In the ICF, manuals of dietetic services policies and of procedures to implement the policies shall be available to all___ concerned with dietetic services.
- Employees
- Personnel
- Patients
- Nurses
- Personnel
In the ICF, manuals shall be developed and kept current with the assistance of the ____ in cooperation with appropriate staff from other services where overlapping functions occur.
- Administrator
- Physician
- Dietitian
- Cook
- Dietitian
In the ICF, a current therapeutic diet manual, if appropriate, is approved by the ___ and readily available to attending physicians and nursing and dietetic service personnel.
- Cook
- Physician
- Administrator
- Dietitian
- Dietitian
In the ICF, therapeutic diets shall be provided as prescribed by the attending physician and shall be planned, prepared and served with supervision and/or consultation from the ___.
- Dietitian
- Administrator
- Cook
- Physician
- Dietitian
In the ICF, menus for regular and modified diets shall be written at least one week in advance, dated and posted in the kitchen at least ___ days in advance.
- Seven days
- Four days
- 21 days
- Three days
- Three days
In the ICF, If any meal served varies from the planned menu, the change shall be noted in ___ on the posted menu in the kitchen.
- Writing
- Person
- Ink
- None of the above
- Writing
In the ICF, Menus shall provide a variety of foods in adequate amounts at each meal. Menus shall be different for the same day of ___ weeks.
- Separate
- Alternate
- Consecutive
- Contiguous
- Consecutive
In the ICF, if a cycle menu is used, the cycle shall be of no less than ___ weeks duration and shall be revised quarterly.
- Two weeks
- Three weeks
- Four weeks
- Six weeks
- Three
In the ICF, menus shall be adjusted to include seasonal commodities. TRUE OR FALSE
In the ICF, Menus shall be planned with consideration for ___ ___ and food habits of pts.
- Menial backgrounds
- Cultural backgrounds
- Potential backgrounds
- Nursing backgrounds
- Cultural backgrounds
In the ICF, a copy of the menu as served shall be kept on file for at least __ days.
- 15 days
- 30 days
- 45 days
- 90 days
- 30 days
In the ICF, records of food purchased shall be kept for ___ year(s) and available for review by the Department.
- One year
- Two years
- Three years
- Five years
- One year