Chapter 12 - Fire Hose Flashcards
Primary characteristics of fire hose
Construction and materials used, internal diameter and couplings used to make connections
Supply hose
Transports water from a fire hydrant or other water supply source to an apparatus equipped with a pump
- CFD: Supply hose (large diameter hose) is cut and coupled in 30 m lengths (10 lengths total)
Attack hose
Transports water or other agents at increased pressure from the following sources: from pump equipped apparatus to a nozzle or nozzles, pump equipped apparatus to a fire department connection (FDC) mounted on a structure, from building standpipe to the point the water is applied to the fire.
- CFD: Attack hose (small and medium diameter hoses) is usually cut into 15 m lengths with the exception of the 44 mm high-rise hose which is cut into 30 m lengths.
NFPA 1961
Standard on fire hose
Hose diameter
The size of a fire hose refers to its inside diameter.
Hose length
Attack and supply manufactured in 15m (50ft) or 30m (100ft) sections.
Suction hose
Also called intake hose, used to connect the pumper to a hydrant or other water source. Soft sleeve suction hose is not rigid and cannot be used for drafting because it will collapse. Hard suction hose is usually contsructed in 3m (10ft) long lengths. Designed for drafting water from static water supplies or connecting to a hydrant.
Threaded couplings
Male thread is cut on the exterior surface. Female thread is on the interior surface of the swivel. Each section of fire hose with threaded couplings have 1 male at one end and 1 female at the other.
The portion of the coupling that serves as a point of attachment to the hose.
Higbee cut
A flattened angle at the end of the threads on the male and female couplings called the higbee cut prevents cross threading when couplings are connected. Indicator aids in matching the male coupling thread to the female thread.
A removable rubber gasket is located inside which coupling to ensure a tight fit and to reduce water leaks
Aid in tightening and loosening connections. Sit on shank of the male and swivel of female. Spanner wrenches to assist. Rocker lugs, recessed lugs and pin lug.
Nonthreaded coupling commonly found on large diameter hose.
Inspecting hose
NFPA 1962. Inspected and service tested every 3 MONTHS (90 days).
Drying hose
Dried before being stored. Water should be drained from hose to protect lining. Avoid high temps and direct sunlight. Never store solvents, petroleum products or other chemicals close to fire hose or couplings.
Types of damage that can occur
Mechanical- abrasions, cuts and tears
Thermal- exposure to fire, high heat, or freezing temp
Organic- mold and mildew
Chemical- deterioration due to solvent action on synthetic materials and natural fibres
Corrosion- rusting of metal couplings
Age deterioration- Cracking at points where hose is folded and separation of inner liner from exterior covering
Straight roll
Start at male coupling end and roll toward the female end. Used for transporting damaged or dirty hose, storing sections, carrying spare sections and making hose loading easier. If male end is exposed, indicator roll needs to be serviced. Or if end is tied in a knot.
Donut roll
Commonly used when hose is likely to be deployed for use directly from a roll. FF has access to both couplings. Quicker connections.
Hose beds
Supply and attack generally carried in open compartments called hose beds. Front of the bed is closest to the front of the apparatus.
3 most common loads for supply
Flat, accordion and horseshoe.
Flat load
Less likely to damage from apparatus vibration during travel. Does contain sharp bends which requires load to be reloaded periodically to prevent damage to internal lining.
Accordion load
Hose is laid on its edge. FF can easily pick up a number of folds and place them on one shoulder to carry.
Preconnected hose lines
Called preconnects. Primary lines most departments use for fire attack. Hoselines connected to a discharge valve.
Preconnected flat load
Place loops at regular intervals within the load so that equal portions of the load are pulled from the bed.
Booster hose reels
Rubber covered hose that are usually carried preconnected and coiled on reels. Work well for quick, first attack on small exterior fires. Direct connection provides instant water flow no matter what length of hose is needed.
Pony length
Any hose cut shorter than standard length is called a pony length. This is usually made from hose that has been damaged at one time and repaired. The only pony length found on CFD engines is the 125 mm pony.
CFD supply hose (hard suction and high volume)
There are two types of hard suction hose, both are non-collapsible, and wire reinforced. Newer hard suction hose is made of transparent PVC and older hard suction hose is rubber-lined and rubber-covered. The length of these hoses is usually 3 m.
The hard suction hose sizes used by the CFD are:
* 65 mm
* 77 mm
* 100 mm
* 125 mm
Hard suction hoses are carried on all CFD tenders.
High-Volume (High Vol) supply hose
Low Pressure High Volume (LPHV)
* 125 mm urethane-lined, synthetic rubber jacket, equipped with a 125 mm sexless Storz coupling.
* Rated to 1400 kPa (200 psi).
* Usually yellow in colour.
* Carried on all CFD Engines.
High Pressure High Vol (HPHV)
* 125 mm urethane-lined, synthetic rubber jacket, equipped with a 125 mm sexless Storz coupling.
* Rated to 2100 kPa (300 psi).
* Usually green or red in colour.
