Chapter 13 - Hose Ops and Streams Flashcards
Failures from hydrants can result from
Damaged hydrant valves and connections
Broken water mains
Greater demand than the system can provide
Hydrants located on dead end water mains
Closed isolation valves
Restricted mains
Pipes or hydrants that are frozen
Fire hydrants
External usually made of cast iron. Internal working parts made of bronze.
- Steamer connection: 1 large outlet (100mm or 115mm), also referred to as pumper outlet nozzle
- 2 hose outlet nozzles for 65mm couplings
Dry barrel hydrants
Used in climates with freezing temps. Main control valve located at the base or foot of the hydrant below the frost line. When hydrant is shut off, small drain valve opens at the bottom of the hydrant.
Wet barrel hydrants
Water in the hydrant at all times. Horizontal compression valves usually at each outlet.
Out of service hydrants
Place “out of service” tag. If water is seen bubbling up out of the ground as the base of a dry barrel when fully opened, a broken component is allowing water to get past the drain opening.
Fire hydrant connections
NFPA standards should operate and inspect fire hydrants at least once a year to verify reliable function and address needed repairs.
Water hammer
Ie, closing a hydrant too fast may cause a surge in pressure within the water supply system which can damage the system piping or appliances attached to the system.
2 common ops for mobile water supply
Water shuttle ops and relay pumping.
Static water sources
Are those that may be accessed through drafting.
Lakes, ponds, rivers, swimming pools, large above ground animal watering tanks and portable water tanks.
Intake strainers
Attached to the drafting end of a hard suction hose when pumping from a static water source. Designed to keep debris from entering the apparatus or portable pump. Must not rest on the bottom of a static water source unless the bottom is clean and hard, such as a swimming pool.
Water shuttle ops
Involve hauling water from a supply source (fill site) to the incident scene. Water is then transferred to an attack pumpers tank or to a portable tank (dump site) from which water may be drawn to fight a fire.
2 types of portable water tanks
Collapsible or folding style that uses a square metal frame and a synthetic or canvas duck liner. Another is a round, self supporting synthetic tank with a floating collar that rises as the tank is filled.
Jet siphon devices
Used to transfer water from 1 tank to another.
Hose rollers
Edge protection, large diameter hose (LDH) drainage and hose collection.
Hose bridge
Also known as hose ramps, prevent damage to fire hose when vehicles must drive over it.
Chafing block
Charged hoselines vibrate and rub against other surfaces which can cause abrasions. Chafing blocks protect the hose from these abrasions.
Ball valves- used in pumper discharges and gated wyes.
Butterfly valves- used on large pump intakes and incorporates a flat baffle that turns 90 degrees.
Clapper valves- Used in siamese appliances and FDC to allow water to flow in 1 direction only.
Gate valves- used to control the flow from a hydrant.
Wye appliances
Divide a single hoseline into 2 or more lines. Single female, multiple male outlet connections. Ball valves generally used.
Siamese appliances
Combines multiple lines into 1 line. Consist of 2 female inlets and a single male outlet. Clapper valve.
Water thief appliances
Resembles a wye however there is an inlet and outlet of matching size combined with smaller outlets that “steal” water from the main line.
Connect hoses and outlets of different diameters and thread types. Also protect the couplings on standpipes and on apparatus intakes and outlets. 2 main types, adapters and reducers.
Fitting that connects hose couplings with similar threads and the same inside diameter. Allow 2 male couplings or 2 female couplings of the same diameter and thread type to connect.
Used to connect a smaller diameter hoseline to the end of a larger one. Using a reducer limits the larger hose to supplying 1 smaller line only. Using a wye allows the larger hose to supple 2 smaller ones.
Forward lay
Hose is deployed from the water source to the incident. Pumper can remain at the incident scene so its hose, equipment and tools are readily available.
Reverse lay
Pumper goes to the fire location before laying a supply line, a reverse hose lay should be deployed from the incident scene to the water source. Supplements hydrant pressure and establishes drafting operations. Can delay initial fire attack.
Working line drag
One of the quickest and easiest ways to advance a charged hoseline at ground level.
