A. Identify the cell
B. Identify the fiber
A. Reticular cell
B. Reticular fiber
A. Reticular fibers (colagen type-III fibrils) are synthesized by ?
B. What is the physiological function of reticular fibers in the lymph node?
A. Reticular cells
B. to form a meshwork in lymphatic tissues. Creates a sponge like structure within which cells and fluids are freely mobile
A. Tan to reddish brown color is due to: ?
B. list one function of brown adipose tissue
A. mitochondria and extensive vascularity
B. Heat generation in newborn animals
A. Identify the cell
B. Identify the cell
A. fibroblast
B. fibrocyte
A. Identify the cell
B. List one functuon associated with this cell
A. White adipose (fat) cell
B. Stores fat for energy
A. In mature tendons and ligaments, what type of cells are you more likely to see?
B. List one function associated with the cell
A. fibrocyte
B. Important for maintainng CT matrix
A. Identify the cell
B. Identify the cell
A. Fibrocyte
B. Fibroblast
A. Identify the fibers
B. What type of CT is shown here?
A. Collagen Type-I fiber
B. Dense irregular CT
A. Identify the CT
B. Identify the structure
A. Dense irregular CT
B. Apocrine sweat gland
A. Name one cell that synthesizes CT matrix
B. What is the significance of GAG or proteoglycans?
A. Fibroblast or Fibrocyte
B. GAGs are highly negatively charged which attracts and binds to a large amount of H20 molecules to permit rapid diffusion of nutrients through the matrix
A. Identify the cell
B. List 3 identification features of this cell
A. Plasma cell
B. eccentric nucleus, negative Golgi image, basophilic cytoplasm
A. list 2 chemical substances present in the mast cell granule
B. List a function for each of those chemical substances
A. Heparin and Histamine
B. Heparin: an anti-coagulent. Histamine: a vasodilator
Two cells shown below are cut in cross-section. Based on the staining property of the nucleus, identify two CT cells.
A. Fibrocyte
B. Fibroblast
What are some major functions of CT?
- Provides a matrix that supports body components
- Provides a medium thru which metabolites are exchanged
- Storage of energy (fat tissue)
- Defense/protection (immune cells)
- Repair after injury
What is the role of a fibroblast?
to produce extracellular matrix (ECM) of the CT
What color does a fibroblast nucleus stain? Why?
Lightly basophilic. The nucleus is euchromatic.