India Flashcards
How did Chandra Gupta Maurya rule
A strong philosophy if governance
Kautayla advisor detailed every aspect of governance in his book the Arthashastra
Before the advent if the Mauryan dynasty 320bce India was
Did use into several large kingdoms
Ashokas accomplishments were numerous and included promotion of Buddhism and the economy as well as
Communicating extensively with his people by Written edicts
The Gupta empire was primarily different from the maurya in size what was another significant difference
It’s dependence on local governance
During the period between 321 B.C.E. and 550 CE India went through enormous economic growth in
Long distance trade by land and sea routes
After his conversion to Buddhism what was ashokas greatest support to Buddhism
Support for its missionary effort
Hinduism went through a transformation as Buddhism became more popular when
Recognition of the active life became a route to salvation for all no matter what case hinduism regained its status as the most popular religion in India
Difference between Buddhism and Hinduism
Buddhist = spiritual independence Hindu =spiritual union
Similarity between Buddhism and Hinduism
To escape the cycle of reincarnation
From Aryan society to the kingdom of mauryans The prestige of the four main castes changed the lower two castes became as influential if not more so than the upper castes how did these reflect the values of their societies
Aryan societies most valued political and spiritual power while Mauryan (urban) societies also valued commercial endeavors
The decline of these zhou dynasty in China paralleled that of India’s Gupta dynasty what were the primary similarities
Invasions from Central Asian nomads allowed provincial so governors to form independent states
Indika had a ____view if India
Positive,India’s weren’t suffering from poverty or other miseries
In contrast to Persia and China India ..
Lacked a strong and imperial tradition
The white Huns occupied Bactria and prepared to cross The Hindu Kush into India during The fourth and fifth centuries there invasion swear met with
Fierce resistance from the Gupta Empire
Sita was the model of perfect wife true or false
Of the Jainist ethics which was the most important
Ahimsa or nonviolence
Did Hinduism restrict sexual relationships
Difference between early Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism
Mahayana theologians invented of boddhisatva
In 327BCE India was thrown to political chaos due to the invasion
Alexander of Maccedone
Golden age of Maauryan age was under who’s rule?
Ashoka-grandson of Chandragupta(so ascetic monk he starved to death)
Who maintained social ordering India?
The jati
Ancient Indian religion revolved around ritual sacrifices provided by
329BCE Gupta dynasty created by
Chandra Gupta
Jains adhered
Nonviolence :Ahisma , everything has soul
small kingdoms after the fall of _____dynasty until____ in 329CE
More similar to the Persians then Mauryans the Guptas
Left governance in the provinces to local Allies
India lived in
Nuclear families
Ramayana & Mahabharta depict India women as
Weak women (Hindu epics)
Nirvana for Buddhism in India meant
An escape from the cycle reincarnation
Basic doctrine of Buddhism the four Noble truths-suffering and the eight fold path B.R.O.S.B.E.C.M.
Hinduism 3 epics Mahabharta Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita reinforce ..
Cast system active life> ascetic life