Implementing the Constitution Flashcards
Whig Party
opposed Andrew Jackson’s party, now called the Democratic Party. Both parties ran campaigns that attracted more people to important national issues to encouraged them to vote.
American System
Created by Senator Henry Clay and John Quincy Adam. This program benefited the North, South, and West by establishing a better national transportation system, setting the first protective tariff to encourage domestic manufacturing, and created a second national bank.
Industrial Revolution
The use of new technologies in manufacturing (steam engines and machines to spin thread) led to this revolutionary movement in Great Britain. during the 1700s. This technology reached the U.S. by the 1800s. The Northern states boomed with industry, as 70% of the countries manufacturing came from there.
Few restrictions on immigration existed since so many jobs were being created as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
Anti-Immigration feelings developed as a result of the large amounts of immigrants coming to the U.S.
Potato Famine
Drove many Irish immigrants to the U.S. to escape mass starvation.
Cotton Gin
Intensified the need for slavery in the South since more agriculture production was now possible.
Spoils System
Created by President Andrew Jackson, government jobs were given to people who had worked to help their political party win the election. This corruption led to the Pendleton Act which created civil service exams.
National Bank
Created to help improve the national debt, this was resented by southerners and westerners, who wanted a great supply of money in circulation.
Removal Policy
forced all Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi River.
Trail of Tears
1838, the U.S. Army rounded up the Cherokee and moved them west in a forced march.
abolitionist movement
grew as cotton production became more profitable and slavery spread. Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and other activists fought to end slavery.
Underground Railroad
a series of safe houses where escaping slaves could rest safely as they made their way north and into Canada. Harriet Tubman made 19 trips to escort runaways north.
Women’s Rights Convention
Held in Seneca Falls, New York. The Declaration of Sentiments was created which fought to end legal inequalities faced by married women.
Manifest Destiny
the belief that the United Sates had a divine mission to expand to the Pacific Ocean and possess the entire North American continent, and to spread the ideals of freedom and democracy.
popular sovereignty
when people living in a territory vote on an issue in order to determine the outcome.
withdraw formally from membership in a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.
Confederate States of America
The six states that seceded from the Union in 1861 forming their own new nation
Emancipation Proclamation
Given by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, declaring that all slaves in those areas still in rebellion against the Union shall be free. Although Lincoln could not enforce this, it changed the meaning of the war to be one determined to end slavery.
Louisiana Purchase
Bought from France for $15 million by Thomas Jefferson, this doubled the size of the U.S. and gave them access to the Mississippi River and Port of New Orleans.