* Found on ladders and platforms
Attack Hose Sizes & Construction CFD
- 19 mm synthetic, jacketed hose with couplings ◦ Commonly called forestry hose
◦ Yellow or Blue depending on length
◦ Rated to 1720 kPa (250 psi) - 25 mm rubber-lined, rubber-covered hose, equipped with a 25 mm coupling; ◦ Commonly called a booster line
◦ Found on CFD Bush Buggies
◦ Rated to 2100 kPa (300 psi) - 38 mm rubber-lined, double-jacketed hose with a 38 mm red or green coupling; ◦ Commonly called a wash-out hose
◦ Found ONLY in Station. Do not mix with engine complement
◦ Not rated or tested - 44 mm rubber-lined, double-jacketed hose with a 38 mm blue or unpainted coupling ◦ Rated to 2750 kPa (400 psi)
- 65 mm rubber-lined, double-jacketed hose with a 65 mm coupling ◦ Rated to 2800 kPa (400 psi)
- 77 mm urethane-lined, synthetic rubber, jacketed hose with a 65 mm unpainted coupling ◦ Rated to 4200 kpa (600 psi)
◦ 4 x 15 m lengths found on all Engines
The most common material used is Pyrolite, which is a lightweight coupling made of an aluminum alloy with a hard coating. The advantages of using this material are that it is durable, lightweight, and resistant to corrosion.
Engine Complement
CFD Engines typically carry the following:
4 lengths of 19 mm = 90 m (2-30 m, 2-15 m) Forestry hose
2 lengths of 44 mm = 30 m
The trash line or bumper line located in the front bumper
8 lengths of 44 mm = 120 m (4 yellow, 4 oranges) 2 cross-lay hose beds of 60 m each
1 cross-lay is yellow (first tranverse bed); 1 cross-lay is orange (middle transverse bed)
Pre-connected – often called leader lines
Never mix colours when loading a single transverse bed
1 length of 44 mm (30 m) Hose Bundle
1 length of 65 mm (15 m) Hose Bundle
4 lengths of 65 mm = 60 m Pre-connected in a cross-lay Also called a leader line
* 18 lengths of 65 mm = 270 m ◦ The attack bed
* 10 lengths of 125 mm = 300 m
◦ The supply bed
The CFD employs three methods of rolling hose:
Service roll (straight roll)- A service roll is hose rolled with the male coupling forming the core. This roll is to be used when picking up hose at fires and storing hose in racks at the station.
Damaged roll- rolled with the female coupling forming the core. This roll is to be used for hose that needs to be repaired. Damaged hose will be tagged and marked with the necessary information regarding repairs (be specific as to the nature of the damage and mark the area if possible).
Single Doughnut Roll (125 mm Pony and 77 mm High-Pressure Hose)
Hose testing/inspection shall be done:
- Annually
- After repairs
- After hard use
- On any suspicion of damage
Damaged / Contaminated Hose
Hose that is damaged within 10% of its overall length from each end can be repaired.
Hose that is damaged in the middle 80% of its length cannot be repaired.
Coupling forward Column Load for the 125 mm Supply Hose (10 x 30 m)
The coupling forward column load is used on CFD engines manufactured after 2016. This load saves space and allows the hose to lay flat.
Making the Snub Loop on 125 mm Supply Hose
The snub loop is designed to protect the hose coupling and assist with hose deployment when making a hydrant.
77 mm x 15 m Hose
Every engine is equipped with four 15 m lengths of 77 mm hose. This hose has 65 mm AMA couplings and is required when supplying water into a Fire Department Connection (FDC) as it is rated for higher pressure. 77 mm hose is donut rolled with the female coupling on the top and a swivel thickness back from the male threaded shank.
Scorpion Load for the Bumper Lines (2 x 15 m Lengths)
A Scorpion load is loaded as a column load and is a minimum of 2 x 15 m lengths of 44 mm, pre-connected, with a nozzle. The first transverse bed is yellow hose, middle transverse bed is orange hose.
The Flat Load for 44 mm/65 mm Leader Lines (4 x 15 m Lengths)
A leader line is a minimum of 4 x 15 m lengths of 44 mm or 65 mm hose, pre-connected, with a nozzle. A minimum of three firefighters are required for loading 44 mm/65 mm cross lays: one in the hose bed and the others to the both sides of the transverse bed.
65 mm Attack Bed
The current 65 mm rear hose bed comprises of 18 lengths of 15 m hose. It is referred to
as the “devils load “or 65 tactical hose bed. It is comprised of three separate stacks, each stack contains 6 lengths of hose that are connected and loaded in two distinct tactical hose configurations, these are:
* 65 mm shoulder load
* 65 mm attack
Hose Bundles
Two types of hose bundles are used by the CFD
* Single 15 m length of 65 mm hose
* Single 30 m length of 44 mm hose
Hose bundles for the high-rise packs are in a horseshoe load
Transverse lines/leeder lines/cross lay
8 sections of 44mm hose (2 beds of 4 sections) and one 4 section of 65.
Fold like butterfly (straight, cross, straight, cross, etc) every second coupling should have long fold
Devils load
18 sections of 65 mm. 12 sections of fast attack (2 male couplings exposed, connected couplings at front of bed) 6 sections of shoulder load (female couplings exposed)
Hose Couplings
Standards are straight iron pipe thread for 38mm couplings and 8 threads per inch for 65mm couplings