Imparfait vs. PC Flashcards
It has been raining
Il a plu
He has been crying
Il a pleuré
They have been drinking
Ils ont bu
Last Saturday I walked to school
Samedi dernier, je suis allé a l’école a
To describe something that used to happen, use
To describe something that happened on a regular basis
To describe something that has happened, but is not in the process of happening
Passé Compose
je jouais au jockey
I used to play hockey
je cuisinais dans la cuisine
I was cooking in the kitchen
imparfait endings with “er”, “ir” and “re” verbs
ais ais ait ions iez ent
We went every night to the restaurant (repeated past action)
Nous allions tous les soirs au restaurant
I used to sing (when I was young)
Je chantais (quand j’étais jeune)
Je réparais mon vélo dans le garage (quand mon père est arrivé)
I was repairing my bike in the garage (when my dad arrived)
to convey the idea of something in the process of happening in the past
We often went to Dublin at the week-end
Nous allions souvent a Dublin le week-end
to say what HAPPENED (as opposed to what used to happen, was happening or happened on
a regular basis)
I have lost my wallet (so I cannot pay)
J’ai perdu mon porte-monnaie
He has had an accident
Il a eu un accident