What are the nutritional benifits of breast feeding for the baby?
- nutrition
- protection
- infection
- obesity/CVD
- disease
- allergies
- conveinince
- digestion
- cognitive development
- lots of lactose
- concentration
- taste
Explain how nutrition is a benifit of breastfeeding?
Provides the ideal combination of nutrients, composition changes with baby.
(mother needs a healthy diet)
Explain how protection is a benefit of breastfeeding?
Provides antibodies, boots immunity, prevents infection, less asthma and eczema.
Explain how infection preventation is a benifit to breastfeeding?
Lowe incidence of gasterointeritis.
Explain how prevention of obesity and CVD is a benifit ot breastfeeding?
Lowers the risk
Explain how prevention of disease is a benifit of breastfeeding?
Protection against some immune related disease.
Explain how allergies are a benifit to breastfeeding?
Protect agaisnt some allergic disease.
Explain how convenience is a benifit to breast feeding?
Milk is ready whenever.
Explain how digestion is a benifit of breastfeeding?
Easily digested and efficient.
Explain how cognitive development is a benifit to breastfeeding?
Higher IQ, brain, ey and jaw development.
Explain the benifits of EFA’s in breastfeeding?
Contains omega 3 and 6, benificial for cognitive function and visual acuity in infants.
Explain the benifits of lots of lactose in breastfeeding?
Increases the calcium absorption.
Explain the befifits breastfeeding has on concentration of milk?
No danger of under diluting.
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in relation to the taste?
The baby will ervive foods of a wide range of taste depending on what the mother eats.
What are the breastfeeding benifits for the mother?
- Cancer
- Osteoporosis/diabetes
- weight loss
- free
- sterilisation
- bonding
- depression
- conveinience
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in relation to cancer?
Decreased risk of breat cancer.
Explain the bwnifits of breastfeeding in relation to osteoporosis/diabetes?
Decreases the risk.
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in relation to weight loss?
There is more rapid postpartum weight loss.
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in relation to cost?
Breastfeeding is free however the mother would need more food to sustain her energy levels and to be providing enough milk for the baby.
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in relation to sterilisation?
You have no need to sterikise a bottle as breastfeeding is hygeinic and safe.
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in reation to bonding?
Allows the mother to forma close bond with bthe baby.
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in relation to depression.
Lowers the incidence of post partum depression.
Explain the benifits of breastfeeding in relation to convenience?
The baby can be fed anywhere
Bnifits of bottle fedding?
- bonding
- conveinience
- rest
- amount
- work
- mother benifits
- nutrients
Explain the benifits of bottle feeding in relaiton to bonding?
The baby can be fed by anyone and allows the baby to forma close bond to others including the father.
Explain the benifits of bottle feeding in relation to conveinience?
Fed anywhere, although some people wont breastfeed in public.
Explain the benifits of bottle feeding in relation to rest?
Any adult can feed the baby and alows the mother time to rest.
Explaint the benifits of bottle feeding in relation to amount?
Can see how much the baby is getting.
Exaplin the benifits of bottle feeding in relation to work?
It is easier to work as youa rnt tied to breastfeeding.
Explain the benifits of bottle feeding in relation to the mother?
Prevents painful breasts, mastitis.
Explain the benifits of bottle feeding on the nutrients of the baby?
Match or exceed that of human milk, fortified with vitamin D
Why should a healthy diet be eaten during pregnancy?
If a bad diet is consumed the mothers own nutrient stores will be reduced.
Why should you drink plenty of fluids when breastfeeding?
so as the mother is getting enough fluid to give the baby fluid through her milk.
should drink an extra four glasses.
What foods should pregnan woman avoid?
Caffeine, alcohol, shark, swordfish or marlin.
what supplement should breastfeeding woman take?
vitamin D supplement.
What is weaning?
it is complementary feeding, transferring an infant from breastmilk or formula onto solid foods, gradual trasition, raise energy density.
At what age can you wean a baby?
At six months
Benifits of weaning?
Chewing and swallowing mechanism assists with speech.
Why should you not wean a baby too early?
Udesirable, they are unabe to bite or chew before 3-4 months, gut is vulnerable to infecction, increases likelyhood of excessie weight gain.
Why should weaning foods be in only small amounts?
babys have a small stomach capacity.
Why cant cows milk be given before 1 year?
it has low levels of irona dn vitamin D.
What are some weaning foods?
cereals, rusks and commercial weannig foods
What are some factors nessesary for weaning foods to have?
Rich in energy and rich in minerals.
What sort of foods should you avoid when weaning?wa
wheat, eggs, shellfish, soft and unpasteurized cheese
What should u give a baby to drink?
Breastmilk or formula up until 12 months, water (boiled and cooled), fruit juice (6 months).
Foods to avoid when weaning?
Reduced fat milk, salt, free sugar, gluten, honey, shark, raw eggs, whole nuts.