Incidents & Emergency SOPS Flashcards
What is the controller in relation to IESOPS
Means overall control of all agencies at a site
What is a commander under the IESOPS
Commander has authority only within his/her own agency. Is normally the senior officer of that agency at the scene.
Who is the DEOCON
District emergency operations controller
Normally the region commander .
Who is the DEOCON’s executive assistant
district emergency management officer
define emergency
An actual or immanent occurrence such as
Fire, flood, storm earthquake, explosion, terrorist act, accident or epidemic:
Endangers/ destroys or threatens to endanger/ destroy the safety or health of persons or animals or destroy/damage any property.
What are the 3 levels of aviation accident.
1 light - up to 20 seats
2 medium - up to 200 seats
3 heavy - up to 500 seats
Who has control at the scene of an aviation incident
The site controller who must be a police officer.
Who is the responsible authority for a civil aviation search and rescue
The Australia search and rescue organisation unless results in an emergency then reverts to SEOCON.
What is the SEOCON
State emergency operations controller
Who is the person appointed by the governor on recommendation of the minister. Covers all the districts.
Who is responsible for SAR of military aircraft.
Royal Australian Air Force, except for navy aircraft who search for their own. AAF HQ is located in GLENBROOK.
Who Has control of a military aviation crash site
Military retain control of the impact site, site controller retains control of the scene.
Who has overall investigation of a civil aviation accident.
Air transport safe board.
When dealing with large crowds at the scene of an emergency what are the objectives of police.
Protect life and property
Preserve law & order
Protect the scene
Ensure clear access/ egress routes are maintained.
Where do you get your power to evacuate people
State emergency & rescue management Act (SERM) 1989
Power to evacuate for the purpose of protecting them from injury or death .
Who can authorise an evacuation under the SERM Act
A senior police officer (sergeant) SERM Act section 60L (a)
What does section 60L (b) give me the power to do
Evacuate people from the area and prevent them from reentering
What does section 60L (c) give me the power to do
Protect people from biological, chemical or radiological contamination by:
Remain in area
Submitt to quarantine
Submitt to decontamination
Do I have an obligation to use force during evacuation or using powers under 60L of the SERM Act.
No, 60L (d) gives me the power, but not under a duty to use it
If some one refuses direction to evacuate do they commit and offence.
No, they committ an offence when be forced to leave ie: assault police etc etc
What is the aim of police in any emergency situation.
Do the greatest good for the greater number.
What are the two types of evacuation
Planned - event that provides adequate warning and gives preparation time
Immediate - resulting from an event that gives little or no warning
What are the 5 stages of evacuation
Decision to evacuate Warning Withdrawal Shelter Return
What are the considerations for evacuation:
Who has authority to make the decision What is the threat Current evacuation policy Is it necessary What risk is there to evacuees How many to evacuate Special needs groups Temporary shelter Is there time to do it Sufficient transport to do it How are public to be informed Threats to and sufficient emergency personal
What leads to effective warnings about evacuations
Source of information must be credible
Multiple warnings
Information must be accurate about incidents and action they can take,
Specific location and event should be included,
What must you do when advised of a bomb threat
Attend scene
Will notify the occupant, manager of the building complex.
Evacuate the public and police to a safe distance
Evacuate the whole floor, 2 above and 2 below
Not use radios or mobile phones within 25 meters.
Who do you contact in the event of a bomb threat after attending the scene. (Metropolitan)
DOI, who will call rescue and bomb unit to attend.
DOI will also contact fire & rescue, ambulance, has and electricity suppliers and any public transport authority effected . These agencies will only attend I’d requested by the DOI to do so.
Who do you contact in the event of a bomb threat after attending the scene. (Country)
Notify the DOI who will, contact Rescue and bomb unit . The bomb deck decides what to do with any IED.
What should you do when searching a building for a bomb
Establish communications with VKG
Consider use of bomb dog, OSG
work in pairs
Approach area with caution check concealed places, under shrubs, door mates window ledges.
What is the process for searching for a IED in a building
Concentrate in the area nominated in the bomb threat
Start and finish in a common spot
Search from floor level to waist height first
Waist to head height
Head to ceiling - light fittings ventilation air conditioning, false ceilings etc.
Bottom floor upwards
Search one floor at a time one room at a time, mark cleared.
What are the minimum safe distance for IED’s perimeter, inner and outer
Open area:
Inner- 100 m
Outer- up to police command
inner- up to police commander ( keep in mind falling glass)
Outer - up to police commander
What are the 3 types of IED,s
Time or delayed
Manual or anti disturbance
Remote controlled
What is the fire ground
The area involved in the fire no the area immediately surrounding the fire (combat zone) where fire appliances, hoses hydrants etc are located.
What a police responsible for at a fire.
Immediate area around the fire ground and
Crowd control
Warnings and evacuations
Registration of evacuees
Ensure streets around fire ground and free of crowds and vehicles.
Who is responsible for evacuations on the fire ground
Senior fire brigade officer. Police may be requested to help and are duty bound to assist under section 60(L)
Who is responsible for evacuations off the fireground
Police, work closely with the senior fire brigade officer
Who registers evacuees
Police have this responsibility and may need to establish assembly or evacuation centres.
During a large bush fire what is the role of the police liaison officer
To attend the fire control centre
Gather information and intel relevant to police
Have communication to the POC
Provide SITREPS or relay any direction from the fire control officer to police commander
Who has overall control during a flood or storm
SES, State Emergency Services Act 1989.
They are the combat agency and coordinate the evacuation and welfare of affected communities.
What should commanders do for stations that are in flood prone areas
Ensure there is a support plan for the station which
Protects police property including appointments, exhibits and records.
Who is responsible for dealing with radioactive substances.
EPA, environmental protection agency radiation control section
What is the LAC ultimately responsible for in relation to an emergency investigation
Over all investigation until relieved by SCC.
What SAR responsibilities does the NSWP have
Land sea and air search and rescue in respect of
missing persons
Property and evidence
Non VH registered aircraft
All vessels in port, pleasure and fishing craft at sea
A police commander at the scene of an emergency or incident is responsible for
Controlling, directing and coordinating police resources both personal and equipment
Ensuring that the tasking directions of the combat agency or site controller are carried out
Provide a police liaison officer
How far ahead should a police commander plan during an emergency
At least 24 hrs, make sure there are sufficient police and resources can be provided and maintained.
What should the police commander do at the scene of an emergency
Set up a command post upwind and uphill of the scene, set up communication as responding police will attend there.
What are some of the issues that a police commander must take into consideration when planning a police response to an emergency
Registration of police Briefing of police Police vehicle security Rostering Travelling Rest periods Welfare Rest areas Toilets Chaplains Suitable clothing Safety equipment Equipment
As the police commander you may want to nominate senior officers in various roles what might they be:
Traffic coordinator Rostering Perimeter Vehicles Equipment Planning ops, intel or just the ICCS.
What are the six principles of planning
- Simplicity
- Coordination
- Efficiency
- Flexibility
- Foresight
- Security