Incident Safety Officer Text Flashcards
5 elements of rehab
ISO text
R- rest- stabilize vitals, should return to normal.
E-energy nutrition- provisions for balanced food nourishment to sustain energy and mental activity
H- hydration- ff needs 4-8 oz every 15-20 min of sweating
A- accommodation for weather- shelter from hot or cold is very important
B- BLS monitoring and care- EMS should make judgment whether ff can return based on vitals
Min distances, apparatus operating near exposed distribution wires & electrical conductors. ISO pg 107
0-50k v- 10’ 3m 50k- 200k v - 15’. 4.5m 200k-500k v - 20’. 6.1m 500k- 750k v - 35’ 10.7m 750k- 1million v -45’. 13.7m
6 phases of a ventilation controlled fire Pg 83 ISO text
- Ignition phase - events bring together heat fuel and oxygen to start self sustaining process of combustion.
- Initial growth phase – fire growth is controlled by proximity of burning or burnable fuels
- Ventilation limited phase – compartmentalized fire condition, open flames decrease because smoke production displaces availability of combustion air.
- Explosive growth phase-occurs when air is re-introduced into a ventilation controlled fire causing smoke to flame over and rooms to flash over.
- Fully developed phase-explosive growth typically leads to total flame involvement of the interior flow path.
- Decay phase – available fuel becomes consumed fire begins to wane.
What does the acronym MEDIC stand for in ISO text?
Pg 156
M- monitoring issues – give new iSO overview of incident, when last recon trip was made, describe risk taking level.
E- evaluation – note hazards, rehab effort and concerns regarding crew fatigue.
D- develop preventative measures – share details of safety zones and no entry zones and note mitigation measures.
I- interventions – note any firm interventions that took place.
C- Communication - new IS0 needs to be aware of radio channels established ASO needs to be informed of the transfer.
Describe five steps of the hazard control risk management process
Pg 24 ISO text
Step one – identify the hazard – is a real time process of monitoring the incident, environment and activities.
Step two – evaluate hazard - a value is established in the terms of frequency and severity.
Step three - prioritize hazard – low frequency -low severity
- mod freq - mod severity
- high freq - high severity
Step four - control hazards (mitigation) to reduce the potential for accidents and injuries.
Mitigation hierarchy
- Elimination
- Reduction
- Adaption
- Transfer
- Avoidance
Step five- monitoring hazard - Constant monitoring can lead to proactive hazard control.
Mitigation hierarchy – step four of hazard control strategies risk management process
Elimination Reduction Adaptation Transfer Avoidance
From the ISO text what does MEDIC stand for?
M – monitor issues E – evaluate hazards D – develop preventative measures I – intervention note firm interventions C - communication
Describe the 5 steps of the hazard control risk management process in the ISO text pg 25
Step one - identify the hazard Step two - evaluate the hazard Step three - prioritize the hazard Low frequency - low severity Mod frequency- mod severity High frequency- high severity Step four - control hazard (mitigation) mitigation hierarchy - elimination - reduction - adaption - transfer - avoidance Step five - monitor hazard
Under step 4 of the 5 step risk management process it speaks to 5 service mitigation hierarchy to a preferred order of hazard control strategies. List the five.
- elimination – reduction – adaptation – transfer – avoidance
Defining principle hazards of a structure fire. ISO text 177
- hostile fire events – flashover, Backdraft, explosive growth
– building geometry – layout, size, number of floors, access options - collapse potential – fires in voids, basements, above drop ceilings pose rapid collapse threats. Pressurized tan, brown or darkening smoke from structural areas of a modern building, lightweight wood building is a collapse warning
– hazardous energy – explosions and electrocution.
ISO text speaks to instances that fire departments call for a PAR, list the four examples that were given. Pg 183 ISO text.
– anytime operational mode has changed (offensive – defensive)
– anytime an incident benchmark has been achieved eg (all clear, fire under control)
– Following the report or witnessing flashover or collapse
– after report of missing or trapped fire fighter (mayday)
Explain what is meant by rescue profiling in the ISO text page 181
- the probability that a victim will survive a given environment within a given building space or compartment
- classifications high, marginal and zero.
– High rescue profile – rescue effort good * indications -clear windows minimal smoke stand windows obvious smoke thermal balance.
– Marginal rescue profile – space indicates a danger to occupants and rescuers but no evidence of zero rescue *indications - fast thick dark smoke not turbulent but fill the space, intact dark stained windows, spaces have collapsed but did not become fire involved.
– Zero rescue profile – areas where conditions are simply not survivable * indicators -fully developed fire in the space, turbulent black dense smoke filled space, deeply stained windows with heat stress cracks, floor level temps over 300°F, areas that have collapsed and rapid fire involvement.
List five categories of building construction
Type 1– fire resistive construction Type 2 - non-combustible construction Type 3 - ordinary construction Tape 4 - heavy timber construction Type 5 - wood frame construction.
How to predict building collapse ISO text page 670
Step one – classify building construction
Step two – determine structural involvement
Step three – visualize and trace loads
Step four – evaluate time
Step five - predict and communicate collapse potential
Define VVDC with regards to reading smoke
V = volume – the amount of fuels that are offgassing in a given area V = velocity – pressure that has built up in the building D = density – thickness of the smoke indicates how much fuel is laden in the smoke C = colour – the colour of the smoke indicates material burning, distance to fire, temperature of the smoke
What is the three-step process for reading smoke?
1 – view smoke VVDC, compare differences from each opening which smoke is emitting
2 – analyze contributing factors and determine if they are affecting VVDC
3 – determine rate of change of each attribute
Recognize or identify the warning signs of flashover
Flashover – turbulent smoke-filled compartment – ghosting – vent point ignition – rapid change in smoke volume and velocity (getting worse in seconds)
Recognize or identify warning signs of Backdraft
– Yellowish gray smoke from cracks/seams
– bowing black stained windows
– closed pressurized box with signs of extreme heat
– sucking and puffing from cracks and seams of closed box
Recognize or identify warning signs of smoke explosion
– smoke trapped in separate space above fire
– signs of growing fire
– signs of smoke starting to pressurize
Recognize or identify warning signs of flame over
Flame over
– increased smoke speed
– ghosting
– laminar flow of smoke becomes turbulent
– smoke flowing from hallways and stairways faster than fire fighter can move
What is the three step reading risk model from the ISO text? pg 99
- collect information
- analyze
- judge risk
Step 1– collect information
- read building or environment
- read smoke or event causing harm
- read firefighters
Step 2 - Analyze
- define principle hazards
– determine if survivable spaces for victims
– compare rate of change with fire ground clock
– determine what is to be gained by fire service actions
Step 3 Judge risk
- acceptable
- unacceptable
List 4 options that help the ISO trigger safe behaviour
pg 146
– being visible/passive
–setting an example/passive
– soft intervention/active
– firm intervention/active
List items you might find on an incident action plan briefing sheet
PG 155 ISO
- overall strategy – benchmarks – risk profile – tactical priorities/objectives – crew assignments – CAN report – PAR‘s –hazard issues/status – safety systems - radio channels - incident name - incident location