Chapter 4 - Fire Dynamics Flashcards
Fire science
All fires involve a heat-producing chemical reaction between some type of fuel and an oxidizer. Oxidizers are not combustible but will support or enhance combustion.
Common oxidizers
Calcium hypochlorite (chlorination of swimming pools)
Chlorine (water purification)
Ammonium nitrate (fertilizer)
Hydrogen peroxide (industrial bleaching)
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (catalyst in plastics manufacturing)
Chemical reaction involving the combination of an oxidizer, such as O2 in the air, with other materials. Can be slow such as oxygen with iron to form rust, or can be rapid as in combustion of methane (natural gas).
Energy (measured in Joules)
Capacity to perform work. Forms of energy are either potential (amount of energy that an object can release at some point in the future) or kinetic (the energy that a moving object possesses).
All energy can change from one type to another.
Heat of combustion
Potential energy available for release in the combustion process.
Thermal energy
As the heat increases, these molecules vibrate more and more rapidly.
British thermal unit (BTU)
1 Btu = 1055 J
Exothermic reactions
Reactions that emit energy as they occur. Fire is an exothermic reaction that releases energy in the form of heat and sometimes light.
Endothermic reactions
Reactions that absorb energy as they occur. Converting water to steam.
Fire triangle
Fuel, oxygen and heat. Necessary for combustion to occur.
Fire tetrahedron
Reducing agent (fuel), Oxidizing agent (mostly O2), heat and chemical chain reaction.
Fuels must be in a gaseous state to burn.
Piloted ignition
Most common form of ignition and occurs when a mixture of fuel and oxygen encounter an external heat source with sufficient heat or thermal energy to start the combustion reaction.
Occurs without any external flame or spark to ignite the fuel gases or vapours. The fuels surface is heated to the point at which the combustion reaction occurs.
Chemical decomposition of a solid material by heating. Precedes combustion of a solid fuel.
Physical process that changes a liquid into a gaseous state. The rate of vaporization depends on the substance involved, heat, pressure, and exposed surface area.
Autoignition temperature (AIT)
The minimum temp at which a fuel in the air must be heated in order to start self-sustained combustion. Always higher than its piloted ignition temp.
Chemical process of oxidization that occurs at a rate fast enough to produce heat and usually light in the form of either a glow or flame. Nonflaming and flaming.
Nonflaming combustion
Occurs more slowly and at a lower temp, producing a smouldering glow.
Flaming combustion
Referred to as fire. Produces visible flame above materials surface. Requires a liquid or solid fuels to be converted to a gas phase through the addition of heat. Ignition is where the combustion process begins.
Density of the hot combustion products is less than the surrounding air, and the combustion products float on the dense cool air surrounding the fuel, thus creating layers of smoke and fuel gases that fill a compartment.
To draw in
Product of incomplete combustion. Smoke = fuel! Products of combustion are heat and smoke. Smoke is an aerosol comprised of gases, vapor, and solid particulates. When air supply is limited, the level of incomplete combustion is higher which produces more smoke.
Carbon based fuels
Wood, cotton.
Hydrocarbon fuels
Plastics, synthetic fabrics
As part of the chemical reaction..
The consumed oxygen combines with carbon in the smoke to form CO or CO2.
Common products of combustion
CO - toxic, flammable product of the incomplete combustion of organic (carbon containing) materials. Colorless, odourless gas.
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) - toxic and flammable substance produced in combustion of materials containing nitrogen. 35 more times more toxic than CO. Prevents body from using O2 at cellular level.
CO2 - Product of complete combustion of organic materials. Not toxic but displaces existing O2.
Formaldehyde - Suspected carcinogen, pungent and colorless gas
Nitrogen Dioxide - Reddish brown gas or yelllow ish brown fluid
Particulates - Small particles
Sulfur dioxide - Colorless gas
Force per unit of area applied perpendicular to a surface. Gases always move from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. Heat from a fire increases the pressure of surroundings gases. Will seek to expand to areas of lower. Heated gases will rise and remain aloft (buoyant) and generally travel up and out. At same time, fresh air will generally travel inward toward the fire. Creates a convective flow.
