Indicies Flashcards
Biofilm control record
Purpose is to record the presence of dental biofilm on individual tooth surfaces to permit the patient to visualize progress while learning biofilm control
Disclosing agent is used
Biofilm-free score
Purpose is to determine the location, number, and percentage of biofilm free services for individual motivation and instruction
Disclosing agent is used and all teeth are checked
Patient hygiene performance
Purpose is to assess the extent of biofilm and debris over a tooth surface

Disclosing agents are used and a selection of teeth and services are viewed
Simplified oral hygiene index
Purpose is to assess oral cleanliness by estimating the tooth surface is covered with debris and/or calculus
Two components, the simplified debris index and the simplified calculus index
What does bleeding on probing indicate?
Gingival inflammation and the progression of periodontal disease
Periodontal screening and recording
Purpose is to assess the state of periodontal health of an individual patient
Dentition is divided into sextants and each tooth is examined using the WHO probe
If reading reaches into solid colored line then a full periodontal screening is required
Community periodontal index
Purpose is to screen and monitor the periodontal status of populations
Teeth are broken into sextants, procedure is similar to PSR but they look more at the loss of attachment
Sulcus bleeding index
Purpose is to locate areas of gingival sulcus bleeding and color changes in order to recognize and record the presence of early inflammatory gingival disease
Probe is walked around the tooth to look for bleeding at each surface
Gingival bleeding index
Purpose is to record the presence or absence of gingival inflammation as determined by bleeding from inter-proximal gingival sulci
Unwaxed floss used between each tooth in the two sulci
CCP dental hygiene papilla bleeding index
Used to record the presence or absence of gingival inflammation as determined by bleeding from inter-proximal gingival sulci
Completed after the PSR screening
Procedure for CCP PBI
Black out all missing teeth
Apply sweeping stroke with WHO probe
Wait 20 to 30 seconds
Assign a grade to the tooth
PBI scoring
0: no bleeding
1: Point bleeding is observed
2: fine line is observed
3: is the interdental triangle has blood observed
4: profuse bleeding observed
Eastman inter Dental bleeding index
Purpose is to assess the presence of inflammation in the inter-dental area as indicated by the presence or absence of bleeding
Interdental areas around the entire Dentition or examined using a triangular wooden interdental cleaner
Gingival index
Purpose is to assess the severity of gingivitis based on color, consistency and bleeding on probing
Four areas examine systematically on each tooth using a probe to look for gingival signs of disease
What is dental caries experience data most useful for?
When measuring prevalence in groups
Can document the number of persons in any age group who are affected by dental caries, the number of teams meeting treatment and the proportion of teeth treated
Permanent and Dentition: decayed, missing and filled teeth or surfaces
Purpose is to determine total dental caries experience, past and present, by recording either the number of affected teeth or tooth surfaces
Based on 28 teeth
Primary Dentition: decayed, indicated for extraction, and filled (df and def)
To determine the dental caries experience for the primary teeth present in the oral cavity by evaluating teeth or surfaces
Early childhood carries
To provide case definitions that determine dental caries experience of children five years of age or younger
Each surface of each tooth visible in the child’s mouth is a valuated. Only primary teeth are scored
Route carries index
Used to determine total route carries experience for individuals and groups and provide a direct, simple method for recording and making comparisons
Only surfaces with visible gingival recession are counted
Dental fluorosis
Deans fluorosis index: used to measure the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis. Developed in the 1930s and revised in 1942 to relate the severity of hypo mineralization of dental enamel to concentration of fluoride in the water supply
WHO basic screening survey
Purpose is to collect comprehensive data on oral health status and dental treatment needs of a population. System is suitable for serving both adults and children
Survey categories for WHO basic screening survey
Orofacial lesions and anomalies TMJ status Periodontal status Dentition status and treatment need Prosthetic status and need Need for immediate care/referral
ASTDD basic screening survey
Developed to provide oral screening for adults, school-age, and/or preschool populations
Designed to be used by screeners with or without dental background because: sometimes non-dental personnel have better access to some population groups. Some communities have a little access to dental public health professionals