Advancing hose up and down stairs
When advancing hose up, lay the uncharged line against outside wall to keep stairs clear and to avoid sharp bends and kinks. Advancing an uncharged line down stairs is recommended only during very minor fires or not present at all. When advancing a charges hoseline up, excess hose should be deployed on the stairs towards the floor above fire floor.
- position a FF at every turn or point of resistance for advancement of hoseline and to control flow path of air
Standpipe ops
Hose to be carried to the standpipe outlet closest to the fire. Crews normally stop one floor below the fire floor and connect the attack hoselines to the standpipe. If it is in an enclosed stairway, it is acceptable to connect on the fire floor. Standpipe connection is usually in or near the stairway.
- Placing a gated wye on the standpipe outlet will permit the attachment of a second attack hose if needed.
- Any extra hose should be deployed up the stairs toward the floor above the fire.
- When fire extinguishment is complete, water in hoseline should be drained down a floor drain, out a window or down a stairway to prevent any unnecessary water damage.
Improvised standpipe
Interior stairway stretch and the outside stretch (anchor point once every 3 stories).
Hose streams
The size of the nozzle opening or orifice and nozzle pressure determines the quantity of water flowing from the nozzle. Size of opening influences the reach or distance.
Water converted to steam
When converted to steam, water expands approx. 1700 times its original volume (at approx 212F or 100C). Solid stream has smaller surface area and absorbs heat less efficiently. When broken into small particles or droplets, such as fog pattern or broken stream, it absorbs heat and converts to steam more rapidly because more of the waters surface is exposed to the heat.
Smooth bore nozzles
Straight, smooth tip and produce a solid hose stream. Operates at low pressures, less prone to clogging, used to apply compressed air foam, may allow hose lines to kink due to less pressure, do not allow for selection of diff stream patters.
- when use on handlines, usually operated at 50 psi (350 kpa). Most smooth bore master stream operate at 80 psi (560 kpa)
- single tip or stacked tips to provide varied flows.
Fog nozzles
Can create straight stream, narrow angle fog and wide angle fog patterns. Discharge rate may be either automatic or manual (allows operator to adjust discharge rate at the nozzle).
- can provide protection for FF with wide fog pattern
- can apply certain types of foam
4 types of fog nozzles
Basic fog- adjustable pattern fog nozzle which the rated discharge is delivered at a designated nozzle pressure and setting
Constant gallonage fog- adjustable, constant discharge rate throughout range of patterns from straight to wide fog
Constant pressure (automatic) fog- pressure remains constant through range of discharge rates
Constant/select gallonage fog- feature that allows manual adjustment
Flow rates
Hand lines- 40 L/min to 1000 L/min (10 gpm to 250 gpm)
Master streams- 1200 L/min to 10000 L/min (350 gpm to 2500 gpm)
- adjust flow rates in small increments.
Automatic fog nozzles for hand lines flow rates
Low flows such as 40 L/min to 500 L/min
Mid range 280 L/min to 800 L/min
High flows 280 L/min to 1400 L/min
- automatic master stream fog nozzles flow b/w 1400 L/min to 5000 L/min
Fog nozzle pressure
Operating pressure for most fog nozzles is 100 psi (700 kpa).
Broken stream delivery devices
Piercing nozzle- Can pierce material such as stucco, block, wood, and lightweight steel in order to access fires in concealed spaces. Usually driven into place with a mallet, sledgehammer or flathead axe.
Nozzle maintenance
After each use and at least annually.
Nozzle control valves
Ball valve- effective nozzle control with little effort
Slide valve- control seats a movable cylinder against a shaped cone to turn off the flow of water
Rotary valve- found only on rotary control fog nozzles. Exterior barrel guided by a screw, rotating around an interior barrel.
Stream flow rates
Low volume stream- discharges less than 160 L/min (40 gpm). 20mm, 25mm, or 38mm hose lines
Handline stream- 160 to 1400 L/min (40 to 350 gpm). 38 to 70mm hose
Master stream- discharges more than 1400 L/min. 65 or 77mm hose line or LDH connected to a master stream nozzle. Nozzle pressures of 80-100 psi (560 to 700 kpa) common.
