Fun Questions Flashcards
painful infection of the soft tissue that is characterized by expanding local erythema, palpable lymph nodes, fever, and chills. Most cases are caused by cuts, abrasions, insect bites, and local burns
type of ulcer? medial leg, irregular shape, hyperpigmented periwound skin
venous ulcer
infection of the bone. Clinical characteristics include pain, fever, edema, erythema, and tenderness
hematocrit of 42% in females
normal finding
normal range of hematocrit for females
practicing pinching between the first digit and the tip of the second digit would strengthen deficits in what N distribution
Median N
squeezing hang grip with elastic band resistance would strengthen deficits in what N distribution?
Median and Ulnar
Opposing thumb to the MCP jt of each finger would strengthen deficits in what N distrubution?
squeeze therapy putty between the sides of fingers would strengthen deficits in what N distrubution
Ulnar N
what are the lumbricals and interossei innervated bY
ulnar N
horizontal nystagmus can be a sign of what type of stroke
anterior inferior cerebellar artery
Ataxic gait is a symptom of what type of stroke
basilar A
Apraxia is a clinical symptom of what type of stroke
sensation of the lateral thigh N root
sensation on anteromedial thing and leg N root
senation on lat foot, muscles that control hip ABD N root
sensation on the plantar foot N root
what has the greatest impact on healing time for fx? Age, diagnosis, sedentary lifestyle, or steroid usage
steroid usage
what muscles produce upward rotation with force coupling
upper trap, lower trap, serratus ant
action of posterior delt
ext, abd, and Er shoulder
action of rhomboids
elevate, retract, downwardly rot scapula
actions of teres major
extend, adduct, med rot
can you use a single device (ie 2 crutch, or a cane) for restricted WBing
will increased protein help aid in wound healing for pressure injuries
should o2 or protein be of more concern for a Pt. with a pressure ulcer in a vegetative state
Is a skin flap an appropriate intervention for a pressure wound that is not healing
No, the underlying tissues would compromise the integrity of the skin flap
normal hallux extension ROM
Pain @ ant calcaneous on plantar aspect of the foot, worse in morning and during WBing activities throughout the day
plantar fascitis
functional ROM for ankle DF
what does the talar tilt test assess when in neutral DF
calcaneofibular lig
what does the anteior drawer test with ankle in neutral DF assess
anterior talofibular lig
what does compression of the shafts of the tibia and fibula at mid calf assess
syndesmosis lig injury (including anterior tibiofibular lig
Squeezing calf with ankle in neutral DF is to test
integrity of achilles tendon
is cryotherapy or thermotherapy more effective with RA
cryotherapy for inflamatory conditions such as RA
is thermotherapy appropriate for complex regional pain syndrome
NO, it may increase the symptoms
should you use paraffin wax when swelling is noted with osteoarthritis
no, if no swelling is noted it is appropriate
when can you begin plyometrics as rehab for ACL tear
10 weeks
subacute ex for ACL tear
mini squats
oswestry score starting at 8 then progressing to 60 good or bad
bad it is getting worse
oswestry score going from 60 to 8 good or bad
good the Pt. is getting better lets send them home
weakness of the buccinator a symptom of what
bell palsy
difficulty initiating urine is consistent with
prostate enlargement
loss of urine with sneezing or coughing
stress incontinence
palpitations can occour as a result of hormonal changes namely in
what is a sign of heart failure exacerbation: blood pressure change, or increase of fatigue
increase of fatigue
SOB, dependent, edema, productive cough are symptoms of….
CHF exacerbation
rash that starts as a red spod and expands with clearing of redness in the central area is a sign of
lyme disease
what is the most important factor when considering footwear for a diabetic Pt.?
snug fit
normal triglyeride level
below 150
normal BP
normal fasting blood glucose
normal waist measurement
<35 for women, <40 for men
what is entrapment or injury to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, a purely sensory nerve. Injury affects sensation to the lateral thigh.
meralgia paresthetica
sequence of practice and rest times which rest time is much less than practice time
practice intervals in which practice time is equal to or less than rest time
distributed practice
practice sequnce organize around on task, performed repeatedly, uninterupted by practice of other tasks
blocked practice
practice sequence in which several various tasks are ordered randomly across trials
random practice
does incentive spirometry improve COPD exercise tolerance
NO, incentive spirometry improves inspiration volumes not necessary for COPD
what is a good intervention for COPD pt with decreased ex tolerance
what intervention would be appropriate for chest hypomobility, especially if there is a localized lung segment needing to be addressed
segemental breathing
should a ruler com into contact with a wound?
