CV Phase Flashcards
State your T/O decision points as a student.
0kts to Vrotate
Vrotate to airborne for a runway less than 6000ft and/ or has no barrier.
Vrotate to gear travelling for a runway over 6000ft and with a barrier.
Major loss of thrust at less than 250kts.
Major loss of thrust at over 250kts.
Major loss of thust at over 300kts.
0kts to Vrotate:
Abort for anything other than a minor emergency.
Vrotate to airborne for a runway less than 6000ft and/ or has no barrier:
Abort for a major emergency.
Vrotate to gear travelling for a runway over 6000ft and with a barrier:
Once airborne, continue take-off if possible.
Major loss of thrust (any speed): Position for ejection. Remain VMC. Glide at 190kts. Monitor engine for FADEC relight if appropriate. Don't prejudice safe ejection.
List the issues that would count as major emergencies on take off.
Fire Caption APU Caption T6NL Caption LPOFF Caption HYD Caption OIL Caption SRG Caption [FATLHOS]
Major Loss of Thrust
Major Loss of Control
By what point should you make a decision on barrier entry in an emergency?
By the 1000ft to go sign.
State the Abort Drill bold face.
Throttle - Idle/ Off (as required) Brake Chute - Stream (if required) Brakes - Apply Flaps - Down Control Column - Fully back at less than 100kts.
If aircraft about to leave runway in an uncontrolled condition, consider:
Landing Gear Emergency Retraction.
What are the altimeter limits at the threshold before T/O?
HUD: 0+-20ft
HDFD: 0+-25ft
Baro Altimeter: 0+-50ft
Describe the T/O technique after brake release.
Initial run down the runway. Rotate Gear Up Flap Up Gear and Flap Travelling Attitude once gear and flap travelled. After T/O Cx
Hold straight with NWS and apply into-wind aileron.
At Vrotate, use top of E-bracket to achieve 7.5 degrees NU. Flown correctly this leads to unstick at Vunstick.
Once climbing away (with a positive rate of climb):
Gear UP, short pause, flaps UP.
As gear travels, maintain 7.5 degrees NU.
Raise nose and modulate power to maintain less than 200kts until gear up and flap between 1/2 and UP (preferably fully up).
If flap still travelling from 1/2 to UP, monitor, and ensure UP before 250kts.
Once gear and flap UP, lower nose to 5 degrees NU. Maintain this to intercept climb out speed.
Once gear and flap UP, check:
CWP: Clear.
EMP: APU Caption out.
SCIP: Green A and B.
What is the SOP climb-out speed (kts and mach) and attitude for a ML departure?
How should this speed be maintained?
350kts - i.e. M0.76.
15 degrees NU initially (decreases with height).
Maintain speed by matching aircraft symbol to acceleration markers.
How much height should you anticipate the level off by?
1/10th of the rate of climb.
Describe the set-up and execution of a G-awareness turn.
Entry speed: 350kts.
Entry height: 8000ft (weather dependent).
Lookout into turn.
Select Combat Flap.
Apply full power, roll and pull to achieve 4G.
Turn through 90 degrees.
Roll out, check the dead wing (flightpath, deadwing, TCAS).
Deselect Combat Flap.
Describe the set-up and execution of a G-warm turn.
Entry speed: M0.79.
Entry height: 8000ft (weather dependent).
Lookout into turn.
Apply full power. Roll and pull to achieve 5g, and maintain it through 180 degrees.
A descending turn may be required to maintain 5g through the full 180 degrees.
Roll out, check deadwing (flightpath, deadwing, TCAS).
Convert excess speed to height if required for next exercise.
What is the MPM workcycle?
State the suggested sequence of linked MPMs.
Pitch back (then roll out and accelerate to 350kts).
Roll off the top into slow speed reversals.
Rate to base.
Defensive Break (break, regain)
Down Range Travel Stop (DRTS).
What is the best rate speed that will be used?
What are the entry conditions for an academic Best Sustained Rate of Turn exercise in the CV phase?
Entry/ datum height: 10,000ft.
Base Height: 8000ft.
Entry speed: 340kts.
What are the entry conditions for the academic clean/ CF loop exercise in the CV phase?
Entry/ datum height: 10,000ft.
