IMS Accountability Awareness Flashcards
Helmet Apparatus Unit Identifiers
Every on-duty firefighter’s helmet has an apparatus unit identifier on each side.
SCBA Apparatus Unit Identifiers
SCBA apparatus unit identifiers must remain attached to the unit to which they are assigned; they should never be removed. Left shoulder strap and cylinder.
Fire passes
The top portion contains a station number and company designator (for example, ENGINE 12 for the engine at Station 12). The middle portion is made of Velcro to hold the member’s name tags. The Officer’s tag is at the top followed by the Driver/Operator’s, Senior Firefighter’s, and Firefighter’s tags.
Green Fire Pass
It is attached to the Officer’s portable radio until the company is assigned to a group or division, at which point it is given to the Group/Division Supervisor.
Red Fire Pass
Used for assignment at an emergency incident. It is given to the incident commander. It is placed on the command board where the location and assignment are noted.
Name tags
Minimum of 6, 3 for use and 3 for spares. 2 stored on underside of helmet for red and green fire passes.
Name tag order
Senior FF
5th person
- If driver remains on apparatus, name tag flipped upside down.
Command boards
These are plastic engraved boards with Velcro on the front and space for the Incident Commander to make notes, such as arrival time, assignment, and location.
The command board’s front side is used to collect fire passes from the company officers as they are assigned. The group, division, or single resource unit radio designation/name and the assignment, location, and entry time (if applicable) are noted with the corresponding red fire pass. The Incident Commander may use two or more command boards for large incidents.
The Incident Commander uses the other side of the board to develop the Incident Action Plan (IAP).
How are crews tracked
By function and geographical location.
Level I Accountability
At start of shift, place 1 name tag on green and red fire pass (if moved mid shift, must remove). Use additional name tags if placed on more than 1 unit (bush buggies, aerials, etc).
Officer enters name into MPS.
Ensure helmet apparatus identifier is attached on both sides.
Ensure SCBA is correctly identified as well.
Level II Accountability
Applies to all responses once Command has been established. Only pencils are to be used for recording information on the command board.
Scene safety
Company officers must account for all personnel under their supervision and maintain this accountability with incident command. Crews will not leave their assignment unless they are directed to do so by their supervising Officer. Individual crews shall not report to the rehabilitation area unless they are assigned to it.
Laddering a roof
Firefighting personnel should ensure the structure is laddered in two places to provide a secondary means of egress. These escape routes should preferably be at opposite ends of the building or separated by a considerable distance.
Recall (Recall, Tactical Withdrawal)
Command should request activation of the hi-low portable radio tones and air horns. There will be three blasts on the air horn, followed by a pause, and three more blasts. This will continue until the recall is over or everyone has been accounted for.
High rise safety
Typically, staging is set up two floors below the fire floor. With high-rise incidents, a base is also established outside the building.
Emergency Traffic Announcement
This order is typically given by incident command or a company officer, but any crew member has the authority to initiate an emergency traffic announcement.
Personnel Accountability Reports (PAR)
The Incident Commander gives all units on-scene a 60-second notice before conducting a PAR. Note that the division PAR does not include the tasks assigned to each unit. Incident Commander only needs to know how many people work in each unit.
Status board
The Incident Commander uses a status board to capture information about the incident and formulate the overall Incident Action Plan using the Think, Plan, Act model.
Apparatus tracking
As soon as the Incident Commander knows that crews will be arriving, they are added to the list. Later when the crews arrive, their designation is circled.
3 incident priorities
Life safety, incident stabilization, and property conservation.
Fire Tactical Operations Center (FTOC)
Located on the administration side of Station 16 on the second floor. Specially designed facility established by the CFD to coordinate the overall agency’s response to an incident. Active, large scale incidents that will require the commitment of significant CFD resources for a longer duration may require the activation of the FTOC.
Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA)
In an emergency or crisis, the Calgary Emergency Management Agency’s role is to facilitate coordinated response and communication efforts of multiple agency members and partners. CEMA operates under the guidance of the Municipal Emergency Plan (MEP).
CEMA is comprised of 3 sections
- Business Continuity & Recovery Planning
- Emergency Operations
- Canada Task Force 2 (CANTF2)
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
The EOC provides a location where business unit leaders from across the corporation and other agencies at various governmental levels may coordinate activities and make strategic decisions. The EOC also coordinates information flow through the media to ensure that citizens are updated promptly and do not receive confusing or conflicting messages.