Critical flow rate
Min flow rate at which extinguishment can be achieved
What is needed to produce an effective hose stream
Must have an agent (water), pressurizing device (pump), means for the agent to reach the discharge device (hose line), and a discharge device (nozzle).
Solid streams
Produced from smooth bore nozzles. Can be affected by gravity, friction with air and wind. Produces large amounts of water quickly. Do not use on energized electrical equipment. Can create a broken stream by contacting a wall or ceiling which provides greater surface area to absorb heat and can be used to cool a compartment.
- nozzle pressure (NP) of 50 psi (350 kpa) will usually produce good reach and volume. Can be increased to 65 psi (450 kpa). Above this, more hands are needed for handle safety.
Straight stream
Semisolid stream produced by a fog nozzle.
When can 1 FF operate a hose line
Small ground cover fire, trash fire, vehicle fire, fire in out buildings and or sheds, rekindle during overhaul ops.
Minimum number of FF for interior attack
2 FF. Second FF takes same side of hose and 1m back.
1 FF for large hoseline ops (65 or 77 or larger)
During exposure protection or overhaul ops.
Nozzle reaction
As fog pattern widens, the reaction decreases, making the nozzle easier to handle
Friction loss
Part of total water pressure that is lost while forcing water through: pipes, fittings, fire hose, adapters.
Elevation pressure
When the nozzle is below the pump, there is a pressure gain. When nozzle is above the fire pump, there is a pressure loss.
Master stream
Usually deployed when the fire is beyond the effectiveness of hand lines or there is need for host streams in areas that are unsafe for FF. Must be shut down when being relocated.
- aim at an upward angle causing it to deflect off the ceiling or other objects, makes stream diffuse into smaller droplets that rain down on the fire, providing max effectiveness.
- can provide effective exposure protection to other structures. Direct the stream at the surface of the structure facing the fire. Stream should strike the surface and run down.
- min flow of 1400 L/min. Supply with nothing less than 65 mm hose line.
- adding water weight from master stream ops increases the potential for structural collapse.
- 1 FF can operate it once in place
The CFD uses 44mm and 65mm SaberJet Nozzles
- bale controls solid stream
- bumper controls straight stream and fog
- 44mm SaberJet Solid Stream
◦ 24mm tip size
◦ Flows 700lpm at 350kpa nozzle pressure with 30kg (66lbs) nozzle reaction - 65mm SaberJet Solid Stream
◦ 29mm Tip Size
◦ Flows 1000lpm at 350kpa nozzle pressure with 43kg (94lbs) nozzle reaction
The Combination Waterway
The SaberJet Nozzle is capable of producing a combination flow – flowing both a solid stream through the smooth bore waterway and a fog stream through the fog waterway simultaneously
Task Force Tips Hand Line Nozzle
The Task Force Tips (TFT) nozzle is commonly referred to as the High-rise nozzle or the bumper line nozzle as it is found on the 44mm high rise hose bundle and the bumper or trash line.
POK Hand Line Nozzle
The POK Hand Line Nozzle is commonly known as the Decon nozzle. It is a 44mm fixed-gallon fog nozzle. This nozzle is not to be used for firefighting applications and should be reserved for decontamination protocols when required.
Fixed master stream
The fixed monitor, usually called a deck gun, is mounted on the apparatus deck, and connected directly to the pump by a permanent pipe. The most common type of fixed nozzle currently in use by the CFD is the SaberMaster 1250.
* Capable of producing a solid stream or fog stream
* Fully remote from inside cab or with a portable remote
* Flows 4000lpm at 550kpa
Deployable master stream
The CFD uses the TFT Blitzfire® personal portable monitor.
* The Blitzfire can be equipped with either the stacked tips for solid stream applications or the fog tip for fog applications
Elevated Master Streams
Elevated Master Streams are large capacity nozzles that are designed to be placed on the end of an aerial device. CFD aerial apparatus are equipped with the Akromatic 1000, Akromatic 1250 or the Akromatic 2000 capable of flowing between 3800 and 7500 lpm.
