I Daniel Blake Flashcards
independent film
directed by KL, social realist director, kes, sweet16
poster: name 5x and review about the film, his voice is a tool, signifying the support “masterpiece” “heartbreaking”
- UK/French production
- funded by BBC and BFI (funding ‘bold, original filmmakers’
- national lottery ‘good causes’
- EOne distributers worked with TM, now RPLC, gaining an additional 15m
Daily Mirror
-given a one off, weekly column, titled ‘My Britain’
-reflects papers left-wing readership and ideology of film
-synergy is effective for both
-59% read, 57% said made then want to watch
Jeremy Corbyn
KL is a political ally of JC and made promotional video documenting his ideas and policies
tweeted about watching film before 2019 Jan showing, audience identity and role models
Ken loach largest grossing film
making over 6m and winning Palme d or
net profit -7m but was critically acclaimed as a political cause
- grassroots campaign, premier in Newcastle not London, community screenings
actors stood outside WE premier with placards to raise awareness and social issues
-trad media poster campaigns to attract older demogrpahics, familiar with Loachs work and will have greater PI with IDB and issues it raises
- low budget commando, projecting quote in London, unique and smart, gained attention of multiple demographics
“I Daniel Blake am a citizen, nothing more, nothing less”