Février 2014 Flashcards
le défi (m)
lequel, lesquels, auquel, auxquels
à + lequel = auquel
who, whom, which
faire face
faire face à l’adversité
Les défis auxquels la planète doit faire face
face adversity
The challenges the planet must face
largement (adv)
widely, overwhelmingly
sous-estimer, sous-estimè
to underestimate, underestimated
bénéficier de
to benefit
to get, to be given, to benefit from
to live (ie. habiter), to stay (ie séjourner), to remain (rester)
un accès (m)
faute de moyens
due to the lack of resources or means
s’attaquer à
Il s’agit de s’attaquer à la disponibilité des service requis…
to take on
We must take on the availability of required services
basculer à droit
basculer dans la pauvreté
to fall over, to tip over
to swing to the right
to fall into poverty
le soin (m) faire qch avec soin les soins (m)
care (noun)
to do something carefully, with care
treatment, medicare attention (noun)
la poche (f) payer leurs soins de leur poche
to pay for their treatment out of pocket
efficace (adv)
malgré (prep)
malgré son nom
in spite of, despite
in spite of it’s name…
se fonder sur qch
La CSU se fonde sur le droit à la santé
to be based on something
Universal Health Care (CSU en français) is based on the right to health
to guarantee, to secure
Il y avait plusieurs personnes, dont Gabrielle
10 blessés, dont 2 grièvement
who, which, of which, in which
- There were several people, one of which was Gabrielle.
- 10 injured, 2 of them seriously
to reflect, to echo
le politique (m) politique étrangère
(noun) policy, or a politican
foreign policy
Il faut ériger d’emblée l’équité
straightaway, at once
at first, first
La balle l’a atteint au poumon gauche.
to hit, to reach
to affect
The bullet entered his left lung.
retenir à déjeuner
to ask to stay for lunch
à quatre pattes
on all fours (as in on your hands and knees)
se jeter
se jeter à l’eau
to jump on, to set up
to take the plunge
tapi, -e (adj)
“sa petite chienne tapis sous un fauteuil”
hidden away in, hidden away behind
crouching in, crouching behind
un fauteuil
un fauteuil à bascule
armchair (FOE-TOY)
rocking chair
“je saisis”
- to take hold of, to grab
- to grasp (as in understand, comprehend)
- to come over, to take hold of (as in emotion)
être saisir de
to be overwhelmed with
plein, -e (adj)
pleins pouvoirs
pleine nature
full powers
open air
Elle s’enfuit (passe simple)
to run away
to skip about
vers (prep)
- towards, toward (as in the direction of)
- somewhere around / near (as in next to)
- around (as in time - around 5 o’clock)
to cover
une caresse
a caress
to caress, to cherish, to stroke
elle revint
She came back (passe simple)
Je vais m’étendre cinq minutes
- to spread
- to lie down
I’m going to lie down for 5 minutes
la nuit blanche
sleepless night
le rideau (les rideaux)
the curtain (the curtains)
tirer les rideaux
to draw the curtains
s’enfouir dans
s’enfouir sous
to bury oneself in
to bury oneself under
- to press, to push
- to support, to back
frais, fraîche (adj)
des boissons fraîches
servir frais
Il fait frais
- cool
- fresh
cool drinks
serve lightly chilled
It’s chilly
sans défaillir
to waver
without wavering
s’emparer de
to seize, to grab
- to embrace, to encompass
- to kiss
- to embark on
sans pouvoir retenir
without being able to hold back
des larmes (f)
une larme de
être en larmes
a drop of
to be in tears
énervé , e (adj)
- irritated or upset
2. “on edge”, nervy or nervous
une fièvre (f)
avoir de la fièvre
j’ai de la fièvre / j’ai un peu de fièvre
to have a fever
I have a fever / I have a bit of a fever
Sept heures sonnèrent (passé simple)
7 hrs went by (lit, 7 sounded)
se mettre à table
- to sit down to eat
2. to spill the beans
s’accouder à / contre / sur
- to lean
2. to rest one’s elbows one / against / on
“Le soir était doux”
- soft
- sweet
- gentle
- mild
The evening was mild.