Inguinal Canal, Ischiorectal fossa Flashcards
What type of hernias account for 75% of hernias in the body?
Inguinal hernias
Where does the inguinal ligament extend from?
It extends from anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle.
From what structure does the inguinal ligament formed from?
It is formed by the lower-free border of the external oblique aponeurosis, which is thickened and folded backward on itself.
What structure forms the floor of Inguinal canal?
The grooved upper surface of inguinal ligament.
What structure forms the medial boundary of femoral canal?
Lacunar ligament
Where does the Lacunar ligament (Gimbernat’s Ligament) meet the pectineal ligament of Cooper ?
At the pubic tubercle
Where does the ilioinguinal ligament extend from?
From the inferior aspect of the inguinal ligament to the iliopectineal eminence.
Where is the pelvifemoral ( subinginal space) located?
Between the inguinal ligament and the hip bone
What two muscles pass the through the sub-inguinal space?
Psoas Major & Iliacus
Fill in the blanks. “ The sub-inguinal space is divided into two parts the _________ & __________.
Large lateral part called lacuna musculorum
Small medial part called lacuna vasculorum.
What is the name of the structure that divides the sub-inguinal space into two?
Ilioinguinal ligament
What structures pass through the large lateral part ( lacuna musculorum)?
Psoas major, Iliacus , femoral and lateral cutaneous nerves of thigh.
Fill in the blanks.” The ___________in abdomen become __________as they pass through the medial part of the subinguinal space—the _____________.”
External iliac vessels in abdomen become femoral vessels
Lacuna vasculorum
What are the three compartments in which the Femoral sheath is divided into?
Lateral compartment
Middle compartment
Medial compartment
Which compartment of the Femora sheath is known as the Femoral canal ?
Medial compartment
True or False? The middle compartment of the Femoral sheath lodges the femoral artery and genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve.
FALSE!!! The lateral compartment does this!!
What structure is contained in the middle compartment of the femoral sheath?
Femoral vein
What structures are contained in the Medial compartment of the femoral sheath?
It contains lymph node of Cloquet and
fibrofatty tissue.
What are the boundaries of the Femoral canal?
Anterior: Inguinal ligament.
Medial: Sharp edge of the lacunar ligament.
Posterior: Pecten pubis
Lateral: Femoral vein
Fill in the blanks. “ The upper end of the femoral canal, which opens into the abdominal cavity is called ________.”
The femoral ring
How long is the inguinal canal?
3-5 cm
Where is the deep inguinal ring located?
It is an oval opening in the fascia transversalis.
Where is the superficial inguinal ring located?
It is a triangular opening located in the aponeurosis of external oblique muscle.
Fill in the blanks. “ The deep inguinal ring lies _______ above the _________.”
1.25 cm above midponit of the inguinal ligament.
Fill in the blanks. “ The superficial inguinal ring lies above the _________.”
Lies above and lateral to the pubic crest.
Superficial - creSt
What are the structures passing through the deep inguinal ring in MALES?
Da - Ductus deferens and its artery.
G- Genital branch of
genitofemoral nerve.
O- Obliterated remains of
processus vaginalis.
A- Autonomic nerves and
T- Testicular artery and the accompanying veins.
What are the structures passing through the deep inguinal ring in FEMALES?
L- Lymphatics from the
O- Obliterated remains of
processus vaginalis.
R- Round ligament of uterus.
What are the structures passing through the superficial inguinal ring in Females?
Ilioinguinal nerve
Round ligament of uterus.
What are the structures passing through the superficial inguinal ring in Males?
Ilioinguinal nerve
Spermatic cord
Fill in the blanks. “ At the opening of the deep inguinal ring , the Transversalis fascia forms an out-pouching which is the _______.”
Internal spermatic fascia
For the boundaries of inguinal canal, The anterior wall is formed by?
Superficial to deep
- Skin
2.Superficial fascia - External oblique
aponeurosis - Internal oblique muscle fibres, in lateral one-third.
For the boundaries of the inguinal canal, the posterior wall is formed by?
From deep to superficial
- Fascia transversalis, in the whole extent.
- Conjoint tendon, in medial two-third.
3.Reflected part of the inguinal ligament,in medial-most part.
What structure forms the roof of the Inguinal Canal?
It is formed by the lower arched fibres of internal oblique and transversus abdominis