IDEALS Flashcards
5 Factors influencing self-disclosure
Reciprocity, Norms, Trust, Quality of Relationship and Gender
7 Habits of highly effective people- Individual Regulation
By Steven Covey
Be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first: (these allow us to move from dependence to independence: A private victory)
Think win, seek first to understand then to be understood, and synergise (allow movement from independence to interdependence A PUBLIC Victory)
Sharpen the saw required for all!
Levels of Processing Model
Crail and Lockhart:
Requires elaboration
Emotional Intelligence
Goleman - explains why individuals with the same intelligence reach different levels of success Self Awareness Self Management Empathy Social Skills Empathy
Reflective Cycle: Decription, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, action plan
Pennebaker Theory
Reflection - actively inhibiting thoughts and feelings about traumatic events requires effort and serves as a cumulative stressor on the body - we should share our stories and reflect!
Reflect framework - what happened, importance of it, what we need to do.
Operator errors - active
System errors - latent
Catalysts (happenstancess)
Loss of awareness
Organisation Accident Model
Latent then active failures with other contributory factors, barriers to error at the end of the model
To communicate effectively Situation Backgroud Assessment Recommendation Response
Sense model of change
Gap between new vision and current situation is the creative tension. Creative vision drives us to change!
Emotional tension holds us back - causes us to lower our vison, creating negative emotions!
Coping with stress
Primary - problem solving
Seconary - cognitive restructuring
Disengagement coping - redirects thinking, denial or wishful thinking!†
Teacher centred learning
Teacher is expert, students are passive learners, individual learning theory
Student centred learning
Student knowledge is valued, social model of learning
Community stress prevention model
Support in community, a culture that supperts coping with adversity and underlying believes that to cope is a developmental process!
Be Strong Be Perfect Try Harder Hurry up Please Others
External Factors AFfective Teamwork
Political Environmental Social Technological Legal Economic
Internal factors affecting teamwork
Individual motivation, interpersonal relationships, shared cultures and values, organisation issues
Organisational culture
A collection of norms, beliefs, values and assumptions shared by members and transmitted through time
Maslow hierarchy of needs
Self actualisation (top) then self-esteem needs, love and relationship needs, security needs, biological needs (bottom)
2 Factor motivation theory
By Hertzberg: Hygiene Factors (prevent dissatisfaction) and Motivating factors (cause positive encouragement) combine!
De Bonos Six Hat Teamwork Theory
White - questioner role - looks objectively and analyses
Red - Emotional role
Black - negative role - challenges ideas
Yellow - positive role - optimistic point of view
Green - Creative role
Blue - Thinking bout thinking role - controls discussions
Reflective Writing Stages
Descriptive Descriptive with some reflection Reflection I Reflection II Jenny Moon
Problem Solving
Styles: rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant, spontaneous
SMART Objectives
Smart, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely
Problem Solving Stages
Problem Finding Fact Finding Problem Definition Idea finding Evaluate and select Action Plaanning Gaining acceptance/maintaing motivation
Leadership Skills
Handy - complex cluster of traits
Bass - profile of traits linking intelligence, personality and ability!
Best leadership types
Authoritative, democratic, affiliative and coaching!
for low competence high commitment
Organise and supervise
some competence low commitment
train and support
moderate competence, variable commitment
Praise and facilitate
High competence, high commitment
Delegate responsibility for day to day decision!