In ICF, containers which are cracked, soiled or without secure closures shall not be used. Drug labels shall be ___.
- Typed
- Available
- Legible
- None of the above
- Legible
In ICF, all drugs obtained by prescription shall be ___ in compliance with state and federal laws governing prescription dispensing.
- Legible
- Available
- Labeled
- All the above
- Labeled
In ICF, no person other than the ___ shall alter any prescription label.
- Physician
- Nurse
- Pharmacist
- Administrator
- Pharmacist
In ICF, nonlegend drugs shall be labeled in conformance with state and federal food and drug laws. TRUE OR FALSE
Test reagents, germicides, disinfectants and other household substances shall be stored ___ from drugs.
- Separately
- Away
- 1&2
- All the above
- Separately
External use drugs in liquid, tablet, capsule or powder form shall be stored ___ from drugs for internal use.
- Away
- Separately
- 1&2
- None of the above
- Separately
Drugs shall be stored at appropriate temperatures.
Drugs required to be stored at room temp shall be stored at a
temp between 15C/59F and 30C/86F.
Drugs requiring refrigeration shall be stored in a refrigerator between 2C/36F and 8C/46F. TRUE OR FALSE
When drugs are stored in the same refrigerator with food, the
drugs shall be kept in a closed properly ___ container, clearly ___
1. Labeled/Labeled
2. Available/Available
3. Refrigerated/Refrigerated
4. None of the above
- Labeled/Labeled
Drugs shall be stored in an orderly manner in cabinets, drawers, or carts of sufficient size to prevent ___.
- Clumping
- Co-mingleing
- Crowding
- Freezing
- Crowding
Dose preparation and administration areas shall be well ___.
- Vented
- Lighted
- Organized
- All the above
- Lighted
Drugs shall be accessible only to licensed ___ personnel.
- Administration
- Nursing
- Technical
- None of the above
- Nursing
Bedside storage of medications shall be limited to sublingual or inhalation forms of emergency drugs.
All bedside storage of medications shall be specifically ordered by the ___.
- Administrator
- Nurse
- Physician
- Pharmacist.
- Physician
Drugs shall not be kept in stock after the expiration date on the label and no contaminated or deteriorated drugs shall be available for use. TRUE OR FALSE
The drugs of each pt shall be kept and stored in their originally received containers. ___ drug shall be transferred between containers.
- All
- No
- Each
- None of the above
- No
Discontinued drug containers shall be marked to indicate that the drug has been ___.
- Discontinued
- Labeled
- Received
- Dated
- Discontinued
Discontinued drugs shall be disposed of within ___ days of the date the drug order was discontinued, unless the drug is reordered within that time.
- 30
- 45
- 90
- 180
- 90