Human Movement Sicence 4-1 Flashcards
Terms that describe locations on the body
Anatomical locations
A study that uses principles of physics to quantitatively how forces interact within a body
Positioned above a point of reference
Positioned below a point of reference
Positioned nearest the center of the body or point of reference
Positioned farthest from the center of the body
On the front of the body
On the back of the body
Positioned near the middle of the body
Positioned farther away from the middle of the body
Positioned on the opposite side of the body
Positioned on the same side of the body
Movement in the three planes of motion is said to occur more predominately in a specific plane if it is …
Along the plane or parallel to it
This plane bisects the body into right and left halves and motion occurs around the coronal axis
Sagittal plane
Flexion and extension occur in which plane of motion?
Sagittal plane
The bending of a joint causing the angle of the joint to decrease
The straightening of a joint causing the angle of the joint to increase
List exercises that occur in the sagittal plane (9)
Bicep curl Tricep push down Squat Front lung Calf raises Walking Running Vertical jumping Climbing stairs
Last the joint hat flexion and extension occur (8)
Vertebral, shoulder,
Elbow, wrist
Hip, knee
Foot, hand
This plane divides the body into front and back halfs
Frontal plane
What joint motions occur in the frontal plane
frontal plane motion occurs around an anterior posterior axis
List movements that occur in the frontal plane
Abduction, addiction, lateral flexion in spine
Eversion and inversion at the foot and ankle
Movement away from the midline of the body
Movement toward the midline of the body
Describe lateral flexion
Bending side to side
In what plane does lateral flexion occur
Exercises in the frontal plane (4>
Lateral raises
Side lung
Side shuffle
This plane divides the body into top and bottom halves
Transverse plane
Rotation of a joint toward the midline
Internal rotation
Rotation of a joint away from the midline of the body
External rotation
Transverse plane motion occurs around what axis?
Longitudinal, or vertical axis
List movements in the transverse plane
Internal and external rotation for limbs, right and left rotation for the head and trunk, and radio ulnar pronation and supination
Motions of the transverse plane
Internal and external rotation
Right and left rotation
Horizontal Adduction
Horizontal abduction
Exercises I the transverse plane
Single arm row with rotation Transverse plane lunge Throwing Golfing Swinging a bat
List 3 muscle actions in the muscle action spectrum
Lengthening of a muscle
Inversion and eversion occur in which plane of motion
Th frontal plane