Idioms 2 Flashcards
Acqua in bocca
Mums the word
Sfogarsi 2
Blow off the steam
Let off the steam
Rompere il ghiaccio
Break the ice
Ora tocca a te, dipende da te (no it’s up to you)
The ball is in your court
Vedersela brutta 3
That was a close shave
That was a narrow escape
It was touch and go here for a minute
Hold your horses
Conoscere qualcosa come le tue tasche
Know smt as the back of your hand
Fare un tuffo nel passato
Take a trip down memory lane
Chi ben comincia è a metà dell’opera
Well begun is half done
O la va o la spacca
It’s make or break it
Una volta ogni morte di papa
Once in a blue moon
Make it out alive
Sbattere I denti
Bite the dust
Fare il culo a qualcuno 2
Tear someone a new one
Haul/drag someone over the coal
Tornare sui propri passi
Do a 180
Rinfacciare a qualcuno
Rub someone face in it
Fare l’impossibile/di tutto per 2
Pulling out all the stops to
Go to great lengths to
Restare lontano dai guai
Keep your nose clean
Uscire a fare baldoria
Paint the town red
Fare mente locale
Get your ducks in a row
Fare due chiacchiere
Chew the fat