Infection, Cephalosporins Flashcards
Cephalosporins penetrate the cerebrospinal fluid poorly unless what?
The meniges are inflamed: cefotaxime and ceftriaxone are suitable cephalosporins for infections of the CNS.
The calcium salt of which cephalosporin can form a precipitate in the gall bladder (rarely causing symptoms), which usually resolves upon stopping treatment?
The calcium salt of ceftriaxone forms a precipitate in the gall bladder which may rarely cause symptoms but these usually resolve when the antibiotic is stopped.
If a cephalosporin is essential in patients with a history of immediate hypersensitivity to penicillin, because a suitable alternative antibacterial is not available, then what can be used?
CefIXIme CefoTAXime CefTAZidine CefTRIAXone CefuROXime
cefaclor, cefadroxil, cefalexin, cefradine, and ceftaroline fosamil should be avoided.
The excretion of cephalosporins is principally what?
Which cephalosporin is only licensed for acute infections?
Cefixime is an orally active ‘third generation’ cephalosporin. It has a longer duration of action than the other cephalosporins that are active by mouth. It is only licensed for acute infections.