B. Structure?
A. External root sheath
B. Outer connective tissue sheath
A. Identify stratum
B. Identify stratum
A. Stratum lucidum
B. Stratum granulosum
A Structure?
B. Structure?
A. External root sheath
B. Internal root sheath
A. Structure?
B. Structure?
A. Germinal matrix
B. Dermal papilla
A. Structure?
B. Tissue?
A. Sebacous gland
B. Dense Irregular CT
A. Structure?
B. Structure?
A. Inner CT sheath
B. Cortex
A. What is the function of afferent nerve fiber in this location?
B. Why is blood sinus needed here?
A. To send sensory info about hair movement to CNS
B. Any pressure on the tactile hair is transmitted to the blood sinuses and passed onto the numerous nerve endings on the sinus wall and the signal is amplified. The animal becomes aware of even the slightest touch in the oronasal region.
A. Glands?
B. Mode of secretion in these glands?
C. Tissue?
A. Merocrine sweat glands
B. Merocrine
C. White adipose tissue
A. Glands?
B. List one function associated with these glands
A. Perisacular glands
B. Identity marker
A. Identify stratum
B. Identify stratum
A. Stratum spinosum
B. Stratum granulosum
A. Tissue?
B. Structure?
A. Loose CT and white adipose
B. Hypodermis
A. List 3 nonkeratinoctyes in the epidermis
B. List their location in the epidermis
C. List one function associated with each nonkeratinocyte
A. Melanocyte, Merkel cell, Langerhans cells
B. Melanocyte and merkel: stratum basale, Langerhans: stratum spinosum
C. Melanocyte: skin color pigment production. Merkel: Sensation for touch. Langerhans: Protection from microorganisms
A. Identify the glands located within the red dotted area
B. What is the mode of secretion in these glands?
A. Anal glands
B. Apocrine