Is the thermal kinetic energy needed to release the potential chemical energy in a fuel. As heat begins to vibrate the molecules in a fuel, the fuel begins a physical change from a solid or liquid to a gas. Temp is a measure of heat. 1 candle burns at same temp as 10 but the heat release rate is 10 times greater than 1. Boiling point of water 100C. Room temp 20C. Freezing point of water 0C. Normal human body temp 37C.
Heat flux
The measure of the rate of heat transfer to or from a surface. Typically expressed in kW/m2.
Heat release rate
Total amount of heat release per unit time. kW or MW.
Common sources of heat that result in ignition of a fuel
Chemical - Most common source of heat. Potential for oxidation exists when any combustible fuel is in contact with O2.
Electrical - Resistance heating, overcurrent or overload, arcing, sparking.
Mechanical - Friction and compression. Heat generated when gas is compressed. Compressed gas expands, gas absorbs heat (cylinder cools when co2 ext discharged).
Thermal equilibrium
Heat transfers from warmer objects to cooler objects because heated materials will naturally return to a state of thermal equilibrium in which all areas of an object are a uniform temp.
Heat transfers from 1 body to another through 3 mechanisms
Conduction, convection and radiation.
Transfer of heat through and between solids. Material is heated as a result of direct contact with a heat source.
Transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a fluid (liquid or gas). Movement of hot smoke and fire gases. Flows from hot fire gases to cooler structural surfaces, building contents, and air. Can occur in any direction. Vertical movement is due to buoyancy of smoke and fire gases. Lateral movement is usually result of pressure differences (high to low).
Transmission of energy as electromagnetic waves, such as light waves, radio waves, or x-rays. Can become dominant mode of heat transfer as fire grows.
Common cause of exposure fires. In large fires, possible for radiated heat to ignite buildings or other fuel packages at some distance away.
Fuel (reducing agent)
Is the oxidized or burned material or substance in the combustion process. Solid, liquid or gas. Inorganic (hydrogen/mag, do not contain carbon). Organic (most common fuels, contain carbon, divided into hydrocarbon based fuels such as gasoline, fuel oil, plastics, wood and paper).
Synthetic materials
Synthesized from petroleum products and thus have higher heats of combustion and may generate higher heat release rates.
Rate at which energy transfers. Watt (W). 1 W = 1 joule/second
Vapor density
Density of gases in relation to air. Gases with a value less than 1, such as methane (natural gas), will rise. Greater than 1, such as propane, will sink (heated gases expand and become less dense; when cooled they contract and become more dense).
Specific gravity
The specific gravity of a liquid indicates whether the liquid will float on the surface of water or sink (gasoline less than 1; salt water greater than 1). Liquids less dense than water are more difficult to extinguish using water.
Flash point
Is the minimum temp at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapors to ignite, but not sustain combustion.
Fire point
Is the temp at which a piloted ignition of sufficient vapors will begin a sustained combustion reaction.
Extent to which a substance will mix with water.
Materials in water will mix in any proportion.
Polar solvents
Flammable liquids that have an attraction to water (alcohols, methanol, ethanol).
Solid fuels
Solid fuels have a definite shape and size which significantly affects how easily they will ignite. Primary consideration is the surface area of the fuel in proportion to its mass, called surface to mass ratio (IE a full tree vs sawdust or shavings).
Normal conditions consist of about 21%. At normal temps, 20C, materials can ignite and burn at O2 concentrations as low as 15%. Nonflaming or smouldering can continue at extreme low O2. If high ambient temps, flaming combustion can occur at lower O2 concentrations.
Flammable (explosive) range
Range of concentrations of the fuel vapour and the air.
Lower explosive limit (LEL)
Minimum concentration of a fuel vapour and air that supports combustion. Too lean to burn.
Upper explosive limit (UEL)
Concentration at which combustion cannot occur. Too rich to burn.
Free radicals
Electrically charged, highly reactive parts of molecules.
Chemical flame inhibition
Occurs when an extinguishing agent such as dry chemical or halon, interferes with this chemical reaction, forms a stable product, and terminates the combustion process.
Fuel-limited fire
When sufficient O2 is available for flaming combustion. All compartment fires begin in the incipient stage as fuel limited. Once reaches growth stage, fire will remain fuel limited or transition to vent.
