HUG vocab chap 9 Flashcards
dietary energy consumption
amount of food a person consumes
food security
physical, social, and economic access at all times to nutritious food to meet needs and preferences for active/healthy lifestyle
dietary energy consumption continuously below sufficient for healthy life and light exercise
cereal grain
grass that yields grain for food
deliberate modification of earth through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals for sustenance or economic gain
any plant cultivated by people
agricultural revolution
process that began when humans first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering
subsistence agriculture
production of food primarily for consumption by farmer’s family
commercial agriculture
production of cash crops primarily for sale off the farm
cash crop
crop grown for sale rather than farmers own use
primary economic activity
extracting things from the earth
secondary economic activity
manufacturing/ processing raw materials
tertiary economic activity
activity involving service (sell or exchange goods)
quaternary economic activity
industry based on information, public administration, research and development
quinary economic development
industry based on high levels of education and decision making
intensive subsistence agriculture
form of subsistence ag where farmers put large amount of effort into producing max crop yield of given parcel of land
crop rotation
rotating use of different fields from crop to crop to avoid exhausting the soil
wet rice
rice planted on dry land then moved to flooded fields to promote growth
flooded field for growing rice
Malay word for wet rice, also used to describe a flooded field
shifting cultivation
form of subsistence ag where people shift often from 1 field to another
pastoral nomadism
form of subsistence ag where domestic animals are herded in places where planting crops is impossible
plantation farming
large commercial farming that specializes in 1 or 2 crops
cultivation of sea food under controlled conditions
commercial ag with integration of different steps in food processing industry, usually through ownership by large corporation
mono cropping
practice of growing the same crop year after year on same soil/farm
growing of fruits, vegetables, and flowers
market gardening & fruit gardening
relatively small scale production of fruits, vegetables, and other horticulture
truck farming
commercial gardening & fruit farming (farm produces fruit and veggies to be shipped and sold to market)
commercial grazing of livestock over an extensive area
dairy farm
specializes in production of milk and other dairy products
ring surrounding a city from which milk can be supplied without it spoiling
mixed crop and livestock farming
integration of crops and livestock
human actions that cause land to deteriorate to a desert like condition
second agricultural revolution
increase in agricultural productivity through improvement of crop rotation and breeding of livestock
green revolution
rapid diffusion of new ag technology especially new high yield seeds and fertilizers
genetically modified organisms (GMO)
living organism that possesses novel combination of genetic material obtained through use of modern biotechnology
organic agriculture
farming that depends on use of naturally occurring substances while prohibiting use of synthetic substances
conservation tillage
method of soil cultivation that reduces soil erosion and runoff
no tillage
leaves all soil undisturbed, entire residue of previous years harvest left untouched on field
chemical to control unwanted plants
substance to control pests, including weeds
seasonal migration of livestock between mountain and lowland pasture area
third agricultural revolution
series of improvements in ag, industrializing ag and reducing world hunger
metes and bounds survey system
uses straight lines and key geographic features to define property boundaries
long lot survey system
uses long and narrow areas with transportation routes to define property boundaries
rectangular survey system
uses grid of rectangular parcels to define property boundaries
township and range survey system
uses lines of latitude and longitude to define property boundaries
luxury crop
crop grown primarily for non essential consumption, rather for pleasure or aesthetic