what type of drug is omeprazole
proton pump inhibitor
what type of drug is cetirizine
what type of drug is benadryl
what type of drug is asprin
anticoagulant (will interfere with warfarin
entrapment of what nerve results in functional wrist drop
posterior interosseious
intrapment of what N results in inability ot flex the distal phalanx of the thumb and index finger
anterior interosseous syndrome
what nerve is effected if the Pt. cannot fully abd the little finger
ulnar N
shoulder Er and abd elicits what N
median N
shoulder IR and and ABD elicits what N
radial N
What is the position form MMT of lats
prone arms at side, palms facing the ceiling
where can upper urinary tract problems, such as kidney or ureter refer
where can colon cancer or colitis refer pain
sacral area
where can pain generated from the bladder refer
suprapubic area, and/or lower back
where does junctional rhythm originate from
AV junction rather than SA node
EKC shows junctional rhythm, which is MOST likely absent from strip
P wave
weakness of what muscle causes winging
serratus anterior
what N innervates serratus anterior
long thoracic
what does the spinal accessory N innervate
SCM, traps
what does the axillary N innervate
deltoid and teres minor
what does the dorsal scapual N innervatie
what is a common sign of hypothyroidism
muscle ache (myalgia), bradycardia
what will benifit a child with athetoid CP’s goal for voluntary movent
are children with athetoid CP likely to have contractures
Not as much
best intervention for acute RA flare up?
REST and PROTECTION splinting to prevent excessive movement and reduce mechanical stresses
what does hemoglobin measure
oxygen carrying capacity of RBC
what is RBC count used to measure
oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
what is the INR used for
risk of hemorrhage, therputic anticoagulation requires INR of 2-3
what is erythrocyte sedimentation rate used to identify
inflammatory or necrotic processes
what is the thenar eminance innervated by
median N
what does the C8 nerve root innervated
hypothenar eminence
what does de quervain tenosynovitis affect
doral compartment
what does pronator teres effect? whee would paresthesia be caused
median N, thenar eminence
can superficial heat increase core tempatures
do patients wtih emphysema have elevated or decreased PaCO2?
elevated or normal
do Pt.s with COPD have low or high tone in accessory muscles
high (because they compensate and use them to breath)
what disease has enlarged air spaces, and destructive changes to the alveolar wall
does emphysema involve the phrenic N
What is too high of BP 3 days after MI
120/80 progressing to 130/84, 3 days post mi ok?
how much of an increase in HR is ok after MI
12-24 over RHR
what is the typical cause of significant increase in strength in 1 week of training
neural responses; increased recruitment of motor units firing
how long does muscle hypertrophy take to occour and at what intensity of training
4-8 weeks, at mod to high intensity
what is muscle fiber hyperplasia
increase in the number of muscle fibers (in response to heavy resistance training)
will pneumonia cause LE edema
can renal failure cause crackles and tachycardia
collection of axons and fibrous tissue causing sharp hooting and localized pain
what can inadequate prosthetic tibial relief cause
skin breakdown
Do ALS pts with bulbar/respiratory weakness or distal extremity weakness have a more rapid prognosis
what do arm exercise max O2 uptake look like compared to LE exercise
30-40% lower
with forward head positioning are the suboccipital extensors in a shortened position or lengthened
with thoracic kyphosis are the long thoracic extensors shortened or lengthened
kicking a rolling ball, catching a small ball, and hopping on one foot are gross motor tasks appropriate for what age
4 yo
kicking a stationary ball, fast walking, and walking on stairs with assistance are appropriate for what age
18 mo- 3 years
Dribbling a b-ball, riding a bicycle, and skipping are appropriate for children aged
catching a large ball, riding a tricycle, and running short distance are appropriate skills for aged
what does a borg of 13/20 convert to % of maximum heart rate
is spinal muscle atrophy progressive
is manual propulsion of WC or power WC more appropriate form spinal muscular atrophy long term
power WC
a child with spinal muscular atrophy how has not developed sitting posture, what is the likelyhood of walking
very slim prepare for Power WC
what is more likely to increase life satisfaction in the TBI realm? independence in bowel care, being married
independent in bowel care
is pursed lip breathing or diaphragmatic breathing more effective on a vent
diaphragmatic breathing
lack of blood flow to femoral head
avascular necrosis
necrotic bone lesion with no known cause
osteochondritis dessicans
whaere is osteochondritis dissecans typically seen
knee, talus, and elbow
with severe dehydration do we see an increase or decrease in RR
with severe dehydration do we see cold or warm hands and feet
are infants able to cry with severe dehydration
what is the best practice for long term motor learning for a Pt. with CVA?
varied random practice
Is BPPV or unilateral vestibular lesion more likely to have a positive rhomberg test
unilateral vestibular hypofunction
cerebellar lesions or unilateral vestibular hypofunxtion more likely to display ataxic gait
cerebellar lesions
What causes vertigo, postural instability, oscillopsia, and disequalibrium.
unilateral vestibular lesion
what does mononeuropathy of the sural N cause
balance deficits
headache, blurred vision, slurred speech represent
thickening of subcutaneous tissue, and loss of subcutaneous fat… resulting in dimpling of the skin
lipogenic effects
acetone breath, dehydration, weak/rapid pulse, kussmal respirations progressign to hyperosmolar coma
diabetic ketoacidosis
headache, cognitive change… neuropsychiatric conditions such as dementia, ataxia, psychosis, and peripheral neuropahy can be a result
B12 deficiency
how is an airborne isolation room set up
negative pressure, airflow from adjacent outside space into the room