Indian Act Flashcards
What year was the Indian Act created
What was the goal of the Indian act
The goal was to assimilate FN into Euro-Canadian culture. This was done by restricting cultures acts.
What is Assimilation
the process of absorbing or being absorbed by a group or system so that all parts of the group are the same
The Indian Act brought together multiply ——– under one act
FN related legislation
What control did the Indian Act give the federal government.
The Government controlled Reserve life - Force ever reserve to from a band that did not follow traditional governance (European governance)
Who was consider a “Indian”
Explain wat a status Indian is
People who the government viewed as FN
- Males of FN ancestry
-Women who married a FN
-their children
If you were status you benefited the rights from treaties
Explain non-status
people who were not recognized by the government as FN despite ancestry.
-women who marry a white man and their children
Non-status were considered to have the same rights as Canadian citizens
How did the government control reserves.
control over administrative and financial matters like sales and leasing reserve land
control of where hunting, fishing, trapping - typical keep on reserve despite treaties
How did the Indian act change traditional governance
Only males could be in a band (also young)
women could not vote - election held like eorupe ones.(show of hands)
traditionally the elderly and women ran stuff
the federal government has most of controle in a band
(they have the money, tell them what to do)