Imagery Flashcards
Uses all of one’s senses to construct or recreate an experience in one’s mind
How does imagery help with concentration and decision making?
Concentration by visualizing what to do and how to behave in different scenarios
Raise awareness of competitive cues resulting in quicker decision-making and better execution of player team strategies.
How can imagery enhance motivation?
Viewing yourself as successful and using motivational, mastery imagery has increased the desire to succeed.
How can imagery help build confidence?
Visualizing problems such as missing a ball pass and booing the crowd then imagine taking charge and retaining impartiality on subsequent calls
How can imagery help control emotional responses?
Imagery can increase arousal (getting pumped) while an athlete is feeling lethargic and relieve anxiety if an athlete becomes too tight
Improves positive effect and appreciation of the competitive experience
How can imagery help acquire, practice, and correct skills?
Acquire and practice strategy
Practice and learn new techniques for competitive or individual sports and study alternative strategies
How does imagery help prepare for competition?
Visiaizing venue with plays and decisions made
How can imagery help cope with pain and injury?
Aid in healing and prevent skill weakening
Picture themselves doing practice exercises which aids in recovery
How can imagery help solve problems?
Find or fix performance issues
A player who is not performing like before or past can use imagery to properly evaluate all aspects of his/her success to identify the potentially problematic factors
Imagery Where?
During practice and competitions
Imagery When?
Before, during, and after practice, outside of practice, and before, during and after competition
Imagery Why?
Visualize specific goals and goal-oriented behaviors such as winning a competition or receiving praise for good performance
Imagery what?
How they see themselves
Photos of surroundings
Types of imagery (olfactory, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic)
Perspective taken on imagery (Internal or external)
What is exterior imagery
You see yourself from observer point of view
What is internal imagery
You see yourself doing a skill from your point of view, like a camera on your head
Why do some athletes have more advantages from imagery than others?
Imagery Ability-Athletes who can produce accurate, lifelike images benefit better than those who create distorted flickering images
Athletes with powerful visualization can conjure up vibrant and controlled memories
Athletes with poor self-confidence can find themselves repeating errors in imagery if they lack control
Athlete Skill Level
Seasoned athletes who can rely on personal knowledge to produce a vibrant lifelike picture of their success benefit more than beginners.
Beginners struggle due to unfamiliarity
Imagery Perspective
Internal and external imagery are purposeful at different times
Internal imagery is helpful in sports where the player adapt to rapidly shifting environments such as skiing or soccer because it helps visualize weather and time where movements must be made
External Imagery is ideal for assessing and optimizing, this helps visualize and rehearse the exact positions and gestures used. Can assist in decision-making skills and knowing which steps and tactics to use in different scenarios
Ex basketball-whole court-teammates positions
What are the main keys to effective imagery?
Controllability and vividness
What is controllability?
How to control the images to do what want them to do. Allows you to visualize what you would wish to do than make mistakes.
What is vividness?
It uses all senses to create a vibrant and accurate image. Carefully consider environmental details such as facility, surface type, and spectator proximity.
Feel passions and thoughts of the actual competition
Feel the fear, anger, concentration, annoyance, or exhilaration associated with your performance.
What are the three steps to creating an imagery program?
What is education?
Introduce imagery to spark interest in the power of imagery through your belief
Access athletes ability and shortcomings in producing vibrant, controlled visuals that engage all senses
What is acquisition?
Assist athletes in developing capacity and producing vibrant and controlled images. Including all senses helps create lifelike and effective images, but visual and kinesthetic are used most
Start with basic sports skills and gradually increase difficulty as they grow accustomed
A few minutes a day is helpful, they should rely on imagery for a short period of time at first to ensure user friendly and appealing
What are some ways to help with acquisition?
Involving all senses using vivid cues, concentrating on the situation and the athletes’ reactions, using props and gestures as a part of imagery
Integrate into practice, but still allow practice on their own to sharpen their skills
What is implementation?
Help incorporate imagery into their everyday lives by integrating it into practice and competition
Encourage athletes to build visions of themselves achieving session goals before practice
When an athlete is having a hard time, encourage visualizing a calm scene
Gradually introduce into competition once mastered in practice
Encourage using imagery in the locker rooms before a game and on the bench during a game
When to use imagery?
10 minutes before practice
Before and after competition helps athletes concentrate on the actual challenges as they review what they plan to do for different scenarios
Some do it before starting a competition, come do it 1-2 hours before
Athletes can replay their successful actions in the competition to get a colorful and controlled picture
When recovering from an injury
Use imagery in a combo with relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety