Human Rights Flashcards
what are human rights?
the basic rights + freedoms to which all human beings are entitled. they are applicable at all times + in all place + they protect everyone equally, without discrimination
examples of statements within the universal declaration of human rights (UDHR)
article 5: no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
article 9: no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile
how has the UDHR been ignored?
cases of child labour, people trafficking, genocide + modern slavery all around the world
how has globalisation affected human rights?
+ enhanced the ability of civil society to work across borders + to promote HR
- has enabled organisations to gain power + perpetrate violations
example of development programmes to try and achieve human rights?
UN’s Millennium development goals (MDGs)
2: achieve universal primary education
4: reduce child mortality
human rights norms
represent ways of living that have been fixed into the culture of a country or area over long periods of time
-> norms are based on moral principles that underpin the universally accepted standards of human behaviour
what happens if countries sign international treaties associated with HR?
it is their duty to respect, protect + fulfil international HR
-> they have to put in domestic measures + legislation which are compatible with that treaty
example of human rights treaty
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
- > designed to change the ways in which children are viewed + treated
- > what a child needs to survive, grow + achieve full potential
infant mortality rate = annual no. of deaths of infants under age of 1 per 1000 live births
Mali 106.5, Chad 91.9 to UK 4.5
-> if a country is not doing what it can to reduce this it = a HR violation
the use of military force by a state in a foreign territory in order to end gross violation of fundamental HR of its citizens
-> humanitarian intervention
military intervention -> + and -
+ stop violence -> benefits local community + contributes to LT socio - economic development + political stability
- injures + death of civilians, loss of homes + population displacement
- could also cause increase in HR abuses
examples of United Nations involvement?
- peacekeeping, political + peace-building missions
- providing military presence to help protect citizens
- teams to protect + promote HR
- help govts to set up laws or strengthen them
what agencies + organisations does the UN co-ordinate?
- regional organisations eg NATO, organisation for security + co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
- non govt organisations eg the internal committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) + Oxfam
- public - private partnerships eg the Gavi alliance
why is global governance complex?
it can involve direct physical intervention as well as application of a growing no. of HR norms, laws + treaties plus the work of civil society
-> effective intervention depends on their interaction + co-ordination at all scale
geo politics
global balance of political power + International relations
-> pattern of political power is closely related to economic power
the geopolitics of intervention in HR issues requires an understanding of:
- political composition of the groups of countries + organisation that are involved
- nature of intervention
- reasons why it is necessary
- characteristics of country, govt + people affected
- complexity of HR issues + their spatial patterns
what organisations promote and protect human rights?
- UN
- NGOs
- treaties + laws
United Nations
- intergovernmental organisations w 193 member states
- main aims = ‘reaffirm faith in fundamental HR’
what are the UN’s agencies concerning HR?
- Office of the High Commissioner. for HR
- HR council
- HR treaty bodies
- Security Council (deals with HR violations)
- ‘on the ground work’ = monitoring + providing early warning of violence, modification of social norms through education
- training in practical skills eg agriculture, water conservation
- medical assistance
example of a treaty
Convention on the Rights of Child
global governance
ST effects -> benefits
- medical assistance + provision of medicines eg NGOS Medicins Sans Frontieres
- Provisions of shelter, sanitation, food + water eg NGOs Oxfam, Save the Children
- military protection preventing further casualties + providing protected areas to live eg UN peacekeeping operations
global governance
ST effects -> negatives
- damage to property
- population displacement
- civilian casualties
- disruption of education
- further disrespect for HR
global governance
LT effects -> positive
- improvement in health + life expectancy
- education equality
- improved transport systems -> access to services
- internalisation of accepted social norms
- strengthened judicial system inc new national laws + stronger rule of law
- reduction in poverty
What are the strategies for global governance of human rights? (HUMANISM TL)
- Humanitarian (military) intervention and relief assistance
- UN peacekeeping operations that promote human rights
- MNC’s influence in terms of their Corporate Social Responsibility
- Agencies of the UN such as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- NGO’s, private organisations, and human rights activists
- International and national laws
- Strengthen the rule of law
- Modernise norms and change them
- Treaties or conventions established by supranational organisations such as UN or EU
- Legal mechanisms such as ECHR and International Criminal Court (ICC)
Name some human rights violations that are either the initial cause of a conflict or a major contributory factor: (DDUOG)
- Denial if human needs ie. food, housing, employment opportunity and limited access to education over prolonged periods
- Discrimination and denial freedom in an undemocratic society
- Unrepresentative government where people are treated unequally an excluded from decision-making
- Oppressive government that doesn’t respect the needs of certain groups
- Genocide and torture
Give an example of humanitarian intervention in 2011
2011 military intervention in Libya was given UN mandate to prevent further violation of human rights
-> HR violations eg bombing + starvation experienced