Inflammation, tumors Flashcards

Phlegmone (Diffuse purulent inflammation):
=acute inflammation of soft tissue
- diffuse and no capsule
- purulent exudate= inflammatory cells( neutrophils ocean)
- edema and fluid filled dilated vessels due to hemostasis and hyperaemic tissue
- Microvascularthrombosis (DIC)
- collagen fibers
- Mononuclear cells identified( histocytes, plasma cells, lymphocytes)
- Histocytes w/ big vesucyar hyperchromatic nuclei
- Plasma cells (smaller then histocytes)

Phlegmone( Diffuse purulent inflammation)

Phlegmone (Diffuse purulent inflammation)
- microvascular thrombus
- SC adipocytes
- dilated filled blood vessel
- Loose CT wit wavy collagen fibers

-segmented nuclei( granulocytes/neutrophils–> see nuclei segments= inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation (Small intestines)
- can clearly see on the slide that it is a cross section from intestines
- External smooth muscle layer
- submucosa
- proprial layer w/mucosal membrane (enterocytes), Villi + a lot of extravasated RBC
*Parvovirus, E.coli, Salmonella, dietical problems, stress, trauma, Shock.

Hemorrhagic inflammation:
- inflammatory cells present in the submucosa.
- the wite “bubles” = dilated blood vessels

Fibrinous (Kroupous) inflammation:
-see clearly the fibrin strands/part in the lumen of the intestine/stomach

Fibrinous (Kroupous) inflammation:
*muscle layers: inn–>out
1) mucosal layer
2) muscularis mucosa
3) submucosa
4) muscularis externa

Malignant lymphoma:
- slide is dark purple, is a stomach look like a stomach
- see mass of neoplastic lymphocytes
- see mucous membrane
Malignant lymphoma(stomach)
- see the lymphocytic mass, cell proliferation with necrotized surface
- also remnants of propria glands
- no benign type of this tumor

Malignant lymphoma:
- apoptotic cells
- mitotic figures
- lymphocytes

Benign mixed tumor(mammary gland):
- chondroma
- osteoma

Benings mixed tumor (mammary gl).
-myoepithelioma= spindle shaped cells, elongated myoepithelial cells with pale blue matrix around
What is in the white part of the slide(round white part)

Benings mixed tumor (mammary gl).
-myoepithelioma= spindle shaped cells, elongated myoepithelial cells with pale blue matrix around

Benings mixed tumor (mammary gl).
- ademona
- chondroma

Mast cell tumor= mastocytoma:
-cytoplasmic granules/basophil “fired egg”= round cell, sometimes polygonal, central round nucleus

Mast cell tumor= mastocytoma:
-cytoplasmic granules/basophil “fired egg”= round cell, sometimes polygonal, central round nucleus

Melanoma malignum:
- melanin pigments
- melanocytic hyperplasia (lentigo)
- metastasis

Melanoma malignum:
- no pigments in the granules in the collagen fibrous stroma
- cellular polymorphism

Benign Trichoblastoma:
-see that the tissue is skin tissue

Benign trichoblastoma:
- meduzoid pattern of stroma = multipotent germinative cells
- solid islands
- follicles