Integration in Metabolism Flashcards
Homeostasis is
A metabolic condition that is the result of dynamic processes to maintain a constant internal environment despite a changing external environment
What is considered a changing external environment?
What anabolic reactions are happening in the fed state
All the reactions are happening with different input of energy
Glycerol+FA=triglycerides ->adipose tissue
Why we are using storage during fasting state?
Because we do not have absorption
What is the dominant hormone during fasting and fed state?
Glucagon and insulin
What catabolic reactions are happening during fasting state?
What chemical and through what reaction protein is converted to AA?
Proteolysis performed by proteases
Two types of AA
Glycogenic and ketogenic
Can pyruvate be converted to AA?
Yes, but only for nonessential AA
Describe the pathway of AA breakdown
Glycogenic AA->pyruvate->acetyl CoA or glucose
Ketogenic AA->AcetylCoA->fat or TCA cycle
The other name for fed state
What is done to protein in the body( brief) during fed state
Protein->AA->1)first used to replace body proteins
2)synthesized in glucose or fat,depending on carbon skeleton
3)entering directly TCA cycle
Converted to urea as well
What happens when body switches from fed state to fasting state?
Liver and muscle glycogen stores->glucose->energy
Body fat stores->FA->energy
Describe the fed state CHO
CHO 1)glucose first goes to the liver. Increase in blood glucose is detected by the pancreas and the insulin is secreted .
2)insulin instructs liver and muscle store glucose as glycogen, cells to uptake glucose and the excess of glucose to convert into fat
Describe fat during fed state
TGs->chylomicrons->lymph->blood->giving away TGs->liver captures chylomicrons remnants->liver rearranges chylomicrons adding endogenous fat->VLDL->adipose tissue taking up TGs
What is the source of energy when fat is stored?
When protein synthesize is bigger than protein break down?
During fed state
Describe what happens to the protein during fed state
After absorption protein goes to the liver first. Liver detects increase in protein concentration, liver increases protein synthesize.
When is the time when we are building protein
During fed state
3 ways how glucose is used during fed state
1) for their own metabolism
2) muscle and liver to store glycogen for short-term fast
3) for long term fast storage in adipose tissue
What is considered short term fast and long term fast
Short term fast- breakfast time
Long term fast- 24 hours-48 hours
Is there a sharp change between fed and short term fast?
No, there is a smooth change. When in the short term fast the dominant hormone is glucagon,insulin is still present
What is the preferable source of energy for brain?
What happens to the protein and AA during short term fast?
AA pool gets smaller. Increase in protein break down to keep AA pool pretty steady(higher protein break down than synthesize)
What happens to CHO during short term fast?
As we do nit absorb glucose->low blood glucose->pancreas detects it->glucagon secretion . Glucagon releases glycogen to feed the brain.(liver)
Glycogen in muscles is used by muscles
For Fly or Fight response in case
From what sources glycogen is used to feed the brain?
Why glycogen in muscles stays in muscles for energy?
Because they prefer to use glycogen instead of fat for source of energy