Infancy and pre school children Flashcards
Benefits for the baby in relation to breastfeeding:
Correct nutrients in the right proportion
Right temperature
Provides the baby with antibodies
May protect against diseases later in life
Easy to digest
How does breastmilk provide protection?
Provide antibodies
It boosts immunity and can protect illness
It can protect against ear, stomach, chest and kidney infections.
How does breastmilk lower the risk of infections?
Lowers the incidence of severe illnesses and reduces getting them later in life
How does breastmilk lower the risk of obesity?
There is a lower risk of the baby becoming obese
Why is breastmilk easily digested?
The nutrients that are provided through breastmilk are easier absorbed and digested within the baby.
What is the link between cognitive development and breastmilk?
Breast fed babies have a higher IQ and are known to have better brain, jaw and eye development
They may go on to have a higher educational attainment
What are the benefits of breastfeeding to the mother?
It can decrease the risk of breast and ovarian cancer later in life
2 - benefits of breastfeeding to the mother:
Breastmilk is free and is a cheaper way to feed your child
It is one way of reducing the cost of the expenses a child comes with
Often used in LEDC countries
3 - benefits of breastfeeding to the mother:
It is much more convenient
No need for lots of equipment
Milk is ready when needed
4 - benefits of breastfeeding for the mother:
No need to sterilise the equipment so is less time consuming
5 - benefits of breastfeeding to the mother
it allows close bonding with the baby and is an enjoyable, rewarding time to spend with your baby
6- benefits of breastfeeding to the mother
Lowers the risk of post partum depression
Benefits of bottle feeding :
Allows bonding with the father as it does not just have to be the mother feeding
Other benefits of bottle feeding:
There is no embarrassment when feeding
Anyone can feed the baby - help them out
Easier to return to work
You can see how much the baby is drinking
Formulae milk contains vitamin D and breastmilk does not
Why is bottle feeding a benefit to the mother?
Prevents painful breasts - mastitis
Not tied to always feeding the baby
Allows you to rest and your husband can feed the baby
Why is early weaning not recommended?
Do not develop the ability to chew and bite correctly
Vulnerable gut to infection
May increase risk of weight gain in the baby - obesity
What foods should be avoided before 6 months?
Wheat (gluten), eggs, fish and shellfish, soft cheeses
What is important in weaning foods?
Rich in energy Rich in vitamins and minerals Fed frequently Supplement to milk not a replacement Should be fed in a way that develops their feeding skills
What vitamins and minerals should the food be rich in?
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Why is it important to have a healthy eating habit when breastfeeding?
Stores may be depleted - vitamin D, iron & calcium
Energy requirements increase - fats stores are being used as energy
Composition of breastmilk is in relation to the foods we eat
Additional requirements of certain nutrients
What should the mother limit/ avoid during breastfeeding?
Caffeine Alcohol Shark Swordfish Marlin
Why is weaning a baby important?
Development of chewing, swallowing (solids), speech
Why is energy requirements higher during breastfeeding?
Infants are growing rapidly - use energy that is provided through milk
Infants are more active so they use more energy so therefore energy requirements are higher
Why is fluids so important in an infant?
They lose fluids through their sweat, urine, faeces and the respiratory tract
Why is protein so important in infancy?
Support growth
Requirements for essential amino acids - histidine - growth
Why are carbohydrates so important during infancy?
Lactose is what provides 40% of the energy in the infants diet
Lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose during digestion - important in the development of the nervous system and the brain