Instrument Flying Flashcards
What does it mean if the aircraft symbol gains a vertical fin?
There has been a failure in the system. The symbol now represent an attitude indicator rather than an FPM.
What height increments do the following altimeter displays work in:
Baro Alt (HUD) below 10,000ft.
Baro Alt (HUD) above 10,000ft.
Baro Alt (HUD) with AP on.
RadAlt (HUD)
What happens to the HUD baro altimeter when above 28,800ft with 1013 set?
It auto-switches to 1013.25 and displays STD.
Between what Flight Levels does RVSM airspace exist?
Between FL290 and FL410.
What tolerances do the following altimeters have at the threshold?
Baro Alt (HUD)
Analogue Baro Alt - When is this different?
+-50ft —-> or +-75ft for airfields at elevations above 2500ft.
What source does the ADS get its pitot-static information from? Where is this information displayed?
Where does the HDFD get its pitot-static information from?
The pitot-static probe and the TOAT. This is sent to the DMCs to be displayed on the HUD and MFDs.
The two smart probes.
What pressure setting is set on the HDFD when you press “STD”?
What colour are the following needles/ letters in the ADI when they are not selected as the primary steerpoint?
How long will the TACAN system remain in TACMEM if you lose:
Range signal.
Bearing signal.
15 +-2 seconds.
3 seconds.
How much deviation does each dot represent for the following:
4 degrees.
4 degrees.
1.25 degrees.
What waypoint number is Point Bravo?
What waypoint number is Point Alpha?
What point does the Point Alpha Offset represent?
How do you set up INAV steering to the Point Alpha offset?
The end of the outbound leg of the TACAN hold.
On the DEP:
OFS –> 94 –> GOTO
How close to the filed time must you enter the airway?
What should you do if early or delayed by less than 30 mins?
What should you do if early or delayed by more than 30 minutes?
+-3 minutes.
Inform ATC.
Re-file flight plan.
What do the following instructions mean in the context of joining an airway:
“Join on track”
“Join at”
“Join on track at”
Be on track below airway, then climb to join once the specified point has been underflown.
Enter the airway at 90 degrees to the flow, in line with the specified point., then turn to achieve the centreline.
Here, the join point will coincide with a boundary where the airway steps down. Use the surrounding class G airspace to manoeuvre to join the airway on the centreline and at the correct height.
What speed should you fly at in airways?
What is the rule of thumb for working out the AoB required for a Rate 1 turn?
(TAS/10) + 7
What radius of turn will a Rate 1 turn at M0.65 give you (at FL100)?
BUT actually anticipate 90 degree turns by 4nm.
What should you transmit to ATC if you receive an RA from the TCAS?
“V**, TCAS RA”
What should you transmit to ATC once clear of an RA conflict?
“V, clear of conflict, returning FL”
“V, clear of conflict, FL resumed”
What should you transmit to ATC if you have received an RA and they give contradictory instructions?
“V**, unable, TCAS RA”
State how to carry out a Low Level Abort.
Convert to the HUD. Full Power Roll wings level. Pull to 30 degrees nose up using 4g. Maintain 30 degrees nose up in the HUD (but honour 190kts IAS as a minimum speed). Select Baro in HUD.
Once above SALT, recover to Straight and Level by either:
Rolling to 120 degrees AoB and pulling nose down (preferred).
Gently bunting.
Select a mid-power setting.
Establish position - consider CAS and avoids.
Interrogate TCAS.
What is the mantra when carrying out UPs?
What is the generic sequence of action for all UPs?
State the recovery actions for a Nose Low UP.
Power: Idle
Combat Flap: Out
Airbrake: In OR Out if likely to go over 350kts.
Roll wings level.
Pull using 4g or light buffet to level flight.
State the recovery actions for a Nose High Speed High UP.
Full Power.
Combat Flap: Out.
Airbrake: In.
Roll shortest way to 120 degrees AoB.
Pull nose down towards horizon.
At 10 degrees NU in HUD (or 15 NU in HDFD/ ADI), roll erect.
State the recovery actions for a Nose High Speed Low UP.
Power: Idle.
Combat Flap: Out.
Airbrake: In.
Centralise controls.
At 100kts: Roll wings level.
At 150kts: Pull using light buffet to level.
Once stabilised, conduct an engine surge check, proving the engine to 100%. Check RPM leads T6.
What additional limits apply to Low Speed, Nose High recoveries?
The aircraft commander should be a QFI (or staff pilot).
Min Entry Ht: 15,000ft.
Entry attitude should be steady. Max entry attitude: 70 degrees NU.
Initiate recovery before speed falls below 100kts.
State the Post-UP recovery actions/ Cx.
Height: Confirm above SALT.
Erect: Cross-check flight instruments - HUD/ ADI/ HDFD.
Reason: Establish why you became disorientated.
Oxygen - Confirm Oxy system functionality. Confirm you are not hypoxic.
Orientation: Confirm your position. Assess a heading for a suitable airfield. Assess an appropriate semi-circular flight level for transit to that airfield.
Overstress - Confirm that the aircraft has not overstressed.
State the Semi-circular flight level rule.
If your heading is between 000 and 179, select an Odd FL.
If your heading is between 180 and 359, select an Even FL.
List the required visual references for transition to visual following an instrument approach.
Elements of the approach lighting system.
The threshold or threshold lighting.
The touchdown zone, zone markings or zone lights.
Runway edge lights.
What is the rule of thumb for calculating height deviations when conditions are not ISA conditions?
If temperature is less than ISA conditions, will the aircraft be higher or lower than the altimeter reading?
When should you apply temperature error corrections?
Where can these corrections be found?
What should these corrections be added to?
Error is about 4ft per 1000ft, per degree celcius of difference from ISA.
Aircraft will be lower than the altimeter reading.
When the airfield temperature is below 0 degrees C.
The FIH (yellow book).
Step down fixes including FAF
All approach procedure altitudes where terrain is over 3000ft AMSL.
What is the rule of thumb for calculating a rough RoD for a 3 degree glidepath?
5 x groundspeed.
State your actions once you gain visual on a circling approach.
Level at a suitable height.
Turn to intercept the visual downwind leg.
Commence final turn using standard cues.
Intercept the standard approach.
What should you do if you lose visual with the runway environment during the visual portion of a circling approach?
Start a climbing turn towards the required landing runway until overhead the airfield.
Then turn to intercept the missed approach track.
Where is Valley Point Alpha?
Where is Valley Point Bravo?
Where is Valley Point X-ray?
Where is the end of the outbound leg of the TACAN hold?
Within what range of the TACAN hold should you slow to 230kts?
Describe a Sector 1 Join.
Fly to the fix.
Turn (using 30 degrees AoB) to track outbound, but parallel to hold radial.
At the limiting DME, turn towards the holding side, rolling out on a converging heading to intercept the inbound radial.
Describe a Sector 2 Join.
Fly to the fix.
At the fix, turn (using 30 degrees AoB) to track 30 degrees away from the (reciprocal of) the hold radial, on the holding side.
At the limiting DME turn in the hold direction to intercept the inbound radial.
Describe a Sector 3 Join.
Fly directly to the fix.
Intercept the inbound radial and fly to the fix.
Turn (using 25 degrees AoB) onto a wind adjusted outbound heading and fly the hold pattern.
What AoB should you use to achieve a Rate 1 turn up to 250kts?
30 degrees AoB.
What AoB should you use to achieve a Rate 1 turn between 250 and 350kts?
45 degrees AoB.
If you do a missed approach whilst on the ADI or HDFD, what attitude should you set?
10 degrees NU on ADI/ HDFD.