Cardiorespirtory Function 3:3 Flashcards
As the cells of the body use oxygen they produce an oxygen waste by-product known as what?
Carbon dioxide, CO2
List the steps in the cardiorespiratory function starting with inhalation (9)
Inhalation mafia nose and mouth Through the bronchi To the lungs to the alveolar sacs Blood is pumped to the right ventricle Thought the pulmonary arteries to the lungs Blood becomes oxygenated Pumped out through the pulmonary vines to left atrium Pumped to left ventricle Pumped out of body to body tissues
How is carbon dioxide transported from body tissues to the heart, to the lunges
Via de-oxygenated blood
What happens to carbon dioxide once it enters the alveolar sacs
It is diffuses into the pulmonary capillaries and released throught exhalation
The usage of oxygen by the body is known as what?
Oxygen uptake or oxygen consumption
What is oxygen consumption at rest
3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute or 1 MET
What is the best means of gauging cardiorespiratory fitness?
VO2 max
What is VO2 max?
The highest rate of oxygen transport and utilization achieved at max physical exertion
What is the range of VO2 max values?
40-80 millimeters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute, or 11-23 Mets
Oxygen is the necessary catalyst for sustaining many bodily functions when the activity is prolonged for periods longer f
Than . . .?
30 seconds
Any activity requiring oxygen for more than 30 seconds is considered
Any activity requiring oxygen for less than 30 seconds is considered
Action that occurs only in the presence of oxygen
An action in which the body incurs and oxygen debt
The capacity to do work
The biology of energy transformation and the exchanges within the body, and between it and the environment
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
A cellular structure that supplies energy for many biochemical cellular processes by undergoing enzymatic hydrolysis
The energy needed for muscle contraction
ATP has the ability to store large amounts of energy, however the supply of ATP in each cell is limited, therefor cells must have a means of producing more. There are 3 main bioenergetic pathways that produce ATP, what are they?
ATP-CP creatine phosphate (anaerobic)
Glycolysis (lactic acid) (anaerobic)
Oxidative (aerobic)
Collectively ATP-CP creatine phosphate (anaerobic)
Glycolysis (lactic acid) (anaerobic) Oxidative (aerobic) are known as the
bioenergetic continuum
Together ATP and CP (creatine phosphate) are called
Phosphagens system
Which system provides energy for high intention, short intensity duration bouts of exercise (10 seconds) example, heavy weight training
Which energy system is used for power and strength training using heavy loads, few reps, or a short sprint
Why is the ATP-CP system limited in it’s capacity to sustain energy production (10) seconds
Because it must rely on minimal storage of ATP and CP within the cells
Which energy system utilizes the breakdown of carbohydrates (glucose) to rapidly produce ATP
Glycolysis (anaerobic lactic acid)
One glucose molecule will produce 2 ATP through anaerobic glycolysis, what is the byproduct of this?
What happens if the muscle cell can not utilize the pyruvate fast enough?
A build up of lactic acid will occur
What causes an increase of acidity of the muscle cell and interferes with muscle contraction?
Excess lactic acid
The glycolysis (anaerobic lactic acid) energy system produces energy for how long?
30-50 seconds or 8-12 reps
Most exercise programs use which energy system in the biogenetic continuum?
Glycolysis (anaerobic lactic acid)
What does the oxidative (oxygen) system rely on for ATP
Carbohydrates and fat
Why is the oxidative (oxygen) system the slowest of the three systems?
It requires increased amounts of oxygen to match the muscular requirements of the exercise, oxygen is supplied via respiration and takes a while to elevate and therefore consume the required amounts Of oxygen
One glucose molecule produces how much ATP
Which energy system produces the greater amount of ATP?
Oxidative (oxygen)
In the oxidative system how much ATP does one molecule of glucose produce.
36 ATP
Breathing dysfunction is a very common predecessor to kinetic chain dysfunction. It often results from breathing associated with what?
Stress or anxiety
Common health complaints that are caused by breathing dysfunction (5)
Headaches, anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep patterns, poor circulation
If breathing patterns become more shallow (breathing dysfunction) the body uses secondary respiratory muscles more than the diaphragm. How does this negatively effect the body?
Negatively effects posture
Short shallow breaths can lead to altered carbon dioxide oxygen blood content resulting of feelings of what?
What is the effect of inadequate oxygen and retention of metabolic waste within muscles?
It can created stiff muscles and joints