Information Processing Flashcards


15 marker?


Display- what is around them eg. Spectators, court, competitors

Input - to stimulus information eg know when the gun will go off

Selective attention - block the irrelevant and focuses on relevant info

Receptor system- identifies senses such as kinaesthetic where muscles can tell us if the mov felt right or not/ equilibrium info whether body is balanced
Touch feeling of blocks against feet

Perceptual mechanism- used to interpret info and uses DCR process eg sound of whistle

Translatory mechanism- makes decision eg starting to serve a ball

Effector mechanism- tells muscles what to do eg arms/ legs muscles to contract and create a movement

Output- which creates a movement that a performer desires to do eg recreating the movement again

Feedback- provides info about the outcome of the movement eg was it successful or was it not


  • Setting up practices that are really distracting and try to make a performer concentrate on the relevant info and block the irrelevant ones.
  • Maintain optimum level of arousal which will make performer to concentrate on the movement rather than emotions
  • Use bright colours to intensify stimulus and help performer to concentrate on one thing
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