Base height: 8000ft.
Entry Speed: 350kts.
What level of buffet is used throughout the academic clean/ CF loop exercise in the CV phase?
Light Buffet.
What are the entry conditions for an academic roll off the top into slow speed reversals in the CV phase?
Entry/ datum height: 10,000ft.
Base Height: 8000ft.
Entry speed: 350kts.
Combat flap: pre-armed.
State how to carry out an academic Roll Off The Top to Slow Speed Reversals in the CV phase.
Look out and apply full power.
Pull into a loop using the light buffet until you reach an attitude just before inverted.
With the nose about 15 degrees above the horizon, roll erect to achieve and maintain 160kts (the will be about 10 degrees NU once erect).
Begin a max performance turn (pulling to the light buffet), using nose attitude above the horizon to maintain about 160kts throughout.
When told by the instructor, reverse the turn as quickly as possible by positively unloading, then applying full aileron. Do not use the rudder to augment the roll.
State how to carry out an academic rate to base in the CV phase.
Usually started by transitioning from slow speed reversals (i.e. about 160kts).
Check height above base, apply full power and ensure CF is selected.
Aggressively achieve a steep nose down attitude (approx 50-60 degrees ND).
Pull to the light buffet to allow the aircraft to accelerate quickly.
“Roll into the turn” to prevent the nose from rising.
Maintain light buffet and call out height and base as you descend (e.g. “10 thousand for 8”).
At about 270kts, smoothly raise attitude to about 12 degrees ND, whilst squeezing to moderate buffet.
Aim to maintain 300kts.
Use AoB to adjust attitude to level at Base + a sensible buffer. Maintain 300kts.
State the entry conditions for an academic defensive break in the CV phase.
Entry speed: 330kts.
Entry/ datum height: 10,000ft.
Base Height: 8000ft.
CF selected.
State how to carry out an academic defensive break, regain and sustain in the CV phase.
Instructor will tell you where the simulated hostile aircraft is.
With full power selected, break towards the hostile by rolling and pulling to the moderate buffet. Place the lift vector on the hostile’s upper wingtip and simultaneously crack the throttle back (simulates chilling).
Select flares.
Hold moderate buffet - bleed speed to a minimum of 160kts (if still threatened by hostile’s IR missile envelope).
REGAIN: When hostile is nose off.
Unload to just off the light buffet and alter lift vector to hostile’s lower wingtip.
Apply full power to accelerate.
Accelerate to 300kts if possible.
[Descend to base+ buffer (using approx. 5 degrees nose down).]
SUSTAIN: Pull back (a little) on the stick to sustain 300kts until threatened again. Once threatened again, the break, regain, sustain process begins again.
State how to carry out an academic Down Range Travel Stop (DRTS) from a defensive break in the CV phase.
From a defensive break:
Lookout and check TCAS.
Select full power and CF out.
Loaded roll and pitch using moderate buffet to achieve wings level and approximately 50-60 degrees NU in the HUD.
Barrel roll lift vector aggressively into the simulated hostile’s 6 o’clock using light buffet.
Monitor base height and attitude during nose down portion of roll to ensure you will be level above base height.
Be sure to use all of the available height for your best rate of turn - use the lightest of buffet to accelerate to best rate speed (300kts).
State the entry conditions for an academic DRTS in the CV phase.
Entry/ Datum height: 10,000ft
Base Height: 8000ft
Entry speed: 270kts.
State the entry conditions for an academic Pitch Back in the CV phase.
Entry/ Datum height: 10,000ft.
Base height: 8000ft.
Entry speed: M0.74
State how to carry out an academic Pitch Back in the CV phase.
Lookout and check TCAS.
Arm CF.
Roll into a level turn and stand the throttle up.
Pull to 3AoA, then squeeze to 4AoA.
Continue to decelerate using 4AoA.
When M0.7 is reached, increase the pull to the moderate buffet. Maintain level turn.
As CF deploys, select full power and overbank to maintain approx. 330kts.
Maintain a maximum of 350kts to stop the CF from retracting.
Descend to level at base+ a sensible buffer.
When level above base, bleed speed to best rate speed (300kts).
Once finished, roll out, check flightpath, deadwing, TCAS.