Infectious Diseases Flashcards
Latent Period
post-infection and before development of symptoms and signs
First Line of Defence
skin -> cilia -> mucus -> elevated body temperature -> cough, tears, saliva
Second Line of Defence
Immune cells recognize foreigners because they have antigens (eg proteins/ sugars) on their surface different from their own
Chain of Infection Model
Pathogen -> Reservoir -> Portal of Exit -> Means of Transmission -> Portal of Entry -> New Host
Common Cold
P: rhinovirus, coronavirus
MoT: cough, sneezes, direct or indirect contact
Prevention: hand-washing
T: immune system
P: influenza virus
S: aches, chills, dry cough, weakness that lasts longer
T: annual vaccine (flu shot); antiviral drugs for high-risk cases
P: Hep A-G causes inflammation of the liver
S: high fever, headaches, fatigue, aching, joints, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice
MoT: contaminated water (A/E) or sexual contact (B/C/D)
T: Hep A/B vaccine (available in Canada)
P: Streptococcus pneumonia (bacterial) and Neisseria meningitis (viral)
S: Brain and spinal cord membrane infection, fever, drowsiness, confusion, severe headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting
Virus: The drug clears up by itself
Bacteria: dangerous and requires antibiotics
Vaginal Infections
Bacterial Vaginosis
P: Candida Albeans (yeast; fungi)
S: itching, burning, discharge
MoT: Found prevalent in weak immune systems
P: Trichomonas Vaginas (protozoan)
S: itching, burning, discharging
T: treated with anti-viral drugs (anti-protozoans)
Penile Infections and Symptoms
Candidiasis (fungal), Epididymitis, Orchitis (bacterial or viral)
S: redness, irritation, pain during sex, discharge
Urinary Tract Infections
Inflammation of the urethra (less serious) & bladder or kidney (more serious)
S: urination burning, chills, fever, fatigue, bloody urine
MoT: more common in females
Bacterial Vaginosis
P: bacteria
S: white/ greyish discharge, strong odour
MoT: usually women in reproductive years
P: Chlamydia Trachomatis
S: PID, disrupted menstruation, phobic pain, nausea, vaginal discharge, urine burns
MoT: mother to infant during childbirth, mainly sex (ages 15-29), direct contact to vagina
T: Easily treated by antibiotics (usually one dose) BUT no early symptoms (increased risk of spread)
Prevention: condom
How to prevent antibiotic resistance?
finish prescription, let the immune system work, don’t share antibiotics, don’t use leftover antibiotics, use soap less
Bacterial STI’s
Most Common Canadian STI
P: Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
S: If left untreated: cloudy discharge & burning (males) & green, yellowish discharge, PID (females)
MoT: oral, vaginal or oral sex, ages: F(15-24), M(30-39)
T: Antibiotics
Prevention: Condom
Stages of Syphilis
- days: sore, usually painless at infection site (unnoticed but high bacteria at infection site)
- months: body rash (hands & feet), flu-like symptoms
- yrs or decades: bacteria invade NS causing CNS & CVD effects
P: Treponema Pallidum
S: mental disturbance, heart failure, blindness, death
MoT: skin opening via kissing or other sex forms
T: antibiotics (treat before stage 3)
Human Papilloma Virus
S: common warts, genital warts, genital or cervical cancer
MoT: sex, primarily oral but often immune system
T: immune system
Prevention: HPV Gardasil (not condoms)
What is the most common virus in NA?
HPV (~75% of active adults)
Herpes Simplex Virus
P: HSV1 (mouth) & HSV2 (genitals) but the reverse can be true
S: small, painful, leaking red blisters
MoT: skin opening (shedding virus sores), oral sex
T: Acyclovir (antiviral) lessens symptoms
Prevention: condom
HPV: Progression
Usually no serious consequences but can be >2 years for 5-10% of females
Persistent infection -> high-risk of pre-cancerous cervical changes -> cervical cancer (10-15 yrs)
Why is the prevention of HSV difficult?
difficult b/c 2/3 of NA carry & outbreaks usually come from stress, illness, fatigue, sun exposure, intercourse, menstruation
HSV: Progression
skin opening -> settles dormant in spine -> travels through nerves back to skin
How much % of NA has HSV1 or 2?
HSV1: ~50-60%
HSV2: ~7-20%
HIV & AIDS: Biology
infects T-cells to hide in the immune system
replicate too fast to be killed
mutate (change antigens) to avoid elimination
HIV Tests
measures antibodies to fight the virus b/c HIV hides
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)
The combination if 3-different drugs that target various stages of the HIV life cycle
Untreated HIV
AIDS in 10 years which severely hurts immune system and causes death due to opportunistic infection
How many HIV/AIDS Canadians?
What is % spread of sexual orientation for HIV/AIDS?
50% gay
33% Straight
17% intravenous
23% lesbian
<1% fetus