Human Behaviour In The Social Environment Flashcards
What are the 8 stages of the family life cycle?
1) family of origin experiences
2) leaving home
3) premarriage stage
4) childless couple stage
5) family with young children
6) family with adolescents
7) launching children
8) later family life
What are the 5 stages of couple development?
1) romance
2) power struggle
3) stability
4) commitment
5) co-creation
What is the defence mechanism of acting out?
Emotional conflict is dealt with through actions rather than feelings
What is the defence mechanism of compensation?
Enables one to make up for real or fancied deficiencies
What is the defence mechanism of conversion?
Repressed urge is expressed disguised as a disturbance of body functions, usually of the sensory, voluntary nervous system
What is the defence mechanism of decompensation
Deterioration of existing defences
What is the defence mechanism of denial?
Inability to acknowledge true significance of thoughts, feelings, wishes, behaviour, or external reality factors that are consciously intolerable
What is the defence mechanism of devaluation?
Where the person attributes exaggerated negative qualities to self or other. (BPD)
What is the defence mechanism of dissociation?
A process that allows a person to split mental functions I a manner that allows them to express forbidden or unconscious impulses without taking responsibility for the action (ie fugue states, amnesia, dissociative neurosis)
What is the defence mechanism of displacement?
Directing a wish, impulse, or feeling toward a person or situation that is not its real object, thus permitting expression in a less threatening situation
What is the defence mechanism of idealization?
Overestimation of an admired aspect or attribute of another
What is the defence mechanism of identification?
Universal mechanism whereby a person patterns them self after a significant other. Plays a significant role in personality development, especially superego development
What is the defence mechanism or identification of aggressor?
Mastering anxiety by identifying with a powerful aggressor to counteract feelings of helplessness and to feel powerful oneself. Usually involves behaving like an aggressor
What is the defence mechanism of incorporation?
Primitive mechanism in which psychic representation of a person is (or parts are) figuratively ingested
What is the defence mechanism of inhibition?
Loss of motivation to engage in (usually pleasurable) activity, avoided because it might stir up conflict over forbidden impulses (writing, learning, social shyness)
What is the defence mechanism of introjection?
Loved or hated external objects are symbolically absorbed within self (converge of projection-eg. in severe depression, unconscious, unacceptable hatred is turned toward self)
What is the defence mechanism of intellectualization?
Where the person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic. Emotional aspects are completely ignored as irrelevant. Jargon often used.
What is the defence mechanism of isolation of affect?
Unacceptable impulse, idea, or act is separated from its original memory source, thereby removing the original charge associated with it
What is the defence mechanism of projection?
Primitive defence-attributing ones disowned attitudes, wishes, feelings, and urges to some external object or person
What is the defence mechanism of projective identification?
A form of projection utilized by persons with BPD, unconsciously perceiving others behaviour as a reflection of ones own identity
What is the defence mechanism of rationalization?
Third line of defence-not unconscious. Giving believable explanation for irrational behaviour, motivated by unacceptable unconscious wishes or by defences used to cope with such wishes
What is the defence mechanism of reaction formation?
Person adopts affects, ideas, attitudes, or behaviours they are opposites of those they harbour consciously or unconsciously (eg being excessively sweet to mask unconscious anger)
What is the defence mechanism of regression?
Partial or symbolic return to more infantile patterns of reacting or thinking. Can be in service of ego
What is the defence mechanism of repression
Key mechanism, expressed clinically by amnesia or symptomatic forgetting serving to banish unacceptable ideas, fantasies, affects or impulses from consciousness
What is the defence mechanism of splitting?
Associated with BPD in which a person perceives self and other as all good or all bad. Serves to protect good objects. Person can’t integrate the good and bad in people
What is the defence mechanism of sublimation
Potentially maladaptive feelings or behaviours diverted into socially acceptable, adaptable channels (eg a person who has angry feelings channels then into athletics)
What is the defence mechanism of substitution?
Unattainable or unacceptable goal, emotion, or object is replaced by one more attainable or acceptable
What is the defence mechanism of symbolization?
A mental representation stands for some other thing, class of things, or attribute. It can underlie dream formation, or other symptoms with a link between patent meaning of symbol or symptom. Usually unconscious
What is the defence mechanism of turning against self?
Defence to deflect hostile aggression or other unacceptable impulses from another to self
What is the defence mechanism of undoing?
A person uses words or actions to symbolically reverse or negate unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or actions (eg. Excessive hand washing to deal with obsessive thoughts)
What is role theory?
Examines how roles influence a wide array of psychological outcomes, including behaviour, attitudes, cognitions, and social interaction
What is role ambiguity?
Lack of clarity of role
What is role complementarity
The role is carried out in an expected way
What is role discomplementarity?
The role expectations of others differ from ones own
What is role reversal?
When two or more individuals switch roles
What is role conflict
Incompatible or conflicting roles