Exposure Nozzle
An Exposure Nozzle (also called a Water Curtain nozzle) is a 65 mm nozzle that produces a fan-like stream up to 15m high. It will flow 380 l/min.
A fire stream from an exposure nozzle will only absorb convected heat from a fire. Radiant heat can only be reduced by directing the fire stream onto the exposure.
When connecting a Siamese with 3 ports (2 female and one male connection as with a standpipe) begin connecting with the left hand coupling. When connecting a Siamese with more than 3 ports, begin connections with the middle or inside port. This procedure helps eliminate leaks by allowing working space for connecting couplings and using hose spanners.
Surfing the Line
Surfing the line is a term used to describe the procedure for deploying the 125 mm hose during reverse lay operations. For safety, it is preferred to surf the hose on the opposite side to the traffic flow.
Estimate the known distance
This is the visible distance from the apparatus to the door of entry. Depending on the location the setback from the road is between 10 to 20 meters this usually means 1-2 lengths of hose or 15 -30 meters, as a frame of reference an engine is approximately 10 meters in length and aerials are closer to 15 meters
Estimate the foot print size
to establish the length of hose needed for a residential structure. One length (15 meters) of hose should be able to cover a square floor area of 13m x 13m = 185m2 or 44’ x 44’ = 2000 ft2 simple floor plan anticipating that the point of entry is in close proximity to the location of the fire. Add a length for every additional 185m2 (2000ft2).of floor area.
Determining hose required
known distance + foot print + # of floors
3 common techniques for flaking the hose:
- S flake
- U flake
- Coil
44mm hand line hose handling
A 44mm hand line requires a minimum of 2 firefighters for interior attack:
65mm hand line hose handling
A 65mm hand line requires a minimum of 3 firefighters for interior attack:
Tanaka Grip
Standing with one foot in front of the other firefighter grasps and presses hose into back hip with the back hand. Firefighter’s front hand should just be able to cover the end of nozzle and be able to easily control and shut off the nozzle. The back hand does all the work by pressing and holding the hose line into back hip, thus transferring all the reaction force of nozzle through hips into the legs and finally down into the ground.
The Clamp
Kneeling with back leg on the ground and front leg up, place hose line directly under shin of back leg
and pinch hose line into ground. By leaning back and transferring more of the firefighter’s body weight to hose line the firefighter can further lower center of gravity adding even more bodyweight to the line on ground. The firefighter should keep back leg down at all times, they
never wants to bring the back leg up this moves center of gravity up and forward making hose line harder to control. It also allows more of firefighter’s weight to be concentrated further back reducing the risk of firefighter falling down unforeseen stairways or holes in floor.
65mm Pressure Loop
This technique allows a single firefighter to operate a 65mm hose line for long periods unassisted. It should only be used in an exterior application where the firefighter can set up without being in the collapse zone as it may prohibit quick egress by the firefighter. The technique is preferably done with an uncharged hose line, but can be done with a charged line.
Advancing Hose Lines
Over the shoulder
Straight arm pull
Modified straight arm pull
Clamp slide
Air (open both bale and bumper fully)
Volume (racking)
A jockey pump is employed to keep the standpipe system at a constant pressure that is higher than the domestic pressure
This minimizes false alarms that occur when domestic water pressure fluctuates.
Standpipe Connection Classes
Class 1- 65 mm outlets
Class 2- 38 mm outlets
Class 3- 38 and 65 mm outlets
Two types of nozzles are used at high-rise incidents:
- 44 mm smoothbore with 24 mm tip
- Blitzfire® nozzle with stackable smooth bore tips
- The operating pressure of a 44 mm smooth bore nozzle, which is used at all high-rise incidents, is 350 kPa. This pressure results in a minimum flow of 500 lpm. The operating pressure of a Blitzfire® nozzle with smooth bore tips is 550 kPa.
An Exposure Nozzle (also called a Water Curtain nozzle) is a 65 mm nozzle that produces a fan-like stream up to 15m high. It will flow 380 l/min.
A fire stream from an exposure nozzle will only absorb convected heat from a fire. Radiant heat can only be reduced by directing the fire stream onto the exposure.