Inguinal Canal & Scrotum Flashcards
Protrusion of organ to ab wall deficiency
Inguinal canal
Openings at deep inguinal ring and superficial inguinal ring
Superficial inguinal ring
Opening in aponeurosis of external oblique
More lateral
Deep inguinal ring
Deficiency in transversals fascia
More medial
Formation of inguinal canal MALES
Gubernaculum pulls testis along with processus vaginalis (peritoneum) thru inguinal canal
Contains spermatic nerve and ilioinguinal nerve
Formation of inguinal canal FEMALES
Processus vaginalis passes thru ab wall and ovaries descend
Ligament of ovary and round ligament formed by gubernaculum, pass through inguinal canal
Contains round ligament, ilioinguinal nerve and genital branch of genitofemoral n.
Persistence of processus vaginalis
Doesn’t obliterate, fills with fluid - hydrocele
Hydrocele of testis - noncommunicating
Hydrocele of cord - communicating
Hematocele is blood
Undescended/cryptorchid testis
Testis fail to reach floor of testis
Maldescent of testis
Testis travels down abnormal path ex. thigh, root of penis
Contents of spermatic cord
Suspends testis in scrotum
Ductus deferens, testicular a, cremasteric a, pampiniform venous plexus, autonomic fibers, genital branch of gentiofemoral n, lymphatic vessels
Scarpe’s f in spermatic cord
Dartos m and f
External oblique m
External spermatic f
Internal oblique m & f
Cremasteric m & f
Transversalis fascia
Internal spermatic f
Extraperitoneal fatty tissue
Tunica vaginalis
Cremasteric reflex
Stimular superior medial thigh
+ contraction of cremasteric muscle, testis pulled up
- no reflex, could be due to testicular torsion, spinal injury of L1-L2 [genitofemoral n] (m), ilioinguinal nerve (s)
Direct inguinal hernia
Medial to inferior epigastric n, in Hassalbach’s triangle
Common in older males, acquired after birth
Inguinal hernia
Can occur in myopectineal orrifice
Indirect inguinal hernia
Lateral to inferior epigastric n., thru inguinal canal, descends into scrotum
Often congenital
Repaired with laproscopy
Space of Bogros
Deep to inguinal ligament
Where laparoscope is inserted
Triangle of DOOM
Vas deferens, testicular vessels, peritoneal fold - external iliac vessels can hemorrhage during hernia repair
Triangle of PAIN
Inguinal ligament, gonadal vessels, peritoneal fold - femoral, lateral femoral cutaneous, femoral branch of genitofemroal nerves can be affected
Corona mortis
Anastamosis between external iliac/inferior epigastric artery with obturator artery
Iliohypogastric nerve
Skin over inguinal region, buttocks
Motor for ab muscles
Ilioinguinal nerve
Enters inguinal canal with spermatic cord
Motor for scrotum
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
Enters inguinal canal
Sensory for scrotum and labium majus, motor for cremaster m