Infectious Disease Flashcards
3 MCC of fever of unknown origin (FUO)
Infection, cancer, and autoimmune dz
4 signs and sx of streptococcal pharyngitis
Fever, pharyngeal erythema, tonsillar exudate, lack of cough
Nonsuppurative complication of strep infection that is not altered by treatment of 1` infection
Postinfectious glomerulonephritis
Most common predisposing factor for acute sinusitis
Viral URI
Asplenic pts are particularly susceptible to these organisms.
Encapsulated organisms - pneumococcus, meningococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella
Number of bacteria needed on a clean-catch specimen to dx a UTI
10^5 bacteria/mL
Which healthy population is susceptible to UTIs?
Pregnant women. Tx this group aggressively b/c of potential complications.
Pt from California or Arizona presents w/ fever, malaise, cough, and night sweats. Dx? Tx?
Coccidioidomycosis; amphotericin B
Nonpainful chancre
1` syphillis
A “blueberry muffin” is characteristic of what congenital infection?
Meningitis in neonates. Causes? Tx?
Group B strep (GBS), E. coli, Listeria. Tx w/ gentamicin and ampicillin
Meningitis in infants. Causes? Tx?
Pneumococcus, meningococcus, H influenzae. Tx w/ cefotaxime and vancomycin
What should always be done prior to LP?
Check for increased ICP; look for papilledema
CSF findings: Low glucose, PMN predominance
Bacterial meningitis
CSF findings: Normal glucose, lymphocytic predominance
Aseptic (viral) meningitis
CSF findings: Numerous RBCs in serial CSF samples
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
CSF findings: increased gamma globulins
Initially presents w/ pruritic papule w/ regional lymphadenopathy; evolves into a black eschar after 7-10 days. Tx?
Cutaneous anthrax. Tx w/ penicillin G or ciprofloxacin
Findings in 3` syphillis
Tabes dorsalis, general paresis, gummas, Argyll Roberson pupil, aortitis, aortic root aneurysms.
Characteristics of 2` Lyme dz
Arthralgias, migratory polyarthropathies, Bell’s palsy, myocarditis
Cold agglutinins
24 y/o man presents w/ soft white plaques on his tongue and the back of his throat. Dx? Workup? Tx?
Candidal thrush. Workup should include an HIV test. Tx w/ nystatin oral suspension.
At what CD4 count should Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis by initiated in an HIV-(+) pt?
= 200 for P jiroveci w/ TMP-SMX
At what CD4 count should Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) pneumonia prophylaxis by initiated in an HIV-(+) pt?
= 50-100 for MAI w/ clarithromycin/azithromycin
Risk factors for pyelonephritis
Pregnancy, vesicoureteral reflux, anatomic anomalies, indwelling catheters, kidney stones
Neutropenic nadir postchemotherapy
7-10 days
Erythema migrans
Lesion of 1` Lyme dz
Classic physical findings for endocarditis
Fever, heart murmur, Osler’s nodes, splinter hemorrhages, Janeway lesions, Roth’s spots
Aplastic crisis in sickles cell dz
Parvovirus B19
Ring-enhancing brain lesion on CT w/ seizures
Taenia solium (cysticercosis)
Name the organism: Branching rods in oral infection
Actinomyces israelli
Name the organism: Weakly gram-(+), partially acid-fast in lung infection
Nocardia asteroides
Name the organism: Painful chancroid
Haemophilus ducreyi
Name the organism: Dog or cat bite
Pasteurella multocida (px tx w/ augmentin)
Name the organism: Gardener
Sporothrix schenckii
Name the organism: Raw pork and skeletal muscle cysts
Trichinella spiralis
Name the organism: Sheepherders w/ liver cysts
Echinococcus granulosus
Name the organism: Perianal itching
Enterobius vermicularis
Name the organism: Pregnant women w/ pets
Toxoplasma gondii
Name the organism: Meningitis in adults
Neisseria meningitidis
Name the organism: Meningitis in elderly
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Name the organism: Meningoencephalitis in AIDS pts
Cryptococcus neoformans
Name the organism: Alcoholic w/ pneumonia
Name the organism: “Currant jelly” sputum
Name the organism: Malignant external otitis
Name the organism: Infection in burn victims
Name the organism: Osteomyelitis from a foot wound puncture
Name the organism: Osteomyelitis in a sickle cell pt
55 y/o man who is a smoker and a heavy drinker presents w/ a new cough and flulike sx. Gram stain shows no organisms; silver stain of sputum shows gram-(-) rods. What is the dx?
Legionella pneumonia
Middle-aged man presents w/ acute-onset monoarticuar joint pain and bilateral Bell’s palsy. What is the likely dx, and how did he get it? Tx?
Lyme dz, Ixodes tick, doxycycline
Pt develops endocarditis 3 weeks after receiving a prosthetic heart valve. What organism is suspected?
S aureus or Staph epi
A pt develops endocarditis in a dative valve after having a dental cleaning
Strep viridans