important numbers to remember Flashcards
normal blood pressure
less than or 120/80
elevated blood pressure
stage one blood pressure
SBP: 130-139 or DBP 80-90
stage 2 BP
systolic at least 140 and/or DBP at least 90
hypertensive crisis
SBP >180 and/or DBP>120
Normal ABI
elevated ABI
> 1.2 (false elevation =arterial dx or DM)
mild arterial dx and intermittent claudication ABI
moderate arterial dx resting pain ABI
Severe arterial dx ABI
normal pH
acid pH
alkaline pH
> 7.45
PCO2 normal
PCO2 acid
> 45
PCO2 alkaline
HCO3 normal
HCO3 acid
HCO3 alkaline
> 26
COPD GOLD classification: stage 1
- FEV1/FVC <70%
- FEV1> 80% predicted
- w/ or w/o symptoms of cough and sputum production
COPD GOLD classification: stage 2
- FEV1/FVC <70%
- 50%
COPD GOLD classification: stage 3
- FEV1/FVC <70%
- 30%
COPD GOLD classification: stage 4
- FEV1/FVC<70%
- FEV1<30% predicted or FEV1<50% predicted plus chronic respiratory failure
Angina scale
0= no pain 4= most pain ever experienced, infarction pain
edema/ pitting edema 1+
barely detectable
edema/ pitting edema 2+
slight indentation visible when skin is depressed returns to normal in 15 seconds
edema/ pitting edema 3+
deeper indentation occurs when pressed and returns to normal within 30 seconds
edema/ pitting edema 4+
indentation lasts for more than 30 seconds
intermittent pain rating with intermittent claudication
I: minimal discomfort/pain
IV: excruciating and unbearable pain
class I: mild HF
no limitation in physical activity (up to 6 mets), comfortable at rest, normal activity does not cause fatigue, dyspnea, or anginal pain
class II: slight HF
slight limitation in physical activity (up to 4.5 mets), comfortable at rest, ordinary activity results in fatigue, palpation, dyspnea or anginal pain
class III: mod HF
marked limitation in physical activity (up to 3.0 mets) comfortable at rest, less than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpations, dyspnea, or anginal pain
class IV: severe HF
unable to carryout any physical activity without discomfort, symptoms of ischemia, dyspnea, anginal pain present at rest, increasing with exercise
normal HR for infant
120 BPM
normal HR for adult
BP for infants
BP for adults
RR for baby
RR for adults
tidal volume for baby
20 ml
tidal volume for adults
precuations for tremdelemburg position
plumonary edema, CHF, HTN, obesity, ascities, pregnancy, hiatal hernia, N/V, recent food consumption, recent neurosurgery, inc intercrainal pressure, aneurysm precautions, SOB
complete no sensory or motor function below injury
senosry but no motor function below injury
motor preserved below injury and more than have the muscles have grade <3
motor preserved below injury and more than have the muscles have grade >3
contract relax, hold relax, hold relax movement, jt distraction, repeated contraction
PNF for trunk
rhythmic initiation, rhythnic rotation, rhythmic stabilization
PNF for stability
rhythmic stabilization, alternating isometrics, slow reversal, slow reversal hold
PNF for controlled mobility
slow reversal, slow reversal hold, agonistic reversals
PNF for skill (Gait)
agonistic reversals, normal timing, resisted progression, slow reversal, slow reversal hold, timing for emphasis