Why are the energy requirements for women lower than men?
lower body mass than men
physical demands
Why does energy requirements increase as a child grows?
for the growth process
the extra energy needed to maintain their body temperature
How could jobs affect energy requirement?
A person who does hard labour work will use more energy than a person sitting on a desk
someone who takes part in a lot of sport will need more energy than a person who doesn’t
Describe the energy requirements of a pregnant woman.
If the woman has an adequate diet there is no need for more food as the baby’s metabolism will adapt to the demands of a growing baby and the demand for energy and protein increases
If the diet is deficient, in protein, calcium, iron, vitamin D, folic acid, she will need to increase the uptake.
What is a protein needed for?
Required for making tissues
What is calcium needed for?
Bone development
What is Iron needed for?
haemoglobin for blood
What is lactation?
Production of breast milk
How is lactation affected by energy requirements?
The production of milk rich in protein and minerals makes a large demand for the mother’s resources.
What is a balanced diet?
Contains the correct proportions of lipids, carbohydrates proteins, vitamins and minerals, water and fibre that the body needs to function properly
What are the sources of carbohydrates?
Rice potato pasta provide starch
deserts and sweet provide refined sugars
What are the functions of carbohydrates?
oxidised source of energy for respiration
excess carbo stored as glycogen and fat
What are the sources of lipids?
Meat and animal food rich in saturated fat and cholesterol
plant sources are rich in unsaturated fats
What are the functions of lipids?
energy store
provide insulation
make steroid hormones
form part of the cell membrane
What are the sources of proteins?
meat fish eggs legumes
What can deficiency in protein cause?
marasmus and kwashiorkor
What is the function of proteins?
To transport molecules
make enzymes
structural materials hormones and antibodies
What are the sources of vitamin c?
cherries citrus fruits green vegetables
What are the deficiency symptoms of vitamin c ?
Scurvy- production of fibres in the body is affected
What are the sources of vitamin d?
Liver, dairy products, eggs and sunlight
What are the deficiency symptoms of vitamin d?
rickets- bones are soft and may bend as vit D needed for absorption of calcium
What are the sources of iron?
red meat, liver spinach
What are the deficiency symptoms of iron?
Anaemia as iron is needed for the production of haemoglobin
What are the sources of calcium?
milk and cheese and fish
What are deficiency symptoms of calcium?
Weak bones, poor clotting of blood, uncontrolled muscle spasms, rickets
What is fibre?
Indigestible part of food mainly cellulose from plant cell walls
helps to stretch muscles in the gut and push food along through peristalsis
What is malnutrition?
Bad feeding includes eating too much, eating too little food or eating food in wrong proportions
Define Starvation
Suffering or death that is caused by not eating enough food
Describe the diet of kwashiorkor
Diet high in carbohydrates and low in protein
What are the signs of kwashiorkor?
mental and physical development may be impaired
slow muscle development and swollen liver
swollen abdomen due to water from the blood left behind in the tissues
what is marasmus?
general starvation. body tissues waste away, thin with wrinkled skin
What is coronary heart disease?
Too much saturated fat and cholesterol will cause blockage in blood vessels
What is constipation?
Infrequent bowel movements causing difficulty passing faeces
What is obesity?
When the fat storage is beyond a healthy limit
What is ingestion?
Taking substances through the mouth
What is mechanical digestion?
The breakdown of food into small pieces without chemical change to the food molecules
What is chemical digestion?
The breakdown of large insoluble molecules into small water-soluble molecules
What is absorption?
The movement of small digested food molecules and ions through the wall of the intestine into the blood
What is assimilation?
Movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body where they are used becoming part of the cells.
What is egestion?
Passing out of undigested food substances and dietary fibre through the anus
What is diarrhoea?
It is the loss of watery faeces.
What is diarrhoea caused?
It is caused by a bacterial or viral infection from food or water
How does cholera cause diarrhoea?
Vibrio cholera bacteria are ingested and they multiply in the small intestine and invade its epithelial cells. As the bacteria become embedded they release toxins which irritate the intestinal lining and leads to the secretion of large amounts of water and salt. Salts decrease the osmotic potential of the gut drawing more water from surrounding tissues by osmosis. The blood contains too little chloride ions and water
What can diarrhoea cause?
The loss of body fluids and salt leads to dehydration and kidney failure.