Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis Amboss Style Flashcards
A hypermetabolic condition caused by an inappropriately high level of circulating thyroid hormones irrespective of the source.
condition characterized by the overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland; can cause thyrotoxicosis
Subclinical hyperthyroidism level
↓ Serum TSH levels with normal serum free T4 and T3 levels
Overt hyperthyroidism
↓ Serum TSH levels with ↑ serum free T4 and/or T3 levels
Causes grave disease
Autoimmune due to TSH receptor autoantibodies
Causes Toxic MNG
Chronic iodine deficiency
Other findings with graves
Graves ophthalmopathy
Pretibial myxedema
Antibodies with graves
↑ TRAbs, anti-TPO antibody, and anti-Tg
Histopathological findings Graves
Diffuse hyperplasia and hypertrophy of follicular cells
Patches of enlarged follicular cells distended with colloid and flattened epithelium
Toxic MNG
Jod-Basedow phenomenon
A condition of thyrotoxicosis that develops in iodine-deficient individuals with thyroid abnormalities after administration of iodine (e.g., from contrast, amiodarone, or supplements).
Thyrotropic adenoma →level
↑ TSH levels → ↑ T3/T4 levels
Interpretation of elevated thyroid hormones subclinical hyperthyroidism
TSH dec
T4/T3 normal
Antithyroid drugs in thyroid storm
Inhibition of thyroid hormone synthesis
First line: propylthiouracil