Hx And Ex Of GIT Flashcards
Q: Which of the following causes pain radiating to the back?
- Pancreatic disease.
- Penetrating peptic ulcer.
- Diaphragmatic irritation.
- Esophageal reflux.
A and B
Esophageal reflux pain most probably radiates to?
- The Shoulders.
- The Throat.
- The Back.
- The Epigastrium.
The throat
A patient comes to the ER CO/ steady epigastric pain that is relieved by sitting-up and leaning forward. It is also associated w/ vomiting. This is typical for?
- PUD.
- Pancreatic disease.
- Biliary obstruction.
- Renal colic.
Peptic ulcer disease
Hyperpigmented macules around the mouth and buccal mucosa + Hamartomas in the small bowel and colon.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Multiple small telangiectasias at the lips and tongue + arteriovenous malformations.
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu Osler Weber syndrome)
Vesicles on the hand + alcoholic liver disease or hepatitis C.
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Palmar erythema causes
CLD - RA - Thyrotoxicosis - Polycythemia - Pregnancy
Dupuytren’s contracture is associated with?
A patient comes to the ER with Petechiae. He is a chronic alcoholic. What is the probable cause of his petechiae?
BM depression = Thrombocytopenia
A patient reports vomiting of clear gastric contents then the vomiting of blood. This is called?
Mallory-Wiess tear “occurs with repeated vomiting”
Spider naevi causes
Liver cirrhosis due to alcohol, viral hepatitis and 2nd to 5th months of pregnancy
Bitot’s spots are due to
Severe vitamin A deficiency
Brownish green rings at the periphery of the cornea.
Kayser-Fleischer rings “due to excess copper”
Copper storage disease that causes cirrhosis and neurological disturbances.
Wilson’s disease
Which GI disease may presents iritis?
Xanthelasmata is common in patients with
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Periorbital purpura is a characteristic sign of
Amyloidosis (because of factor X deficiency)
Usually following proctosigmoidoscopy
Periorbital purpura (black eye syndrome)
Parotidomegaly is associated with
Asterixis causes
Liver failure - hypoglycemia - hypokalemia - hypomagnesemia - barbiturate intoxication
What causes platelet dysfunction in chronic liver disease?
1- BM depression.
2- Splenomegaly secondary to portal hypertension.
Yellow keratinized areas on the sclera usually caused as a result of severe vitamin A deficiency
Bitot’s spots
Xanthelasmata causes
High serum cholesterol - cholestasis - PBC
Parotid gland enlargement can cause
Facial nerve palsy
Black tongue can be caused by
Accumulation of keratin
The classic triad of conjunctivitis + urethritis + arthritis
Reiter’s syndrome
Virchow’s node + gastric carcinoma =
Troisier’s sign
A drug used for cirrhotic patient and commonly cause gynecomastia
The normal span of the liver should be less than?
13 cm
Causes of a normal but palpable liver
Emphysema - asthma - subdiaphragmatic collection - riedl’s is lobe
Painless enlargement of the gallbladder due to cancer of the head of the pancreas. This sign is?
Curvoisier’s sign
RUQ pain aggravated by inspiration. This sign is?
Murphy’s sign