Imaging Flashcards

Barium enema showing diverticular disease

Barium enema of “lead pipe colon”
Loss of haustral marking characteristic of UC

Apple core colon
Characteristic of colorectal carcinoma

AXR showing pneumoperitoneum
air under diaphragm caused by perforation or surgery

normal axr
small bowel is central and have valvulae conniventes - lines crossing full width of bowel
Large bowel is more peripheral, mottled appearance due to faeces and gas content, haustra that do not cross whole width

Small bowel obstruction
- centrally located loops of air filled bowel
valvulae conniventes confirm it’s small bowel

Large bowel obstruction
- dilatation more than 9cm caecum or more than 6cm rest of colon
- if no gas has reached rectum then complete obstruction

Coffee bean sign - sigmoid volvulus
twisted on mesentey in LIF
proximal bowel also dilated

Sarcoidosis, malignancy, TB
Ask about joint pain, cough

opacification with air bronchograms
e.g cancer, pneumonia, haemorrhage, edema

Pleural plaques
- pleural thickening from chronic asbestos exposure
20-30 years after, benign, no follow up needed

- loss of lung markings

Tension pneumothorax
- mediastinal shift
- loss of lung markings

Pleural effusion
- homogenous opacity
- meniscus
- blunting of costophrenic angles
- loss of cardiac border and hemidiaphragm

Right Middle Lobe consolidation
- horizontal fissure visibile above
- right heart border obscured

Right upper lobe collapse
- opacity
- medistinal shift towards that side

- flattened hemidiaphragms
- blunt costophrenic angles
- distorted lung markings

Heart Failure
- cardiomegaly
- vessel enlargement
- pulmonary edema
- Kerley B lines
- pleural effusion
(- prosthetic valves)

- enlargement of LV/left border
- circular calcification

Pulmonary edema
- bat wing
- Kerley B lines
- pulmonary vein engorgement
+- pleural effusions
+- heart failure

Cobblestone appearance of colon
characteristic of Crohns

Kantours string sign
- bowel narowing characetristic of Crohns disease