What is a ICD
Implantable cardioversion defibrillator
What does the ICD do
It is multi programmed to deliver cardioversion, pacing, or defibrillation
When is ICD used
In patients who are in at risk for sudden cardiac death due to VF and those who have experienced one or more episodes of VF or VT unrelated to a MI
When will the ICD kick into pace mode
If severe bradycardia occurs
What is a demand pacer
A demand pacemaker Is synchronized with the patients HR, Meaning that it fires only when the patients HR goes below a set point
What is a fixed rate pacer
Fixed rate pacing is a synchronized with the patients HR meaning that it fires continuously at a preset rate regardless of the patients intrinsic HR
What is TBI
A traumatic insult to the brain possibly producing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and vocational changes
What is blunt trauma to the head
The skull is closed ( not compromised) the dura remains intact, brain tissues are not exposed to the environment
What is open trauma
The injury breaks the dura and exposes the cranial contents to the environment
What is the hallmark sign of severe brain injury
Loss of consciousness for 6 hrs or more
What is a focal brain injury
An observable brain lesion
Cerebral edema. Coupe or counter coupe injury
The force of the impact causes contusions
What can contusions cause
Extradural ( epidural) hemmorhage or hematoma
Subdural hematomas
Intracerebral hematomas
Clinical manifestations of a contusion
What is the most common site for a extradural hematoma
The temporal fossa is the most common site of extradural hematoma caused by injury to the middle meninges artery or vein
What is the most common cause of a subdural hematoma
What are the 2 types of subdural hematomas
- Acute
3. Chronic