Human Diversity (1) Flashcards
Root question of human diversity: are humans more alike or more different?
Similarity vs Distinctiveness
Common biological heritage and behavioral tendencies. Biologically: two eyes, one mouth etc, behaviorally: walk upright, have language. Evidence for _____.
Evidence for Similarities (vs distinctiveness)
Different appearances: skin color, height, psychological experience. More likely to attract attention. Psychologists and the public ten to focus on the evidence for _______.
Evidence for Distinctiveness (vs similarities)
The study of the relative influence. Aims to determine the relative contribution our genes (hereditary) and environment (parental nutrition/ social experience) has on our behavior.
Behavior Genetics
How scientists study behavior genetics.
Separate heredity from environmental influences
Behavior geneticists keep home environment constant and vary the genetics, to measure ___.
The impact genes have on behavior. Adoptive situations
Behavior geneticists keep heredity constant and change the home environment to measure _____.
The effect home environment has on behavior. Twins reared apart
Anecdote: Identical twins reared together are most similar, but identical twins reared apart tend to be more similar than fraternal twins reared apart.
Jim twins, importance of genes.
Identical genetic makeup, much more similar than F in neurosis, emotions, social behaviors, personality. If your ___ is divorced, your odds go up by 5% rather than 1.6% in f twins
Identical twins
Genetic relatives - bio parents and sibs and
Environmental relatives - ado parents and sibs
Adoption creates two groups of individuals
Adopted children are much more similar to their ____ parents on agreeability, personality, and behavior.
Adopted children are much more similar to their ___ parents on attitudes, values, manners, faith, and political orientation.
A child’s ___ shapes their beliefs, attitudes, and values
Gender Differences in sexuality: ___ are more likely to initiate sexual activity, perceive warm response as sexual come on, engage in causal sex. Sex is pleasurable, done for recreation, like less commitment
Gender differences in sexuality: ___ are more likely to view sex as part of a relationship, committed partner, emotional attachment, connect love and emotion are connected to sex.
Gender differences study: Clark and Hatfeild (1978)
Avg looking male and female research assistants approach attractive people of the opposite sex on campus and ask if they want to go to bed. 0% of women said yes, 75% of men said yes
Gender differences in mating, by natural selection. __ prefer smooth skin, youthful shape, indications of health and fertility. Prefer peak fertility age
Gender differences in mating, by natural selection. _____ prefer a willingness to commit, ability to father offspring, mature, dominant, affluent, bold.
Genetic makeup, intelligence, size of vocabulary, level of happiness
Men and women are similar
Physical differences in gender: ___ enter puberty two years earlier, live five years longer, carry more body fat, five inches shorter, prone to depression/anxiety/ED
Physical differences in gender: ___ have more body mass, more prone to alcoholism, successful suicide, more likely to be colorblind, diagnosed with autism, ADHD and antisocial personality
Social differences: ____ commit more agression, more socially dominant, ____ more interconnected and interdependent, have more empathy.
Men, Women
Behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group of people.
Benefits of ____: facilitates a species’ social and economic system by adaptive advantage: through ___ we have money, rules, and communication. Facilitates survival and adaptation
Type of culture. “I achieve for myself.” “My freedom is very important.” You are defined by your personality traits
Individualist Culture
Type of culture. Group goals, solidarity, value is based on drive for harmony, identity is defined by group memberships, people strive to maintain social connections and perform one’s role in society
Collectiveness Culture