Ventilation-limited fire
Fire does not have access to enough O2 to continue to burn or to spread to all available fuels. Most common faced today at homes.
4 stages of fire development
Incipient stage - Starts with ignition. Fire is small and confined to small portion of fuel
Growth stage - More of the initial fuel package becomes involved and the production of heat and smoke increases.
Fully developed stage - When all combustible material in compartment are burning at their peak heat release rate.
Decay stage - As fire consumes available fuel or O2 and the heat release rate begins to decline. Vent limited fires can go back to growth and fully developed if more O2 is introduced.
Ceiling jet
Hot gases in the plume rise until they encounter the ceiling and then begin to spread horizontally.
Combustion zone
The area where sufficient air is available to feed the fire.
Thermal layering
The tendency of gases to form into layers according to temp, gas density, and pressure. Hottest gases on top and coolest, below.
Flow path
Defined as the space between the air intake and the exhaust outlet. Higher pressure causes hot gas later to spread downward within compartment and laterally through openings. The flow is always unidirectional due to pressure differences where the ambient air flows towards the seat of the fire and reacts with the fuel. The products of combustion flow away from the fire toward the low pressure outlet.
Neutral plane
Interface between the hot gas layers and cooler layer. Net pressure is 0. Exists at openings where hot gases exit and cooler air enters compartment.
Rapid transition from growth stage to fully developed stage. Combustible materials and fuel gases in compartment ignited almost simultaneously. Room changes from a 2 layer condition (hot on top, cooler on bottom) to a single, well mixed hot gas condition from floor to ceiling. Can reach 593C or higher.
Significant indicator of flashover. Unburned fire gases that have accumulated at the top begin to ignite and flames propagate through hot gas layer or across ceiling. Does not always result in flashover. Needs sufficient fuel and the heat release rate must be sufficient and O2.
Smoke - rapidly increasing, turbulent, darkening, lowering of hot gas layer/neutral plane
Rapid temp increase.
Occurs in a space containing a high concentration of heated flammable gases that lack sufficient O2 for flaming combustion.
Smoke - Pulsing, smoke stained windows
High heat, crackling or breaking sounds
Little to no flames
Vent limited conditions
To reduce the risk of unpredictable window failure, FF must transition the fire from vent limited to fuel limited. With the high heat of combustion found in modern furnishings, the only mechanism to transition the fire is to extinguish some of the burning fuel. It is not possible to make enough openings in a compartment to transition the fire from a vent limited to a fuel limited.
Flow paths effectiveness to transport ambient air to the seat of the fire
Size of the vent opening
Length of the path traveled
Number of obstructions
Elevation differences between the base of the fire and opening
Unplanned ventilation
Occurs when a structural member fails, usually because of exposure to heat, and introduces new source of O2 to the fire. Can be window, roof, doorway, wall.
Can increase pressure inside the structure and drive smoke and flames into unburned portions. Can also cause windows to fail.
Smoke explosion
Occurs when a mixture of unburned fuel gases and oxygen comes in contact with an ignition source.
Influencing fire dynamics
Temp reduction - using water or foam to cool fire gases and hot surfaces
Fuel removal - Eliminating sources of fuel in path of fire spread
O2 exclusion/flow path control - Door control and tactical vent
Chemical flame inhibition - Using agents other than water and foam such as some dry chemicals, halons, etc.
2 primary types of dangerous building conditions
Conditions that contribute to the spread and intensity of the fire.
Conditions that make the building susceptible to collapse.
Fuel load
Total quantity of combustible contents of a building, space, or fire area.
Exterior wall coverings
Carbon fuels (wood siding) and petroleum fuels (vinyl siding).
Thermal properties of a building
Can contribute to the rapid fire development.
Insulation - contains heat within building
Heat reflectivity - Increases fire spread through transfer of radiant heat from wall surfaces to adjacent fuel sources
Retention - Maintains temp by slowly absorbing and releasing large amounts of heat
Failure of lightweight trusses and joists
Unprotected engineered steel and wooden trusses can fail after 5-10 mins of exposure to fire.
Hydrocarbon fuel
Petroleum based organic compound that contains only hydrogen and carbon (such as plastics and synthetic fibres)